Rnfs download file background

2021.12.19 11:09

Would I use the react-native-fetch-blob library and save it in a specific location? This library refers to saving it as "cache" rather than permanently, so I am not sure if this is the correct solution. But because it is cache, should I be looking for something else that is more of a longer term storage? It does say on the page that files will not be deleted so I am a bit confused as to what the difference between permanent storage and cache is in this case.

Once the files are downloaded would I then be able to open images and display them, open sound files and play them, and open the json files and process them? It's important to know that the height and width must be set on the Image. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams?

Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Downloading data files with React Native for offline use Ask Question. Asked 4 years, 11 months ago. Active 1 year, 9 months ago. Viewed 27k times. A gamepack will consist of: one or more JSON files images sounds Right now I'm not really concerned if these are transferred individually or in a zip file though a zip file would certainly be preferred.

How do I go about implementing this in my project? Reads length bytes from the given position of the file at path and returns contents. Reads the file at path in the Android app's assets folder and return contents.

Reads the file named filename in the Android app's res folder and return contents. Write the contents to filepath. Append the contents to filepath. Write the contents to filepath at the given random access position. When position is undefined or -1 the contents is appended to the end of the file. Moves the file located at filepath to destPath. This is more performant than reading and then re-writing the file data because the move is done natively and the data doesn't have to be copied or cross the bridge.

Note: On Android copyFile will overwrite destPath if it already exists. On iOS an error will be thrown if the file already exists. Copies the file at filepath in the Android app's assets folder and copies it to the given destPath path. Copies the file named filename in the Android app's res folder and copies it to the given destPath path. It will download the original from iCloud if necessary.

If scale is below 1, the image will be scaled according to the scale-factor between 0. One can use this method also to create a thumbNail from a video in a specific size. Currently it is impossible to specify a concrete position, the OS will decide wich Thumbnail you'll get then. Check in the Android assets folder if the item exists. If the item does not exist, return false.

Check in the Android res folder if the item named filename exists. Reads the file at path and returns its checksum as determined by algorithm , which can be one of md5 , sha1 , sha , sha , sha , sha For some reason something that was working before start failing these days, and asking for permissions for external storage fixed it. Sorry, something went wrong. Had the same issues. Is this solved? I added permissions to manifest, but it doesn't work. I'll have you know I have excellent logging.

Too bad my nut for brains wasn't able to catch it. DocumentsDirectoryPath was missing. Thanks for mentioning this. Sometimes the simplest of solutions is all you need. Skip to content.