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There had been a crowd following all the way, owing to the exuberance of Marija Berczynskas. The occasion rested heavily upon Marija's broad shoulders—it was her task to see that all things went in due form, and after the best home traditions; and, flying wildly hither and thither, bowling every one out of the way, and scolding and exhorting all day with her tremendous voice, Marija was too eager to see that others conformed to the proprieties to consider them herself.
She had left the church last of all, and, desiring to arrive first at the hall, had issued orders to the coachman to drive faster. I will definitely recommend this book to classics, fiction lovers. Your Rating:. Your Comment:. Read Online Download. Great book, The Jungle pdf is enough to raise the goose bumps alone.
Add a review Your Rating: Your Comment:. Hot Oil! There was no time during the festivities which ensued when therewere not groups of onlookers in the doorways and the corners; and ifany one of these onlookers came sufficiently close, or looked sufficientlyhungry, a chair was offered him, and he was invited to the feast. It wasone of the laws of the veselija that no one goes hungry; and, while a rulemade in the forests of Lithuania is hard to apply in the stockyards dis-trict of Chicago, with its quarter of a million inhabitants, still they didtheir best, and the children who ran in from the street, and even thedogs, went out again happier.
A charming informality was one of thecharacteristics of this celebration. The men wore their hats, or, if they. There were to. There was no other place for the babies to be,and so part of the preparations for the evening consisted of a collectionof cribs and carriages in one corner.
In these the babies slept, three orfour together, or wakened together, as the case might be. Those whowere still older, and could reach the tables, marched about munchingcontentedly at meat bones and bologna sausages. To the right there is a door from the saloon, with a few loafers inthe doorway, and in the corner beyond it a bar, with a presiding geniusclad in soiled white, with waxed black mustaches and a carefully oiledcurl plastered against one side of his forehead.
In the opposite corner aretwo tables, filling a third of the room and laden with dishes and cold vi-ands, which a few of the hungrier guests are already munching. At thehead, where sits the bride, is a snow-white cake, with an Eiffel tower ofconstructed decoration, with sugar roses and two angels upon it, and a. Beyondopens a door into the kitchen, where there is a glimpse to be had of arange with much steam ascending from it, and many women, old andyoung, rushing hither and thither.
In the corner to the left are the threemusicians, upon a little platform, toiling heroically to make some im-pression upon the hubbub; also the babies, similarly occupied, and anopen window whence the populace imbibes the sights and sounds andodors. Suddenly some of the steam begins to advance, and, peering throughit, you discern Aunt Elizabeth, Ona's stepmotherTeta Elzbieta, as theycall herbearing aloft a great platter of stewed duck.
Behind her is Ko-trina, making her way cautiously, staggering beneath a similar burden;and half a minute later there appears old Grandmother Majauszkiene,with a big yellow bowl of smoking potatoes, nearly as big as herself.
There is also, not six feet fromyour back, the bar, where you may order all you please and do not have. The young men, who for the most part havebeen huddled near the door, summon their resolution and advance; andthe shrinking Jurgis is poked and scolded by the old folks until he con-sents to seat himself at the right hand of the bride.
The two bridesma. See Full Reader. Post on Apr views. Category: Documents 0 download. September 20, November 25, , was a Pulitzer Prize-winning prolific American author who wrote over90 books in many genres and was widely considered to be one of the best investigators advocating socialist views. The occasion rested heavily uponMarija's broad shouldersit was her task to see that all things went in due form, and after the best home traditions; and, flying wildly hitherand thither, bowling every one out of the way, and scolding and exhort-ing all day with her tremendous voice, Marija was too eager to see thatothers conformed to the proprieties to consider them herself.
When that personage had de-veloped a will of his own in the matter, Marija had flung up the windowof the carriage, and, leaning out, proceeded to tell him her opinion ofhim, first in Lithuanian, which he did not understand, and then in Pol- ish, which he did.