Moodle downloadable pdf of quiz for grading

2021.12.18 18:02

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This discussion has been locked so you can no longer reply to it. Hi, I have created a quiz in Moodle, but don't seem to be able to download the responses. Thanks, Alex. Average of ratings: -. I am trying to do the same thing. Hello Jeff, It is very difficult to help you without knowing which version of Moodle you are using. Thank you for you quick response, I was trying to provide some good feedback, but I am still new to Moodle.

That link also goes to the reports. Grade reports shows all the students' quiz attempts, with the overall grade, and the grade for each question.

There are links to review all the details of a student's attempt, just as the student would see it. This is very similar to the Grades report, except that it shows the responses the students gave, rather than the marks they earned. It is also possible to show the question text or the right answer, to compare with the student's response.

This is helpful when the question is randomised. For quizzes with interactive question behaviour, it is possible to display responses for the first, last or all tries a student makes:. This report gives a statistical psychometric analysis of the quiz, and the questions within it. The front page of this report gives a summary of the whole test.