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You don't have to show us the world you live in but you do and we appreciate it. The frist 11 minutes are what makes the video perfect! Mais trop I love this concept of merging Vlogs with porn. Also, as a friendly suggestion for the future, maybe do yellow subtitles or something of the sorts. There were times where I couldn't read them because the background was too bright. Other than that awesome video. Hope to see more! Bravo luna. Bonne continuation.
Awesome and wonderful! Perfect from the first to the last second! I've always wanted a vlog featuring a hot girl to feature her fucking someone uncensored, so this is legit a fantasy fulfilled.
I think the extra bits adds to the hotness. Tu es tellement adorable Luna Merci pour l'ensemble. Rina Costa. Kiss for you. For the first 11 minutes I thought I was watching travel vlogs on YouTube.
My screen turned Black when I was cumming! I didn't skip. I watched the vlog. It was great! The vlog was great. I didn't get to the sex part. Sophie Bloom. I can't understand your language. Maybe you can change your colour of the subtitle. When you wore white shirt. Their van be living in Hey guys, when your done watching, can you sub to my Channel Dune on YouTube? Linda Sparkle. I was just watching vlog peacefully, And than they starting to fuck.
This is unacceptable and so disrespectful. This is a great video; the vlogging style is wonderful. It's what I'm doing more of as well, because sex is apart of life and not just the singular.
This is great, it make it more wonderful to watch. But these organizations face significant limitations to the scope of their work. In addition to prohibitions against bringing class action lawsuits, LSC groups are barred from representing certain clients, including incarcerated people and people charged with drug offenses facing eviction. Resources are also an issue. Without adequate funding, legal aid lawyers are forced to turn people away and operate with insufficient resources.
Like collective action waivers, forced arbitration agreements—which show up in everything from employment contracts to credit card and cell phone agreements—are another way to skew the justice system in favor of corporations and disadvantage everyday Americans. As noted in the previous section, forced arbitration clauses in employment or consumer contracts can be standalone or combined with class action waivers.
Through forced arbitration agreements—often purposely designed to be confusing—workers and consumers harmed by employers or manufacturers lose the right to have their case heard by a judge. When it comes to forced arbitration, as the name suggests, employees and consumers are not given a choice. In most cases, job applicants are required to sign forced arbitration agreements prior to being employed. If they refuse, they are unlikely to be hired. The same goes for consumers who want to purchase products; they either agree to resolve future disputes through forced arbitration or are unable to purchase a cell phone, computer, or other products on the market.
Through mandatory arbitration, workers and consumers are forced into a corner, which makes it easier for powerful corporations to tip the scales in their favor. Arbitration is so cost-prohibitive to the average worker and consumer that they are unlikely to bring complaints against corporations at all.
For example, arbitration fees can be hefty, sometimes exceeding any award the worker or consumer bringing the complaint may receive. Consumers who win in arbitration receive 12 cents for every dollar they claim, whereas corporations that win receive 91 cents for every dollar they claim. The secretive and nonprecedential nature of arbitration proceedings makes it difficult for employees or consumers to establish patterns of wrongdoing, which can be vital in succeeding on claims.
Decisions made by the arbitrator, who may not have legal training, are binding and cannot be appealed, regardless of whether the decision was made in good faith. While forced arbitration agreements are bad for employees and consumers across the board, they disproportionately affect low-income Americans and other historically underrepresented groups.
Forced arbitration requirements are most common in low-wage workplaces and in employment settings with disproportionate numbers of female and African American employees.
Forced arbitration agreements have been upheld by the Supreme Court even in the most extreme circumstances. For example, the U. Supreme Court vacated a decision by the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia that found it was unconscionable to require parties to arbitrate matters of death or personal injury. Just last year, in Epic Systems Corp. Fair processes should exist for workers and consumers to obtain justice for corporate wrongs. In tipping the scales for powerful corporations, forced arbitration is fundamentally unfair and is an insufficient remedy for holding bad actors accountable.
Forced arbitration agreements should be banned in employment and consumer contracts. While forced arbitration must be eliminated, there may be instances where arbitration is preferred by both parties. In that case, parties can voluntarily elect to use arbitration after a dispute arises. One way that the wealthy and corporations seek to limit future liability is by limiting access to information about their wrongdoing through secret settlements and record sealing.
Proponents of secret settlements say that they are beneficial to both parties involved in a dispute, as they avoid expensive, drawn-out trials and facilitate honest conversation. In addition to NDAs, a party may seek a protective order by a court requiring that records pertaining to the settlement be sealed from the public. The corporations and wealthy people who argue for secret settlements largely insist they want to protect personal privacy or trade secrets.
In the past, secret settlements have been used by corporations as a more cost-effective way to deal with dangerous products than fixing the problem. Secret settlements and court sealing are also used to protect the rich and powerful from accountability. For example, they helped hide widespread sexual abuse by Catholic priests for decades. As noted by retired Judge H. Lee Sarokin, who previously served on the U.
Action is required by lawmakers to do away with abusive secret settlements and aggressive record sealing once and for all. Through secret settlements and record sealing, victims of abuse and wrongdoing are silenced, while the public is left none the wiser about the existence of dangerous products and predators that threaten public safety. The lack of public records regarding prior settlements can also prevent future victims from bringing successful lawsuits against repeat offenders.
Corporations should be prohibited from entering into secret settlements with employees and consumers, while federal courts should be barred from sealing records in cases affecting public safety, which should be read broadly. For instance, if only settlement amounts are revealed, the public remains in the dark about the harms caused or dangers posed by the defendant. Both pieces of information are therefore vital for protecting the public interest.
An important way to empower people to bring legal action against exploitative entities is to restore and strengthen private attorneys general PAGs at the federal level. PAGs allow private citizens to bring causes of action on behalf of the public for violations of federal law and are particularly useful in instances where government enforcement is inadequate or where government officials are the ones violating the law.
The Supreme Court articulated the importance of private rights of actions in in the context of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, which allowed private citizens to sue for voting rights violations:.
PAGs differ from class action lawsuits in three ways. First, PthAG cases are brought by individual private citizens rather than classes of people, which means that they are not subject to class certification requirements. Second, the types of cases PAGs can bring are more limited than class action suits since their authority derives from specific legislative provisions. Finally, the purpose of PAGs is to bring cases that benefit society as a whole. While class actions often have positive societal impacts, their purpose is to provide damages or injunctive relief for a specific group.
That said, PAGs and class actions both aim to obtain remedies for large numbers of people and to offer powerful incentives for corporations and governments to make institutional changes. For instance, in Alexander v. Sandoval in , the Supreme Court barred lawsuits from being brought by private citizens to enforce disparate impact regulations under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits racial discrimination by federally funded programs. Research shows that nonprofits, particularly those focused on systemic social change, have been negatively impacted by Buckhannon ; some even report that they are less likely to take on cases because of the inability to collect fees.
Private attorneys general have historically provided citizens with a powerful and effective means of protecting public welfare. Congress can remedy this through legislation clarifying the authority of PAGs and the kinds of relief they are entitled to seek, while restoring financial incentives for bringing private actions in the public interest.
More broadly, private rights of action should be expanded to include more federal statutes implicating important civil and economic rights. One area in which PAGs can be particularly effective is consumer and employment cases. In , California adopted a Private Attorneys General Act PAGA that provides employees throughout the state with private rights of action against employers violating state labor laws.
In Bell Atlantic Corp. Twombly and Ashcroft v. The burden has always been on plaintiffs to demonstrate that their claims are not frivolous, but Twiqbal heightened that burden to a detrimental degree. Plaintiffs suing for discrimination often rely on the discovery process, through which they gain access to documentary evidence such as internal emails and memos proving discriminatory intent or patterns of discrimination.
In , a judge on the U. Board of Education as an example. Plaintiffs with legitimate claims must have a fair shot to make their case before a court.
Practically speaking, Twiqbal requires plaintiffs to litigate their claims before their case even begins. It is perhaps unsurprising then that dismissal rates for lawsuits filed by individuals increased by more than 15 percent in the aftermath of Twiqbal. Instead, it is the obvious consequence of pleadings standards that are too high. Employment discrimination and civil rights cases have been particularly burdened by heightened Twiqbal standards.
According to law professor Alexander A. There are significant structural problems with the federal judiciary that necessitate robust structural reform. As it currently stands, the federal judiciary is out of touch with the broader populace, serving special interests and powerful corporations at the expense of everyday Americans. This is by design, due in large part to concerted efforts by conservatives to manipulate the courts for conservative ends.
It is critical to begin having conversations now about how to effectively address structural issues with the judiciary. An independent judiciary is vital to a functioning democracy. The courts provide an important means for individuals to fully realize their rights, particularly in the face of opposition from powerful and well-connected actors. While the current judiciary has too often failed to meet this standard, the independence of the judiciary can be restored if lawmakers are willing to make necessary and significant structural changes, including those discussed in this report.
Through careful attention to the structures of the U. Previously, he was the senior adviser at the Center. Prior to that, he served as senior counselor and policy adviser at the U. Office of Management and Budget. Berger is a graduate of Swarthmore College and received his J. Commission on Civil Rights, the U. Senate, and various nonprofits concerned with voting rights and election law, including campaign finance reform.
Root holds a J. The positions of American Progress, and our policy experts, are independent, and the findings and conclusions presented are those of American Progress alone. A full list of supporters is available here. American Progress would like to acknowledge the many generous supporters who make our work possible. Danielle Root.
Maggie Jo Buchanan. Peter Gordon Director, Government Affairs. In this article. InProgress Stay updated on our work on the most pressing issues of our time. The need for structural reform in the federal judicial system. The influence of conservative interest groups on the federal judiciary Two of the most influential conservative groups that have attempted to change the composition of the courts have been the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society.
Changing the structure of the Supreme Court. Establishing term limits for Supreme Court justices and federal judges Setting term limits for Supreme Court justices and federal judges is a particularly popular reform among legal scholars and the public alike. Creating an independent commission for recommending federal judicial nominees Currently, the president has complete discretion over federal judicial nominations.
Limiting the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court Rather than reduce the partisanship of the Supreme Court itself, a more extreme proposal would simply limit the ability of the court to hear certain cases. Office of Sen. The limitations of Legal Services Corporation grantees prevent people from accessing justice The existing legal aid delivery system was created through the Legal Services Corporation LSC Act with the goal of increasing civil legal services and protections for low-income Americans and other underrepresented groups.
Casey C. Hammer v. Dagenhart , U. New York , U. Buck v. Bell , U. United States , U. Hardwick , U. Georgia , U. Concepcion , U. FEC , U. For example, if the U. Harry T. Jennifer L. Cox and Thomas J. In his second year, Obama had gotten S Supreme Court justices have? Note that the dataset showing the net-worth of sitting Supreme Court justices in June reflected an eight-person court, which included former Justice Anthony Kennedy. At the time, Justice Gorsuch had not yet filed financial disclosures and Brett Kavanaugh had not been appointed.
Julian E. See ibid. Chamber Forced Arbitration on America. Ann E. Circuit Court Judges. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Leydon, B. Educause Review, 36 1 , Lynch, M. The online educator: A guide to creating the virtual classroom. New York: Routledge. McDonald, J. On-line learning: A radical pedagogy? Adults Learning, 12 5 , Minnis, P. Teaching in your pajamas: Lessons of online classes. New York Times , B8. National Education Association. A survey of traditional and distance learning higher education members.
NEA working on criteria that will judge quality of online learning. Electronic Education Report, 8 11 , Newmann, F. Linking restructuring to authentic student achievement. Phi Delta Kappan. ED Authentic assessment in social studies: Standards and examples. Phye Ed. Handbook of classroom assessment: Learning, achievement, and adjustment pp. Authentic pedagogy and student performance. Authentic pedagogy: Standards that boost student performance.
Issues in Restructuring Schools , Report No. American Journal of Education, 4 , Five standards of authentic instruction. Educational Leadership, 50 7 , Authentic achievement: Restructuring schools for intellectual quality. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Norton, P. Teaching with technology. Students perceptions of distance learning, online learning and the traditional classroom. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 2 4. Paskey, J. A survey compares two Canadian MBA programs, one online and one traditional.
The Chronicle of Higher Education. Riley, K. Roblyer, M. Integrating educational technology into teaching 2nd ed. Sadker, D. Teachers, schools, and society 6th ed. Boston: McGraw Hill. Sanders, W. Creating learning-centered courses for the world wide web.
Schrum, L. Guarding the promise of online learning. Education Digest, 66 4 , Smith, G. Teaching college courses online vs. Southern Regional Education Board. Criteria for evaluating online courses. Authentic learning and foundations of education: A naturalistic inquiry of past learning experiences. Teaching and Curriculum Dialogue, 2 1 , Design and delivery of authentic on-line courses: A case study.
Shulman, L. Knowledge and teaching: Foundations of the new reform. Harvard Educational Review, 57 1 , Thornburg, D. The new basics: Education and the future of work in the telematic age. University of Illinois Faculty Seminar. Teaching at an Internet distance: The pedagogy of online teaching and learning. Retrieved June 4, , from www. Wiggins, G. The case for authentic assessment.
ERIC Digest. Practicing what we preach in designing authentic assessments. Educational Leadership, 54 4 , Understanding by design. Instructor is available by e-mail and telephone outside of office hours. Limited participation in threaded discussion by instructor. Develops reciprocity and cooperation among students Class discussion encouraged. Electronic discussion forums three. Weekly threaded discussion with a requirement that every student post both an initial response to the chapter and answer at least two classmates.
Encourages active learning Class discussion. Weekly journal assignments ask students to integrate readings with new articles and personal experiences.
Threaded discussion with a requirement that students integrate textbook reading and chapter links with personal experiences. Six journal assignments ask students to integrate readings with new articles and personal experiences.
Weekly quizzes that accompany the chapter are taken open-book. Gives prompt feedback Feedback during class discussion. Journals graded weekly with each student receiving personal comments via e-mail prior to receiving numerical grade in electronic gradebook.
E-mails that comment on student journal entries focus on the quality of the student responses in active, interpretive, and critical fields of reflection. Limited feedback in threaded discussion. Hundreds protest Rittenhouse acquittal across US.
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