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2021.12.18 18:29

It records his sensory responses to being wounded, flown by helicopter to the th, examined, operated on, and treated in post-operation. MeTV remembers Gene Reynolds. View More. Can you guess which show William Christopher is on? Mike Farrell had complicated feelings about B. Hunnicutt's mustache. This kiss between Hawkeye and Margaret Houlihan was worth half a million dollars.

Blythe Danner rejected fame, becoming one of the Seventies' most elusive celebrities. Was this the cast of the TV show… or the movie it was based on? McLean Stevenson stopped and dressed an open wound after a car accident.

Featured Caption: null Remind Me. Ep 2: To Market, to Market After black marketers hijack the th's supply of hydrocortisone, Hawkeye and Trapper concoct a deal with local black marketer, Charlie Lee, to get some more.

The catch: Henry's antique oak desk, which they must trade in order to get the medicine. Remind Me. Ep 3: Requiem for a Lightweight Trapper and Hawkeye seek to keep a new nurse from being transferred by Hot Lips, and they vie for her affection.

Henry Blake, challenged by another commander to a boxing tournament, makes Trapper fight a big, intimidating soldier in exchange for keeping the nurse at the th. Ep 4: Chief Surgeon Who? Frank Burns complains about Hawkeye Pierce's disrespect, and when Henry appoints Hawkeye chief surgeon, it's to Burns' shock.

Ep 5: The Moose Sergeant Baker arrives at the camp with his "moose. He tries ordering him to release her, tries buying her and then resorts to cheating at cards. He releases her but she won't go, so he tries to teach her how to be independent. Hawkeye is chosen as the star while Margaret and Frank compose a screenplay. Hawkeye objects to the piece of propaganda that filmmaker Lt. Bricker is producing and, having exposed the original film, reshoots a new one his way.

Ep 8: Cowboy John Hodges, a chopper pilot referred to as The Cowboy, has been hit in the shoulder, and arrives at the th. He is expecting a letter—he's worried that his wife, Jean, is leaving him for another man.

He wants to go home, but Henry refuses, stating Cowboy's wound isn't serious enough to merit a stateside ticket. Bad luck then follows Henry Blake like the seat of his pants!

Henry Blake is transferred to Tokyo and Frank starts imposing military discipline on the camp, the surgeons will do anything to get Henry back.

Missing pieces include Frank's silver picture frame, Margaret's hair brush and Trapper's watch. The camp is searched and everything is found in Hawkeye's locker. Ep Germ Warfare Hawkeye moves a wounded North Korean soldier into The Swamp, rather than let him be shipped out before he's stable.

During the night he and Trapper play Dracula, and siphon off a pint of Frank's blood. The soldier then contracts hepatitis, so they have to test Frank without him knowing, and have to keep him away from Margaret and the patients.

Ep Dear Dad Hawkeye writes home, describing Christmas in Korea: Radar ships a jeep home, a piece at a time; Henry gives the monthly lecture on sex, with the aid of figure A and figure B; Trapper helps deliver a calf; Klinger and Frank get into a fight, but Father Mulcahy smoothes things over; Hawkeye and Trapper sabotage Margaret's tent; Hawkeye flies to the front line dressed as Santa to help a wounded soldier.

Ep Edwina The nurses go to extreme lengths to find a date for Nurse Eddie—they won't go out with anyone until Eddie gets a date. The men draw straws, and Hawkeye is the big loser, especially after Eddie nearly kills him in a scene resembling teenage "mating" rituals.

Hawkeye and Trapper try to set him up with a date, but fail. Radar is taken by a new nurse at the camp and she is into poetry and music, so they coach him. Margaret wants to stop the relationship, so Hawkeye and Trapper get between her and Frank until she relents.

Radar's "Ahhhh, Bach! Tuttle, to give supplies to the local orphans. Henry wants Tuttle to be officer of the day, so Hawkeye creates a fake personnel file, and all his back pay is given to the orphanage. When General Clayton wants to reward his generosity, Hawkeye is forced to invent a story about Tuttle jumping from a chopper without his parachute!

Ep The Ringbanger Hawkeye and Trapper operate on a famous Colonel - after discovering that he is particularly ruthless about sacrificing his men, they come up with a scheme to get him sent back to the states with a little unwitting help from Frank, Margaret, and a drunk Henry. Ep Sometimes You Hear the Bullet Frank throws his back out while spending the evening with Margaret, and ends up in traction.

He promptly applies for the Purple Heart, having been 'technically' wounded at a frontline unit. Tommy Gillis, an old friend of Hawkeye's, is writing a book about the war, and pays him a visit.

Ep Dear Dad, Again Once again, Hawkeye writes home to his father, telling him of the latest gossip: the camp gets a new surgeon, who turns out to be a fake; Hawkeye bets he can walk into the mess tent naked for lunch and no one will notice; and Radar cheats on his final exam. Ep The Long-John Flap The camp suffers from the severe cold, except for Hawkeye who has received some long johns from his father.

They get passed around from person to person as a gift, a gambling stake, a trade, a bribe, stolen and given up to Father Mulcahy, who ends up giving them away. They ring around trying to identify the bomb, and the camp prepares for the worst. Hawkeye and Trapper are left the task of following instructions to disarm the bomb. Hawkeye performs a difficult operation and the patient does not recover as he should.

Hawkeye begins to doubt his ability and moves out of The Swamp. He decides to open up his patients again, and discovers a nick in the colon that even Frank admits anyone could have missed. Ep Major Fred C. Dobbs Frank's normal drone of verbal abuse upsets Ginger, so Hawkeye puts his arm in a cast while he is asleep.

Frank puts in for a transfer, and after Franks tells Margaret he's leaving, she decides to leave as well. As a result, Col. Blake puts both Hawk and Trap on double post-op duty until he finds replacements for Majs. Burns and Houlihan. Ep Cease-Fire General Clayton calls to say that a ceasefire is to be declared.

The camp celebrates, Klinger gives away his dresses and locals start to take pieces of the camp. But Trapper does not believe it.

Ep Showtime Captain Kaplan is to be shipped home, but becomes paranoid that something will happen to him before he leaves. He takes the wheel of the jeep to drive to Kimpo himself, but crashes and ends up in plaster.

Henry tells them to be on their best behavior, or else they will be split up. But the th soon begins to act in their traditional, insane way. Frank puts in a request for an anti-aircraft gun, which is granted when Charlie hits General Clayton's jeep. Frank takes charge of the gun, while Hawkeye and Trapper are determined to prevent him from using it, by getting rid of the ammo dump. Frank misses Charlie and destroys the dump.

Ep 3: Radar's Report Radar writes the weekly activity report: Hawkeye operates on a wounded prisoner who grabs a scalpel and attacks the doctors. Frank wants Klinger thrown out on a section 8, so Henry calls in a psychiatrist, Major Freedman.

Hawkeye is attracted to a new nurse but thinks she is married. Trapper loses a patient who developed complications during the O. Ep 4: For the Good of the Outfit Hawkeye and Trapper want the army to admit responsibility for the accidental bombing of a local village.

They fill out a report and Major Stoner arrives to investigate, and leaves with all the evidence. When the story is released it claims that the enemy bombed the village, and the army tries to gag the doctors. Ep 5: Dr. Pierce and Mr.

Hyde Hawkeye has been in non-stop surgery for three straight days without sleep, and the wounded keep coming. He decides to find out who started the war, and sends a telegram to Harry S Truman.

After listening to some of Frank's rubbish about the North Koreans wanting better plumbing, he tries to send the officers' latrine to the North Koreans with an offer of peace. Ep 6: Kim Hawkeye operates on a five-year-old Korean boy, and Radar can't find his family.

Henry plans to send him to the orphanage, and the camp enjoys his company while they can. Trapper decides to adopt him after consulting his wife, and has to rescue him after he wanders into the minefield. Ep 7: L. Corporal Walker is being sent home, and he wants to marry his Korean girl so she and their baby can return with him. Hawkeye is upset that a nurse he was pursuing does not approve of the marriage between "a gook" and "one of us.

They also put Hawkeye and Trapper under arrest so that they can't help Henry. Ep 9: Dear Dad Three Once more Hawkeye writes home to his father: the doctors operate on a soldier with a grenade shot into his body; Hawkeye and Trapper color the skin of a racist patient, who demanded the right color blood, while he is asleep; Henry gets a movie of his daughter's birthday from home; the officers hold the monthly staff meeting. The poor boy thinks he's firing on McArthur's headquarters, and a chopper finally comes by and wounds him with gunfire from above, ending the siege.

Hawkeye walks out to into the bush to tend to the wounded soldier. As the others start to recover, Hawkeye falls ill but he still manages to operate when wounded arrive. Ep The Incubator Hawkeye and Trapper recover from an all night party. Henry gets a barbecue, and Hawkeye puts in a request for an incubator. The Quartermaster turns him down. They locate a Major with three incubators, but he won't let them have one. Radar hits a local with a jeep, although the local is famous for jumping in front of vehicles for the compensation.

Hawkeye and Trapper operate on an intelligence officer against regulations, and Sidney helps talk a soldier out of his plan to kill Frank. Ep Hot Lips and Empty Arms Margaret revaluates her life, deciding to leave Frank and ask for a transfer, which is granted. She gets drunk at her goodbye party, but is sobered up in the shower when wounded start arriving.

She changes her mind when she realizes how loyal her friends are. Ep Officers Only Klinger pretends to be pregnant. Hawkeye and Trapper operate on General Mitchell's son, and the General gives them three days in Tokyo, and Henry keeps getting calls from Tokyo about what Hawkeye and Trapper are doing. When she arrives for the weekend, it isn't long before she starts making advances on Hawkeye.

Ep For Want of a Boot In this riotous episode, Hawkeye gets wrapped up in a convoluted scheme to procure a new pair of boots. Hawkeye gets an old friend, and plastic surgeon, to visit the camp, promising him a nurse called "The Barracuda.

A Korean woman with a baby comes looking for the father, and names Radar. Ep As You Were While there are no casualties, Hawkeye and Trapper crate up Frank while he sleeps and receive gorilla suits through the mail.

Henry gets a tan and gives another sex orientation lecture. When the wounded start pouring in again, their own side shells the camp, hitting the generator, and Radar tries to get through to tell someone to stop the shelling. Ep Crisis The supply lines to the camp are cut.

Radar, the housing officer, starts doubling people up to save fuel and Klinger is thrown out of the nurse's tent. People start burning everything to stay warm while Frank wears his heated socks.

The toilet paper supply is worst hit, and then wounded start arriving. Ep George Burns tries to slap a dishonorable discharge on a decorated soldier who admits to being a homosexual. Ep Mail Call The arrival of a new batch of mail leaves Trapper depressed, and thinking of desertion, despite Hawkeye's efforts to dissuade him.

Meanwhile, Hawkeye learns that he has successfully tricked Frank into buying stocks in a fictitious company, Pioneer Aviation. Ep A Smattering of Intelligence A classic episode in which Colonel Flagg and another secret agent from another intelligence agency come to the th to keep their eyes on the camp.

Hawkeye and Trapper trick them both into thinking that Burns is a traitor—one thinks he's a fascist, the other thinks he's a communist. He wishes to move the camp five miles down the road. Hawkeye and Henry are charged with mutiny. And Hawkeye also is charged with impersonating a reporter. Henry, after much debate, agrees to send Hawkeye, Trapper, Frank, Radar and Klinger into enemy territory. Frank almost botches the swap when he brings a squirt gun to the exchange. Fortunately, the Chinese Dr.

Lin Tam has a sense of humor. His refusal to release a wounded Korean soldier, wanted by US Intelligence, leads to a confrontation with Colonel Flagg. Hawkeye and Trapper help the General's aide smuggle him out of camp. The next day he is reported killed at the front, as that is where he would have wanted to die.

Ep 5: O. The O. Hawkeye does heart massage on a soldier, which saves his life, but he dies four hours later. Sidney Freedman drops in during the deluge, and is dragged into the fray by Hawkeye.

Ep 6: Springtime When spring arrives, Klinger gets word from home that his sweetheart back in Toledo wants to marry him. Henry arranges for Father Mulcahy to do this over short wave radio. Radar falls in love with a nurse, while a grateful patient won't leave Hawkeye alone, and even threatens Major Burns. Ep 7: Check-Up Trapper gets an ulcer and a ticket home. Unfortunately, his going-away party is spoiled by a new Army regulation, which forces him to stay. He declares total prohibition of alcohol, which leads to a near riot in the camp.

Ep There is Nothing Like a Nurse The nurses are evacuated when the threat of an enemy parachute drop arises. Hawkeye and Trapper try to enliven everyone's spirits while they are gone. Ep Adam's Ribs Sick and tired of having liver and fish for an day stretch, Hawkeye, driven near to insanity, starts a riot in the mess tent.

He and Trapper then orders spare ribs and sauce from his favorite barbecue joint—in Chicago. Ep A Full Rich Day Hawkeye records a letter to his dad, detailing the exploits of a mad Turkish soldier who calls Hawkeye a "damn good Joe," the unfortunate loss of the corpse of a Luxembourg soldier who turns out not to be dead , Lt.

Henri-Batiste LeClerc and a gun-happy officer. Ep Mad Dogs and Servicemen A local dog bites Radar, and the camp conducts a search to find the pooch so that Radar doesn't have to undergo a series of painful rabies vaccinations. Hawkeye defies Frank, to take care of a GI who's suffering from a case of hysterical paralysis.

But the feast is foiled when softhearted Radar saves the main course from the spit—a lamb, which Radar tricks Henry into giving a medical discharge and sends home to Ottumwa, Iowa. Thus, Hawkeye and Trapper invent the famed Spam Lamb! Ep Bombed The camp is under fire and is swamped with wounded. They are being attacked by their own artillery in a frightening "friendly fire" incident.

After Trapper and Margaret get trapped in the supply tent together, Frank's jealousy of Trapper drives him to propose to Margaret. Ep Bulletin Board Camp activities include Henry's nervous delivery of a sex lecture, with Hawkeye and Trapper heckling, a Shirley Temple movie and a cookout. Ep The Consultant Dr. Streaming Library with thousands of TV episodes and movies Watch full seasons of exclusive series, classic favorites, Hulu Originals, hit movies, current episodes, kids shows, and tons more.

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Show Add-ons. Hunnicutt as Capt. Harry Morgan Col. Sherman T. Potter as Col. Loretta Swit Maj. Margaret 'Hot Lips' Houlihan as Maj. Margaret 'Hot Lips' Houlihan. David Ogden Stiers Maj. Charles Winchester as Maj. Charles Winchester.

Jamie Farr Sgt. Maxwell Q. Klinger as Sgt. Allan Arbus Maj. Sidney Freedman as Maj. Sidney Freedman. Kellye Nakahara Lt. Kellye Yamato, RN as Lt. Kellye Yamato, RN. Jeff Maxwell Cpl. Igor Straminsky as Cpl. Igor Straminsky. Jon Van Ness 'Truman' as 'Truman'.