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Fundamentals of photography national geographic free download

2021.12.17 22:03

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And to get great photos, you have to get out there in the field and start looking at the world with your eyes—and your skills—prepared to overcome challenges and find the best story.

Consider the 24 lessons of Fundamentals of Photography II your gateway to taking better, richer photos. Sign in Join. Sign in. Forgot your password? Create an account. Sign up. Password recovery. Recover your password. I would say No. Based on the information provided in the question, I would recommend starting with Fundamentals of Photography I.

To find all courses that have closed captions, enter the words "closed captions" in the search field in the upper right hand area of the website. All new courses released since July include closed captions on the DVD format. We recognize that many of our older course titles were never closed captioned and are working to determine whether and how to add CC in appropriate ways for both physical DVD and digital formats for those courses not currently available in CC format.

DVD resolution is p. Streaming is ; if you have a higher connection speed it can go up to a max of p. This course is done completely on your own at your own pace. There are no assignments to turn in though there is an assignment to do on your own after each lecture , no grades, no tests and no certificates of completion. The file format will vary depending on your device, however, the files m4v,wmv,m4b,mps will work on Windows and Apple Devices.

If you have Windows newest operating system you will need to install a player to watch or listen to the courses. However, the player is free and our digital support team can assist you with this. If you would like assistance playing the courses on your device please call customer service at 1. Discover the best way to photograph people, the best focus to use for portraits, and how to create a photomontage.

Discuss a number of experiments for getting interesting - even breathtaking - photographs at night. National Geographic Masters of Photography. Fundamentals of Photography II.

The Everyday Gourmet: Cooking with Vegetables. Course No. Choose a Format Instant Video. Add to Cart Choose a format in order to add this course to your cart. Add to Wishlist Please choose a format in order to add this course to your Wish List. Joel Sartore The reach of this course amazed me.

People from all over the world have written to tell me their pictures are much better because of the lecture series. That's so very satisfying. Great photography goes beyond knowing about how lenses and f-stops work. Taking great photographs means knowing how to choose the right tool or apply the right technique to capture your subject in the best possible way.

Photographers who Think of photography as visual problem solving. How about in sparse environments like an abandoned farmhouse? Here, learn savvier ways to find the pictures you want—or may not have known you wanted. Light, according to Professor Sartore, is what great photography is all about. In this lesson, he shows you how to take a more measured, thoughtful approach to various light sources, techniques, and effects—including back lighting, side lighting, floor lighting also known as ghost lighting , and colored lighting.

Discover the secrets of expert landscape photographers, including when to shoot and how to frame your foreground. Underwater photography is tricky, expensive, and often requires bulky special equipment. But there are certain strategies anyone can use to capture great photographs in aquatic environments. In this lesson, experiment with underwater shots and have some fun! Reflectivity in photography, when used the right way, can transform the annoyances of reflections and glares into powerful ways to add a splash of brilliance to dark scenes and create layered images.

What are the ways you can make reflections work for you instead of against you? Find out here. Any good photographer, whether professional or amateur, should know how to handle shadows. Professor Sartore shows you how to effectively wield the small lights that come with basic cameras. What happens when you take the flash off your camera? Diffuse it with a tissue? Play around with shutter speeds? First, explore the two basic types of light that studio photographers use.

Then, take the studio lights outside and experiment with studio lights plus ambient light—and even turn daytime into night. There are average, everyday portraits—and then there are unforgettable portraits. Focus here on candid, environmental portrait photographs outside the studio. Overcome your worries about night photography and sharpen your skills at working with and capturing moonlight, starlight, and even urban lights.

Professor Sartore walks you through some night scenarios you may never have thought could yield such compelling photographs. Follow Professor Sartore on several shoots and discover how to take photos with a more artistic eye, how to playfully deceive viewers—and how to do it all without the aid of digital post production.

Continue your exploration of more artful photography with a lesson on setting up and shooting funny, bizarre, and outrageous scenes and subjects. How can you use the knowledge and techniques of professional photographers to do something different with these out-of-the-ordinary scenarios? Prepare to think and shoot outside the box.

Here, learn how to add layers of intrigue and dynamism to indoor and outdoor still lifes by changing your perspective, shooting through objects, adjusting your depth of field, and other old-fashioned photography principles. Fall in love all over again with black-and-white photography, which looks great in just about any light and allows you to create compositions and moods you could never achieve with color photography. For a unique, cleaned-up view of the world, nothing beats an aerial shot.

The end result: photos that stand out from the millions posted online every day. But they can actually be quite challenging if you want to go beyond the obvious. If you have any good recommendations, please leave them in the comments below so everyone can benefit.

Night sky photography has been all the rage recently, especially over Instagram. Learn from a professional night sky photography with this excellent free ebook from Photzy.

Fine art photography is a way for the photographer to express his or her work as an artist, without the constraints of a particular genre. Make sure you know where you stand regarding the law and your ownership of images. PhotoShelter pumps out the free photography books, and this is one of many they offer. Whilst guides such as these quickly go out of date, this one by Photo Concentrate contains some useful tips on your next camera purchase that are still very much relevant today.

In the web is a lot of files for free, also photographic files. Go ahead, download them! Print them if you want to. Going Candid by Thomas Leuthard. Categories: Street Photography. Thomas Leuthard is a street photographer from Switzerland, started in In his eBook, he writes about his approach to street photography full with inputs based on his experiences all through these years. The best books on photography will help you improve your skills, give you a fresh perspective on how to approach a shoot, and provide a burst of inspiration and ideas for new projects.