antique blueParrot


2017.08.07 13:59


昨日の京都は37℃の猛暑日でした。8月に入りセミの鳴き声に入道雲、通りの打ち水… 暑さもピークといった感じです。しかし、二十四節気ではもう「立秋」、七十二候は「涼風至」。太陽の光や風、植物たちが少しずつ秋へと変化していくのです。季節の挨拶もこの時期を境に「暑中見舞い」から「残暑見舞い」へと変わります。







アンティーク ブルーパロット

Japan’s 72 micro seasons story:August 7 - 11 “ Suzukaze Itaru” Cool winds blow.

Japan has wonderful contrast of four seasons, Our traditional calendar marks the passing of the seasons and changes in the natural world by giving poetic names to each time of the year. There are 24 major divisions. The 24 divisions are each split again into three for a total of 72 micro seasons that last around five days each.

August 7 - 11 “ Suzukaze Itaru” means cool winds blow.

Yesterday, Kyoto was 37℃. If you take a walk around Kyoto, you’ll hear chorus of cicadas and will notice many housed and shops sprinkling water over the roads to lower the temperature.. Also, blue sky and thunderclouds. These are typical Japanese summer scenery.

However according to the traditional calendar, August 7 is the starting point of autumn.

So, let’s beat this severe heat and enjoy rest of summer before autumn comes!

Even so, how did our ancestors get over this heat? Of course there weren’t any air conditioners or refrigerators like we do…

Here, we have a solution for you. Why don’t you decorate your table with plates and glass wares that are cool to your eyes? Back in the old days, I’m sure this was one of the way to get over summer heat.

Stop by at our shop, we have variety of Japanese vintage glass wares and antique blue and white tablewares, that helps you to feel cooler. Perfect for this season.

antique blue parrot