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2021.12.19 11:09

After the villains' meeting is dismissed upon the notion that the Resistance and the world will soon fall to the Eggman Empire, Classic Sonic emerges from hiding and takes out Eggman and the machines he uses against him, including the Egg Dragoon. Despite this, the doctor still gloats to Tails and Classic Sonic that the Resistance will be wiped out by his master plan in just three days.

Before Tails can ask more about it however, Eggman makes his escape. Having helped rescue some civilians in the meantime, the Rookie is sent to check out some readings in Mystic Jungle. There, they find Infinite's dropped Phantom Ruby prototype. They also find Classic Sonic and Tails, who had come to the jungle to find Sonic.

After that, Classic Sonic and Tails unite with the Resistance and relay what they learned. Sonic soon after heads to Sunset Heights to find Shadow, who is leading an attack on the City. Upon finding him, however, the real Shadow appears and dispatches his imposter.

Shadow then reveals that the Shadow following Eggman was a virtual reality copy created by Infinite, as are the other villains serving him, meaning the size of Eggman's army is limitless. While retreating, the Rookie comes across Infinite alone, who attempts to scare him into running away again. Remembering Sonic's words of encouragement, the Rookie musters the courage to fight Infinite.

Infinite attempts to kill the Avatar, but finds his power unexpectedly countered. Despite his confusion, Infinite leaves the Rookie alive, knowing that Eggman will crush everyone in two days. Realizing that they need to stop the Phantom Ruby to win the war, Tails and Classic Sonic infiltrate Eggman's computer network in Chemical Plant and find the Phantom Ruby's weakness: it is directly powered by the Death Egg's core, and without a power source it is useless.

In the meantime, Sonic and the Rookie grow closer after going after and defeating a Metal Sonic replica together. Putting their next plan into motion, the Resistance has the Rookie stage a diversion in Green Hill while Sonic shuts down the Death Egg's weapon defenses, thus allowing Classic Sonic to destroy the Death Egg, which in turn causes Eggman and his motley crew to make a retreat to Metropolis.

Believing they have the upper hand now, the Resistance target Eggman in Metropolis. However, when Sonic and Tails find Eggman, the mad doctor has Infinite banish Sonic into Null Space , with the Rookie getting pulled along with Sonic while trying to save him. Eggman then reveals to the confused Tails that he knew the Resistance would eventually target the Death Egg, so he built a hidden backup power supply for the Phantom Ruby underneath Metropolis.

Meanwhile, Sonic and the Rookie manage to escape Null Space together and rejoin the battle in Metropolis. Catching Eggman off-guard with their return, Eggman retreats with his lackeys to prepare his endgame, which is only mere hours away, while Metropolis falls to the Resistance. The entire Resistance eventually confronts Infinite and his army of replicas at the Eggman Empire Fortress in an effort to reach the Phantom Ruby's backup power supply.

As Infinite attempts to destroy the Resistance however, Omega, now fully repaired and ready to join the Resistance, arrives and distracts him. Having enough of the rabble, Infinite creates a massive virtual sun over the planet to destroy the entire Resistance in one fell swoop, which has been Eggman's endgame all along.

During the chaos, Tails notices that the Rookie has the Phantom Ruby prototype from Mystic Jungle, and deduces that they can use it to neutralize the sun. Since the prototype's design lets only the Rookie use it, the new hero climbs the Imperial Tower and eliminates the virtual sun although the prototype is destroyed in the process , giving the Resistance a fighting chance. At the same time, Sonic himself confronts Infinite while he is weak from having formed the sun, only for Infinite to regain his full power in his battle with Sonic.

At that point, the Rookie comes to Sonic's aid, and together, the two heroes finally defeat Infinite, causing him to fade away. Despite this loss, however, Eggman refuses to give up and warns the heroes that his plan is now going into "overtime". Taking this warning seriously, Sonic and the Rookie destroy the Phantom Ruby's power supply after Classic Sonic finds them an entrance, seemingly winning the war.

After Sonic and the Rookie meet up with Tails and Classic Sonic however, Eggman reveals that the power source was actually a decoy, and that the original Phantom Ruby has been incorporated into his trump card: the Death Egg Robot.

This causes Eggman's army to vanish, leaving the Resistance as the victor. With the war finally over, Classic Sonic returns to his own dimension as a result of the Phantom Ruby's disappearance. After the Resistance bids farewell to Classic Sonic, the group sets out to clean up the mess that Eggman has left the world in. In the aftermath, Knuckles disbands the Resistance, although not without Silver noting that they still have a lot to do following the war.

Feeling that plenty of people out there need their aid, the Rookie parts ways with their new friends, who compliment them for their growth. Tails then concludes that they all saved the world through cooperation, which will make their friendships last forever. Some time after, Sonic and the Rookie meet up in the City to say goodbye to each other before setting off in search of new adventures. One month before the events of Sonic Forces , Shadow the Hedgehog is contacted by Rouge the Bat , who has a report from the intelligence division.

Apparently, they have discovered an active Eggman base outside Eggman 's chain of command in a strategically useless position. Suspecting that the doctor is up to something, and with rumors flying about the doctor developing a new weapon , Shadow heads to the base to link up with E Omega , whom Rouge has sent ahead, and do some recon. Before Shadow can reach him however, Omega launches a full-frontal attack on the base, only for Shadow and Rouge to lose radio contact with him.

Arriving at the base, Shadow finds Infinite , who had defeated Omega to test out his new power. Although Shadow does not find his opponent familiar in the slightest, Infinite reveals that he knows Shadow, and begins telling his backstory. Accordingly, Infinite was once a mercenary and the captain of Squad Jackal , who were assigned by Eggman to protect one of his facilities.

A couple of months ago, Shadow annihilated Squad Jackal when he came to raid and destroy Eggman's facility. Infinite tried to stop Shadow himself, but was beaten by the hedgehog, who told him not to show his "pathetic face" around him again before leaving. Outraged by his own weakness, Infinite abandoned his former identity and let himself get assimilated with the finalized Phantom Ruby prototype to become stronger.

Finishing his story, Infinite attempts to crush Shadow by trapping him in a virtual reality with his new power. Though Shadow escapes this reality, Infinite is pleased with the results and gloats that not even Sonic can stop him now.

Before Shadow can question Infinite about what he means by that, however, the facility they are in begins to explode, which Infinite uses as a distraction to escape. At the same time, Rouge persuades Shadow to withdraw from the facility.

About a month later, Shadow is contacted by Rouge, who reveals that Eggman is launching an assault on the City. At first, Rouge tells Shadow that it is nothing to worry about since Sonic and the others are there. As Shadow recalls Infinite's words, however, Rouge alerts him that Sonic has just been defeated by Infinite and his replica army. Sonic Forces includes three playable characters and a fourth optional character via DLC.

Akin to Sonic Adventure 2 , the story is told from the perspective of each of the characters throughout the game, and when it all is put together it tells the overarching story. The game's third playable character is a new character, referred to as the Avatar , whom players can modify to their liking , which is a first for the series.

The Avatar's gameplay in Park Avenue. The Avatar is created from the base of seven animal species, and possess several attributes that can be customized. While playing through the game, one can unlock hundreds of Costume options for the Avatar by different means.

At the start of the game, the player can only make one Avatar. After completing the main story however, one is allowed to create up to fourteen additional Avatars; these characters can use all the Parts and equipment the player has collected and have no restrictions set for them.

Depending on what animal species the Avatar is, they will gain a unique ability to aid the player in gameplay:. The overall gameplay is relatively unchanged from previous Sonic entries; players run at high speeds through levels referred to as " stages " filled with gimmicks, enemy robots, and other hazards on the way to the goal.

Game progress is automatically saved at specific times, such as when a stage is cleared. The game also incorporates a point system in the form of "Stage Scores" for each stage, which can be increased by collecting Rings and items, attacking enemies, destroying obstacles, and completing the stage without dying. Once at the goal, the player is given a stage rank based on their Total Score's points; an "S" rank is the best and a "C" is the worst.

The bigger the score, the more experience is rewarded. Collecting enough experience will reward the player with different honors : Bronze honors, which are obtained by gathering enough experience, Silver honors, which are obtained in exchange for five Bronze honors, and Gold honors, which are obtained in exchange for two Silver honors. Each created Avatar comes with their own experience pool and can achieve a maximum of three Gold honors. Modern Sonic's gameplay in Sunset Heights.

Scattered around the stages are Rings : Rings protect players when they take damage, though they will lose their Rings upon being hit. Sonic Forces has two difficulties that affect the Ring cap.

Getting hit by enemies will decrease the Ring count by twenty each time. Taking damage without any Rings will cost the player a life. A character will also lose a life if they stay underwater for too long or fall into a bottomless pit. Losing a life makes the player start from the last Star Post they passed in a stage or from the beginning of the stage if they have not passed any Star Posts.

Also, if the player takes more than 60 minutes to complete a stage, they will receive a Time Over and be returned to the game's stage select screen also referred to as the "World Map". However, there are no Game Overs in the game due to the lack of an extra life system. The majority of the contents in Sonic Forces can be viewed from the World Map.

The World Map provides a view of Sonic's world , and is divided into seven regions, each holding a set portion of the game's stages that determine their respective layouts. The color of the regions represent the player's progress; gray regions belong to Team Eggman and blue regions belong to Team Sonic. At the beginning of the game, all regions will be under Team Eggman's control, but by clearing all storyline-related stages in a region, its control will switch to Team Sonic; the game will be complete once Team Sonic is in control of all the regions.

In addition, the player can unlock bonus stages as they progress through the game. Finishing these bonus stages will reward the player with extra Avatar items and bonus experience for the Avatar. Wisps , which can be obtained from Wisp Capsule to give players temporary special powers, from earlier titles return in this game.

Also returning are the Red Star Ring collectibles that are hidden in each stage. These rings can be collected in any order and over the course of multiple playthroughs through a stage. Collecting these rings in numerical order during a single playthrough of a stage will make the Silver Moon Rings appear in the same stage, which must be collected within a time limit. Collecting Silver Moon Rings earns the player a higher score bonus, which will grant more experience.

At different points throughout the stages, the player will also engage in Real-Time Interactions. Classic Sonic's gameplay in Green Hill. Sonic Forces features four different gameplay styles, with each stage in the game being reserved for one of them. During stages, Classic Sonic can also utilize Item Box power-ups. The third gameplay style features the Avatar. Its style is much like Modern Sonic's, except the Avatar utilizes a grappling hook as a means of platforming and attacking opponents.

Before a stage, the player can choose different Wispons to customize how the Avatar controls, thereby allowing access to different parts of the levels. New Wispons also come equipped with additional skills that grant the Avatar extra abilities during gameplay. The Tag gameplay in Arsenal Pyramid.

The fourth gameplay features a tag team mechanic akin to that in Sonic Heroes that involves Modern Sonic and the Avatar. In the stages reserved for this mechanic, the player wields both characters and their movesets to navigate through a stage, with the leader switching to Sonic when boosting and the Avatar when using the Wispon. The Tag mechanic also introduces a collaboration move between Sonic and the Avatar called the " Double Boost ", [35] which is triggered when the player engages in an automatic Real-Time Interaction.

When selecting a stage, players can view its information on the stage information screen, such as Best Time, Clear Rank, and Red Star Rings collected. Sonic Forces also has network synchronization, allowing players from around the world to "rent" other players' Avatars. These "Rental Avatars" can be chosen on the stage information screen and can then be freely switched out with the player's own Avatar during gameplay.

When switching Avatars, special abilities and equipped Wispon will also be swapped over. One can also access the Rankings on the stage information screen to see the clear time of players from around the world. Besides the main story, Sonic Forces offers additional side missions, the standard of which are the Challenge Missions.

Some of these Missions involve simply reaching the goal , while others will require a stage to be beaten under a time limit. Successfully clearing a Mission will award the player with Costume Parts and Wispons. There are also Daily Missions that change daily. By completing a Daily Mission, the player's regular Stage Score will receive a bonus multiplier for thirty minutes, thereby allowing greater experience rewards.

Also, different types of SOS Missions occasionally become available on the World Map after completing a stage or exiting a menu. If the player loses a life, quits the game or clears the stage without clearing an SOS Mission, the player will fail the mission without the option to retry. Sonic the Hedgehog , Classic Sonic and the Avatar wolf form.

The World Map in Sonic Forces. On it, the player can see Stage Targets that indicate the available character for the stage and the player's current ranking for it. The main playthrough of Sonic Forces consists of thirty stages seven of which count as boss battles that can be accessed on the World Map.

Each stage belong to one of the seven regions the World Map that is divided into and is reserved for one of the playable characters Sonic , Classic Sonic and the Avatar or the Tag gameplay which include Sonic and the Avatar. Each region commonly holds a stage for each character, while boss battles and Tag stages are more randomly spread out. The stages in their order are:. Secret stages are additional stages that are unlocked on the World Map after the player reclaims an area from the Eggman Empire.

Only Sonic or the Avatar are playable in them. Extra stages , also known as EX Stages or Advanced Stages , are additional stages that are unlocked on the World Map after the player collects a certain amount of Red Star Rings that coincide with the amount in the Challenge Missions. Much like secret stages, each EX stage is reserved for either Sonic or the Avatar. The Episode Shadow DLC features three additional stages separate from the main story that can only be accessed from the main menu.

It launched alongside Sonic Forces and was included in various bonus editions of the game. It contains five unique Costumes for the Avatar that cannot be acquired in normal gameplay.

These outfits are stylized after video game characters from other video game franchises owned by Sega and Atlus. The packs were also available separately as the Sega Pack and Persona 5 Costume. The sets of outfits in the pack include:. Episode Shadow is a free add-on pack for anyone who owns Sonic Forces.

It launched alongside the game with Sonic Forces Digital Bonus Edition and also in the normal packs of the game. In it, the player assumes control over Shadow, who possesses the same gameplay controls and abilities as Modern Sonic. The DLC contains a unique Costume set for the Avatar that is designed in the likeness of Shadow and cannot be acquired in normal gameplay. The set includes three type of Parts: a headgear shaped like Shadow's quills, Shadow's gloves, and a bodysuit designed like Shadow's body.

These Parts come in three color variations, which are included in the DLC too. It was made available on 25 November in the west and on 27 November in Japan. Super Sonic is an add-on pack for Sonic Forces. It was made available on 22 December , [55] and was stated to be free until 23 January , after which it becomes payable.

However, it was later announced the DLC will remain free starting from 24 January When using Super Sonic, the player cannot participate in world rankings.

He can be used to complete challenges, however. Sonic Forces started development in , around the release of Sonic Lost World. The idea for Sonic Forces was to bring back a modern 3D Sonic made by Sonic Team themselves, who had not engaged in such a project for a while. The goal was to give players the experience of a classic 3D Sonic game while also offering as much content as possible by including old fan-favorite characters and 2D gameplay experiences.

Also, because Sonic Team had gotten a lot of feedback from people who wanted to create their own characters in the Sonic universe, they decided to implement the Avatar system so fans could both create their own original character and go on adventures with Sonic through them. The first half of the game was produced by Iizuka, with Shun Nakamura stepping in when the game became more defined. This list is subject to change frequently. Rock band 3 dlc ps3 pkg.

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Thanks for your feedback. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! Is there a way to get rid of it? I've tried messing around with my cable, tried using microphone, tried usingOne of my favorite things to do is play Rocksmith on my Xbox One in my home theater.

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From memory: - A Rocksmith theme for your dashboard - A bonus song unlock Full list of Rocksmith Edition achievements and guides to unlock them. We're having a ton of fun playing Rocksmith , but as we're starting to get tired of the songs included on the disc, we're realizing that it can be tough to keep track of what's available for the game between all of the DLC and the ability to import tracks from the previous game. Click download file button or Copy gta 5 launcher exe URL which shown in This will allow you to install the car mod directly from the downloaded archive file.

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