Sism 4 cas poses mod downloads

2021.12.17 22:08

This makes it by far one of the most immersive CAS backgrounds on this list; it really looks like your Sim has wandered into some sort of forbidden grotto for the sake of a really sweet photoshoot.

Because the creator may have used her Merida Sim as the inspo feature photo, but she never stated this was the Highland forest of Brave fame. In fact if you look at it, it could work as any generic enchanted forest you want to plop your Sims in.

It photographs great, too. Just like the Forgotten Grotto piece, the objects in the background have that clayified Maxis Match texture that gives them actual depth and dimension. There are six styles to choose from, and the creator was even nice enough to include a recolor kit!

There are seven different town streets for you to choose from. I personally liked the sepia, old-timey feel of Background 5. I personally think the lighting and shadows here — combined with the unconventional concept — make each background option look freaking artistic.

This flat mesh from Arch allows you to plaster screenshots on it to create custom CAS backgrounds. It instead gives us two pretty cool CAS backgrounds to enjoy: an art room background and a city street background.

The backgrounds here have that nice clayified texture that makes CAS screenshots look like they were taken in-game.

A feature I personally love. It cuts out a huge annoyance where literal hours after the fact your sim might actually get up by themselves without you telling them to.

Here are some of the ones I found, for example. Whenever your child and teen sim goes off, precious hours of their days are lost. Well, have no fear! You can download and install this mod to cut the amount of time children and teens will be in school by giving them an earlier exit.

If you want to roleplay your families having to sign up for welfare, then this Sims 4 mod is perfect for your next playthrough or even challenge. Your sims can sign up for it by applying for it as though it were a career. While there are a lot with all of the expansion packs and the base game, there can always be more, right?

Modders think so, too. If you, like me, are really weirded out by how often sims are just DTF all the time, then this mod will be great for you. Thus, every single career will yield less and your bills will get higher. Especially if you installed the bills mod I mentioned earlier in this post. A great way to add uniqueness to your characters by making them have specific dating preferences, eh? Especially for your sims. Check around for new recipes, like this one that introduces two new soups.

Not even the Romantic or Alluring sims! Well, this modder thought so, too, and made a mod that allows Alluring and Romantic characters to get their fun need up with some romance! Kissing, flirting, everything will get that moodlet and mood up.

With this mod, cooking has become a bit harder. That is, before this mod. When a fire bursts out in the game, your sim can often get caught in it. But what if damage were done to their skin already once that happens? This mod gets rid of the random illness system brought in by the Get to Work expansion. Find it troublesome dealing with your sim getting sleepy all the time?

With it, the fires in The Sims 4 can start up faster and spread quickly. They become more intense as you choose from three different options. Perfect for those that want to quickly dispose of their sims. In The Sims 4, leveling up your skills means getting a very intrusive message in the center of the screen. I really summed this one up right there in the subheading. No need to pay those points you get. This is a huge plus for anyone looking to open up a five star restaurant as fast as they possibly can.

This is a good one for those builders out there. Autonomous sims tend to make poor choices. This is useful as it will assure that your sim keeps their mood going. The Activity Table is awesome for kids to work on their creativity, but it can be extremely clunky. With this mod, the whole thing becomes just a chair that you can set to any table. The game waits five minutes after a sim has spawned into a lot before spawning in the next one. Five whole sim minutes. This mod works to shorten that time so that locations are a lot less barren.

Super useful when combined with mods that increase number of people in a lot. No one likes it when the world feels empty, and this Sims 4 mod definitely helps with that. Your families are super efficient sometimes. But that can also mean super grossness as they take their dirty dishes to the bathroom sink instead of the kitchen.

While the original art for The Sims 4 is great, having realistic skins always ups the quality of any game with mods. There are sure to be many new skin mods that will come out as time progresses, so keep an eye out for them. This mod, for example, is one of the very few and helps to make your characters look more realistic with their skin texture. Think your male sims look a bit too much like Ken dolls? Just… just check it out. Time can be super fast in this game.

Before you know it, you hardly have time to go out after a long work day. Especially since you want to make sure you complete your work requirements and keep your basic needs up. Tired of certain people coming over and rummaging through your stuff?

This mod makes it possible to lock doors for certain people. You can choose up to 8 different sims to not lock it for and allow them to freely enter and exit whatever room. As has been stated many times, the characters in the game are sometimes total idiots with their autonomous actions. Like feeding them instead of changing their diaper. This mod makes their autonomous decisions a lot smarter when it comes to making sure a baby is happy.

Waiting for a baby to be born can be pretty annoying. This mod makes it possible to speed up the pregnancy with seven different options.

Want to see your sims in a new light? Take out those censor mosaic blurs with this mod. Perfect with that previously mentioned male junk mod, eh? This mod is simple enough, but it gets rid of some dastardly glow if you happen to hate it.

This mod is perfect for those that have Get to Work and find that moving up on their career paths is a bit time consuming and difficult. It allows you to stay at your Doctor, Scientist, or Detective job for 15 hours, have the option to stay even later, and get double the wages for the time spent. Get those promotions! This mod adds a juice blender to your buy options for your household. Note that the better the fruit, the better the juice quality.

Oh, and it will cost you simoleons. This mod allows children to harvest from trees and bushes all the fruits they might want. Who knows! The original Sims 4 advertisements were filthy liars in the way it made it look like couches could hold multiple sims all together like that.

Well, this mod sets out to make this a reality. This mod adds the functionality to the static alarm clocks to allow your sims to wake up a bit earlier than they normally would. This is to help them prep in the mornings. Well, now you can! Want some high-security decor for your household, retail store, or lot?

Well, this mod adds the buyable security cameras to your game. They will cost you simoleons. Have a musically inclined sim but hate how long it takes them to write a song? This mod makes it so that your sims can write a song on piano, guitar, or violin in just two hours. With it, the distortion that started happening after a patch will be bye-bye.

To make it way better and more emotional, you can download this mod and make it a much more intimate moment between the two sims. This mod just makes easter egg collecting way easier for your sim. It makes the chances 20 or 40 times higher so you can get one of the specific easter eggs whenever you click the hidden eggs.

This mod makes skins available for your child sim to be able to look like a tiny robot. Let them loose on society! It brings many different skins, colors, and heads. Perfect for getting rid of Death, right? It makes all the poses a more neutral look, without smiling and showing teeth. No happiness for you! This mod is also a gorgeous, aesthetic one that changes the way water looks like in pools and ponds. Now, water will be reflective, shiny, and look very realistic.

This mod removes the sims need to constantly go get a random drink. This mod brings a set of Pokemon shirts for your sims to don around town. Check Out This CC. All you need is a pose player, a Sim teleporter all links in the category description , and an absolutely sunny background. You can definitely have two Kids or two Toddlers rather than one of each , but do be aware that some of these poses need Sim A to carry Sim B, so… Best to consider the logistics before setting up. This pack of 40!!

Shout out to the way TS3 Sims talked, though; those animations were iconic. But sometimes you want something a little less cartoon-y and a little more … genuine. From subtle eyebrow raises to tiny finger gestures, full-on leaning forward in anticipation to slumped back in frustration, these poses perfectly capture the bodily idiosyncrasies of having a spontaneous conversation. Capture the camaraderie of your Sims with this cute Times of Friends pose back by memoriesplasticine.

Basically, studio setups versus candids and stolen shots. The models look relaxed. Completely at ease. Just another day out with their crew of ride-together, die-together friends. The first pose is good for a group of six Sims.

Hanging out on a jet ski is such a fun time and these poses for your sims are really adorable and show how much they love each other. These poses are really fun and look incredible with Sulani as the background for your images.

These poses require you to have the pose player as well as the teleport mod. This pose pack is super cute and shows off a sims talents as a graphic designer. Make sure that you check out the links in the pose pack description because you are going to need to download that design tablet, a coffee cup, a phone, as well as the required mods.

This pose pack has a sim sitting on the floor in various levels of distress, showing so much emotion and creating really emotional imagery. To create these beautifully sad images you are going to need both the pose player mod and the teleport mod so you can uses these properly.

These ones feature so many adorable images of kids jumping over a pool or posing near it with peace signs and just being generally adorable. Anyone who is looking for poses to be able to tell a romance story with their sims will absolutely love this pose pack.

These poses have sims in some very intimate positions and even lets them cuddle in bed which is super cute. This pose pack is super adorable and requires you to have the pose player mod as well as the teleport.

These painting images are so adorable so if you have a sim who is a painter as their career or loves to paint as a hobby, these poses are great for them. It will have your sim doing inquisitive positions while painting and actually putting brush to canvas which is so adorable. Could have just been my Sims, but my Male Sim ended up looking a little too stretched out.

This pack may not be the most extensive pack on this list, but it definitely has a lot of big group photos. I count five out of the six pose options where there are more than six Sims in a frame. One of the poses even requires a whopping 12 Sims in it! But sheer volume aside, the poses in this set are just as affectionate and beautiful as most of the other poses on this list.

They combine casual affection and familial fondness with just a dash of playful awkwardness — the kind of playful you get when you are one hundred percent comfortable. Specifically, parents reading their kids to sleep. The expressions are lovingly soft, the features subtle but still emotional, and the positions just too adorable. I am an especially big fan of the first two poses, where all your Sims are just puppy-piled on one couch. The looks on the faces of the adult Sims in both poses — but particularly the second pose — are just so freaking fond.

But I will point out that not having the book accessory turns every pose awkward, so be sure to download the one that simmerberlin links in the description. So they created these poses to suit their setup.

If your own Sim family has more tiny Sims than full-sized Sims running around, this might not be the best pose pack for you. And has no regard whatsoever for personal bubbles.

By the by, if you want to use the third pose, just know that the creator apologizes in advance. And recommends you save the photo for reference.