Download pdf bats biology and behaviour
Toggle navigation. This book is a comprehensive introduction to their biology. Suitable as a textbook for undergraduates and written by one of the world's leading researchers, the book offers an accessible summary of the extensive body of research on bats. The book takes a broad physiological perspective and devotes separate chapters to specific physiological systems as well as to bat ecology and phylogeny.
It features a thorough discussion of echolocation, which continues to be the subject of intense research, and describes many European and neotropical bats, as well as North American species. Biology of Bats is an important resource both for students and researchers. The Biology of Bats. Get Books. Well adapted to numerous habitats, bats comprise almost one quarter of all species of mammals. Suitable as a textbook for undergraduates and written by one of the world's leading researchers, the book offers an accessible summary of the extensive body of.
Biology of Bats. Biology of Bats, Volume I, examines most of the basic characteristics related to the anatomy, physiology, behavior, and ecology of the bat. In addition, identifying the closest viral relatives of SARS-CoV-2 circulating in animals will greatly assist studies of viral function. The genomic features described here may explain in part the infectiousness and transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 in humans. Although the evidence shows that SARS-CoV-2 is not a purposefully manipulated virus, it is currently impossible to prove or disprove the other theories of its origin described here.
However, since we observed all notable SARS-CoV-2 features, including the optimized RBD and polybasic cleavage site, in related coronaviruses in nature, we do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible. More scientific data could swing the balance of evidence to favor one hypothesis over another. Obtaining related viral sequences from animal sources would be the most definitive way of revealing viral origins.
For example, a future observation of an intermediate or fully formed polybasic cleavage site in a SARS-CoVlike virus from animals would lend even further support to the natural-selection hypotheses.
The identification of a potential intermediate host of SARS-CoV-2, as well as sequencing of the virus from very early cases, would similarly be highly informative. Irrespective of the exact mechanisms by which SARS-CoV-2 originated via natural selection, the ongoing surveillance of pneumonia in humans and other animals is clearly of utmost importance. Zhou, P. Wu, F. Gorbalenya, A. Article Google Scholar.
Jiang, S. Dong, E. Lancet Infect. Article PubMed Google Scholar. Corman, V. Virus Res. Wan, Y. Walls, A. Wrapp, D. Letko, M. Sheahan, T. Nao, N. MBio 8 , e Chan, C. Follis, K.
Virology , — Menachery, V. Alexander, D. Ito, T. Bagdonaite, I. Glycobiology 28 , — Cui, J. Zhang, T. Yamada, Y. Rambaut, A. Huang, C. Dudas, G. Wang, N. Ge, X. Nature , — Lim, P. Wong, M. Liu, P. Viruses 11 , The Biology and Conservation of Australasian Bats. This book, the Biology and Conservation of Australasian Bats, follows from the successful 3-day forum of the same name held in April at the Australian Museum.
Hormones and Reproduction of Vertebrates. This series of volumes represents a comprehensive and integrated treatment of reproduction in vertebrates from fishes of all sorts through mammals. It is designed to provide a readable, coordinated description of reproductive basics in each group of vertebrates as well as an introduction to the latest trends in reproductive research.