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2021.12.19 11:16

Pak M. Yusuf Amin Nugroho : Alhamdulillah ya pak jika bermanfaat. Silahkan dicoba dan selamat berkreasi dengan powtoon. Terima kasih pak Sukani, Insya Allah saya dapat ikut mencobanya. Mungkin akan kulakukan malam hari ketika semua cucu sudah tidur, tak lagi minta pangku di depan laptop. Hehehe aktivitas nenek yang sudah pensiun beginilah, Alhamdulillah masih dapat mendampingi Guraru, mungkin sebagai penyemangat ya, hehehe.

Salam perjuangan. Sebagai motivator buat Guraru dan khususnya buat saya pribadi. Semoga ibunda sehat selalu. You must be logged in to post a comment. Lupa password? Klik disini. Username or Email Address. Remember Me. Your Email:. Connect with:. Seekor burung yang hinggap didahan ia tdk takut jatuh krn dahannya patah, kepercayaan burung itu bukan kepada dahannya tapi kepercayaannya kepada sayap2nya yang kuat.

Sebuah Nasehat bisa bermanfaat jika:. Nasehat itu haruslah bijak, memotivasi, menyejukkan hati, dan menginspirasi. Bila sebuah kata-kata yang dikeluarkan dari mulut seseorang tak menggambarkan salah satu dari hal tersebut, maka dapat dikatakan bahwa ucapan tersebut bukanlah nasehat, melainkan penyesat. Orang yang bijak lah yang akan mewarisi kehormatan. Sedangkan cemooh akan diterima oleh orang bebal.

Orang bodoh akan selalu menganggap jalannya lurus. Oleh sebab itu, adalah bijak mendengarkan nasihat orang yang lebih bijak. Orang bijak tidak melakukan tindakan bodoh dengan menyatakan sakit hatinya saat itu juga, namun mengabaikan cemooh. Lidah orang bijak mendatangkan kesembuhan, tidak seperti orang yang lancang mulutnya seperti tikaman pedang. Orang bijak merupakan sumber kehidupan bagi orang sekitarnya, sebab ia membuat orang terhindar dari jerat maut.

Agar kita berteman dengan orang bijak, sehingga menjadi bijak pula. Sebab jika kita berteman dengan orang bebal, kita hanya akan mendapatkan kemalangan. Orang bijak memperhatikan langkahnya, dan tidak mempercayai semua perkataan seperti orang yang tak berpengalaman. Orang bijaksana akan bersabar baca: ayat Alkitab tentang kesabaran , tidak berlaku bodoh dengan lekas naik darah.

Agar dapat tinggal di tengah-tengah orang bijak, seseorang perlu mengarahkan telinga pada teguran yang membawa kepada kehidupan yang sesuai dengan tujuan hidup orang Kristen.

Orang yang bijak hati memiliki sikap pengertian, dan berbicara dengan manis sehingga lebih dapat meyakinkan. Check All. Assess scope of knowledge and provide dynamic feedback. Web Embed. Flexibly incorporate third-party rich content and media. Autograded Blanks. Assess knowledge at a high-level with automatically graded fill-in-the-blanks. Reflective Pause. Build context and adjust video focus without production overhead. Integrations Integrate seamlessly within your existing learning management system LMS and video host provider.

Video Access your full video library from within PlayPosit. Click Here for Learner Login. Institutional or Enterprise License Demo Click here if you are trying to log in.

Please complete the form below for an institutional or enterprise demo. How did you hear about us? Thank you! We will be in touch shortly. Aug 27, Product Updates. Updates and new releases on the PlayPosit platform during the month of August Aug 10, Jul 30, Asynchronous , Product Updates , Synchronous. Updates and new releases on the PlayPosit platform during the month of July Jul 14, Jul 2, Jun 29, Jun 8, May 31, Feature Highlight: Free Response Feedback. May 28, Higher Education , K , Product Updates.

May 10, For ungraded bulbs: Option 1: Follow the directions above, then hide and exclude the grade item. Option 2: Share as a URL link or with embed code login optional.

Notes: Make sure you are completely finished creating a bulb before assigning it to students. Otherwise, there will be grade discrepancies, as when changing an exam after some students have already taken it.

Students may experience an error if you create an interaction at the last second of a YouTube video. However, students will see the actual PlayPosit bulb. In BeachBoard, click on the bulb link for which you want to view data. Click Monitor to view and score learner responses and data: Any auto-graded questions multiple-choice, check-all-that-apply, fill-in-the-blank , post points automatically to BeachBoard.

For free-response questions or other manual grading, you must score learner responses by selecting the yellow boxes under the question column: Or, grade all responses at once by selecting the column header button, then Grade All : After any changes, select Sync Grades to post grades to BeachBoard. Optionally, click the drop-down arrow next to Sync Grades to check the status. It may take a few minutes to push all updated scores to the grade book.

Play and then pause the bulb, and in the sidebar, select the Notes tab at the top. By default, learners must watch the bulb until the end for an attempt score to transfer to BeachBoard they will see a green checkmark. If desired, push grades for incomplete attempts to BeachBoard by clicking the Sync Grades option.

Attempts that are not started do not sync, so a 0 for a bulb that is not attempted must be entered manually in BeachBoard. If a bulb has both auto-graded and manually graded questions, students will see an initial grade that includes only auto-graded questions.

Let them know in advance when to expect the total grade to calm concerns. Never make manual adjustments to bulb grades in the BeachBoard grade book, since they will be automatically overwritten by the grades from the PlayPosit Dashboard.

When a BeachBoard course is copied, the bulb links will continue to work in the new course shell, attached to a new PlayPosit grade book. Bulbs can be ungraded, or even offered as a link for anyone outside of BeachBoard. Keep it short. If possible, use video segments that are around six minutes or less. Be mindful of question placement.

After previewing, you can manually adjust the placement of questions back in edit mode. Strike a happy medium with the number of interactions.