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Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) Full Movie free download games.
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Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) Full Movie free download.
The first Star Wars was a film about adventure - the wishful desire and the rushing excitement of it. It provided the audiences with a sweeping cinematic experience, as they experienced the galactic adventures alongside their iconic characters: Luke the Hero, Han the Renegade, Leia the Princess, Obi-Wan the Wise One, C-3P0 and RD-D2 the comedic duo. The characters were nothing more than archetypes, but this enhanced the immersive nature of the story, because the audience could see their own traits reflected in each character in a galaxy far far away. br>
The Empire Strikes Back is the definitive sequel to Star Wars because it directly confronts the original's primary theme: Adventure. The Original was a film about desire; to long for more - to look out on the horizon. However, Empire is a film that's not about looking out, but looking in - the film has a stronger focus on the internal, rather than the external. Yoda is quick to remind not only Luke, but the audience, of this fact:
"All his life, as he looked away. to the future - to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was - what he was doing! Adventure! Scoffs) Excitement! Scoffs) A jedi craves not these things. You are reckless!
And that's what I love about Empire, and that's why it's such a strong sequel - it directly confronts the prior film's ideas. The film dwells on the consequences of someone's narrow-minded pursuit of their wishful desires. Luke is not only burdened with responsibility and leadership, but he will face his ultimate enemy: Darth Vader. But what's so compelling about the two character's conflict is not the external conflict of Man vs Man, but the internal battle. When Luke enters the cave, he confronts his greatest fear. But his greatest fear isn't the man clad in a black cape approaching him, it's when Luke sees his own face in Vader's helmet. He's afraid that he'll follow Vader's path, and that's the internal conflict that propels the training scenes with Yoda.
The duel between Luke and Vader is absolute perfection for many reasons: stunning cinematography, choreography and sound design. But those stylistic aspects are nothing without the internal substance. The duel is so enrapturing because of the internal, rather than the external. Luke holds an incredible determination to defeat Vader for many reasons: firstly, to prove that he can be triumphant over the dark side and to overcome his inner conflict. His second motivation however, is contradictory of his first: it is to kill Vader as an act of vengeance for Obi-Wan. This is why Luke chooses to try to kill Vader rather than trying to help him. Ironically, Luke's pursuit to vengeance would ultimately lead him down a path to the dark side - a path which is he so afraid to take, and hence, why he so desperately wants to triumph over Vader. This is why the "I am your Father" moment holds so much impact: Luke wanted to prove that he was different than Vader - to prove that he wouldn't be seduced by the dark side. However, his greatest fear had been realised: the man he so desperately wanted to be different from, is his father; an inextricable link that he must confront.
As written above, one of the greatest strengths of Empire are the Characters. In this sequel, the characters are no longer labels or archetypes - they only go by their own name: Luke is no longer the Hero, Han is no longer the Renegade, Leia is no longer the Princess; but each are Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Leia Organa. The characters evolve beyond their rigid archetypes into the icons we know and love today. Han's character is shown to have surprising emotional depth, and the same can be said for Leia. Her mask of feistiness that she displayed in the first film is shattered in the sequel, as signs of emotional vulnerability are illuminated. Furthermore, I found the two character's romance to be brilliant, not just because of the chemistry between Ford and Fisher, but also because it brought great humanity to a story that was already abundant in it.
The Empire Strikes Back is a phenomenal sequel, as it deals with the prior film's themes head-on: most notably, the theme of adventure. The film displays the consequences of one's wishful pursuit for adventure and tells the audience to focus not on what's out there waiting for them, but to focus on what's waiting inside for them. In addition to this, Empire greatly elevates the archetypal characters into fully-fledged humans; most notably the trio of Luke, Han and Leia. Moreover, the film also dwells on some thought-provoking material, which the prior film lacked in my opinion. What stimulated me intellectually were the intense internal struggles of Luke Skywalker, and his consistent conflict between Light and Dark, Good and Bad. All in all, The Empire Strikes Back is the definitive follow-up to Star Wars.
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