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Pathfinder shards of sin pdf download

2021.12.20 16:57

Bestiary Items Stunts Spells. Augments Buffs Healing. Arcane Divine. Arcane Divine Primal. Pregenerated PC's Chapter 1. Voxel Byragh Oarg. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4.

Plutivarch Dremis Fenster The Blight. Terisha Skiloni Natalya Vancaskerkin. Ayala Javeski. Skoth Korzhu. GM Resources PCs. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3. Jasper Kandamerus Neegog Dialla Marteme. Kazzar Royce. Sir Jasper Korvaski. Bounty on Plattis Aru. Dwyth Garak Plattis Aru. Using The Shards of Sin A character in possession of a Shard may add any relevant bonuses the Shard grants to their actions and activate any Stunt-like abilities the Shard offers i.

Shard Of Pride. Shard Of Greed. Shard Of Passion. Shard Of Gluttony. Shard Of Sloth. Shard Of Envy. Shard Of Wrath. Complication: Cursed Items In theory the Shards, while powerful, each bear a curse.

Direct Translation: The most obvious option is to just do a direct translation of the concept, as originally presented in the D2 module Seven Swords of Sin. Only one of the swords, that of "Lust" was fully described, but it provides a barometer for the high power level these items are expected to have. More detailed extrapolations of the other swords are linked to from the pathfinder community wiki entry for the seven swords.

Additional Shard Ability: Another way to go is to collapse the idea of the swords into the shards themselves. In one variant, you could allow each of the shards to be affixed to a weapon, upgrading that weapon into a powerful thematic weapon while the shard remains attached.

Another option is to instead allow each shard to make each weapon as a temporary magical construct as an activated ability. Module: its possible to just run the D2 adventure module and have the adventurers finds all the swords all in one go as part of that adventure.

Scavenger Hunt: the seven swords can just be scattered around, to be sought after via separate quests from the shards. Calling: each sword might magically compel its wielder to find the corresponding shard, or vice versa, or both.

Co-lo: its possible to just have the swords be found with their corresponding shards; this is the least interesting but it allows them to be dropped in without changing the plot. D2 Seven Swords of Sin Writeup. Baraket, The Sword of Pride. Asheia, The Sword of Passion. Home killershrike killershrike. The Four Actions icons were designed by Jeremy Keller. Hack Guidelines. Class Translations. Iconic Characters. Contact Webmaster. Simple Magic. Stunt Options. GM Resources. Starting Power Level Options.

Mook Options. Money Options. Initiative Options. Milestone and Advancement Options. Sample Characters. The Alchemist. The Barbarian. The Bard. The Cavalier. The Cleric. The Druid. The Fighter. The Inquisitor. The Magus. The Monk. The Oracle. The Paladin. The Ranger. The Rogue. The Sorcerer. The Summoner. The Witch. The Wizard. Arcane Bolt. Detect Secret Doors. Mage Armor. Abjuration Spells. Conjuration Spells. Divination Spells.

Enchantment Spells. Evocation Spells. Illusion Spells. Necromancy Spells. Transmutation Spells. Universal Spells. Blessing Spells. Healing Spells. Knowledge Spells. Light Spells. Necromantic Spells. Protective Spells. Animal Spells. Fey Spells. Elemental Spells. Plant Spells. Seer Spells. Stand-alone Adventure : simply swap out the Shards with some other MacGuffin, and the Shards of Sin works as a stand-alone adventure as is.

Rather than seeking Natalya because she has one of the Shards, the adventurers pursue her because she has something relevant to the GM's adventure possibly just information. Natalya could even be a prisoner of the Sewer Goblins and their evil master Cyvis whom the PC have been asked to save by Shiela and thus be the MacGuffin herself.

Alternately, with a little bit of sanitization, the purpose of going into the Tower and getting into the dungeons below could be to root out the despicable kidnapping derro, as part of a larger Magnimar campaign. Pilfer and Repurpose : A GM can ignore the plot of the adventure altogether, and just pilfer the Fate Accelerated character and encounter write ups to repurpose them to their own ends.

Low Entry Barrier This is the first adventure in the Adventure Path, and thus intended for 1st-5th level Pathfinder characters. Check The Map Scales When using the maps provided in the Shards of Sin book, make sure to check the map scales carefully Pay Attention To The Order Of Encounters When reading some of the encounter write ups in the Shards of Sin book, most of the explanations in the text are presented in the order in which characters might first approach them.

Social Vs Combat Part 1 is information gathering and sleuthing, and thus offers more social characters a real chance to shine.

Gotchas This adventure has a few gotchas that can derail a group. Part 1: The Amazing Zograthy's Thug Buddies: this is less of a problem in Pathfinder FAE than in the source material, but low level adventurers can be overwhelmed by a pack of thugs and there have been some reports of a TPK or game ending encounters in Pathfinder. Part 2: As written Natalya will attempt to flee with the Shard of Pride if overwhelmed. If she succeeds, the adventure has gone off script.

There isn't really any logical place for Natalya to go, but on the other hand that just means she can go anywhere the GM wants her to. A possible solution is to have Terisha jump Natalya as she tries to escape and then see below. Part 2: As written Terisha will try to steal the Shard of Pride one way or another.

If she succeeds the adventure has gone off script and the GM will have to fill in the blanks. A possible solution is to have her flee to the Tower of the Crow to rejoin her gang, and the adventurers somehow track her.

Part 3: Secret Doors and Puzzle Lock. There are a few different hidden or locked doors that can stymie a group of adventurers that are ill-prepared for them. Suggestions on ways to keep the action flowing are noted in the relevant sections of the write ups. Part 4: The derro at the end of the adventure are completely irrelevant to the Shards quest, and have the potential to distract the adventurers, drawing them into the Darklands i.

Several of the Magnimar related supplements refer obliquely to memory-wiping derro hiding in and below the Irespan and these encounters tie into that nicely; an entire side quest could be introduced wherein the adventurers deal with the verminous derro and root them out.

However, it is entirely off script of the Adventure Path and likely to derail the path altogether. Korvosa and Magnimar are direct and bitter rivals and relatively close in power and influence. Kaer Maga is all weird all the time and has a colorful reputation as a place where anything is possible and dark mysteries await.

Be sure to reference all of them in the speech of NPC's met along the way to help anchor the campaign to the region and build anticipation when the adventurers discover they need to travel to one of the settlements.

This will help set up and ground the big bad guy in The Asylum Stone adventure, Part 3 of 6. Light on details, but as mentioned free. Shattered Star Poster Map Folio : the maps contained in this folio are very useful, most immediately the fold out Magnimar city map. Magnimar, City of Monuments : the city book for Magnimar. It's a good supplement in general there is easily enough material to run a urban campaign out of Magnimar , but particularly useful in this context as Magnimar is the anchor location for the Shards of Sin adventure.

Varisia, Birthplace of Legends : the region book for Varisia the area of the world of Golarion wherein Rise of the Runelords, Curse of the Crimson Throne, the Shattered Star, and various other adventures are set. This is more of a gazeteer style book. It contains some useful backdrop information about the general area of the world, but if a given GM were planning on just sticking to the material provided in the Adventure Path they might opt not to get this. Note that some of the generic monsters that appear in Bestiary Pawn sets aren't included in this set, which is a little annoying unless you also happen to have the Bestiary Pawn sets.

However, there are plenty of pawns that you can use as substitutions where necessary. Rise of the Runelords , Curse of the Crimson Throne , and part of Second Darkness were also set in Varisia and have some relevant information regarding some of the locations being revisited in Shattered Star.

A GM who also had that material could certainly wring use out of it, but it isn't needed to run the Adventure Path. In addition to the storyline of the comic, there are some really nice visuals of the city, and each issue has some relevant Pathfinder game mechanics, maps, or NPC write ups included in the back.

Worth a look. Home killershrike killershrike. The Four Actions icons were designed by Jeremy Keller. Hack Guidelines. Class Translations. Iconic Characters. Contact Webmaster. Simple Magic. Stunt Options. GM Resources. Starting Power Level Options.

Mook Options. Money Options. Initiative Options. Milestone and Advancement Options. Sample Characters. The Alchemist. The Barbarian. The Bard. The Cavalier. The Cleric. The Druid. The Fighter. The Inquisitor. The Magus. The Monk. The Oracle. The Paladin. The Ranger. The Rogue.

The Sorcerer. The Summoner. The Witch. The Wizard. Arcane Bolt. Detect Secret Doors. Mage Armor. Abjuration Spells. Conjuration Spells. Divination Spells. Enchantment Spells. Evocation Spells. Illusion Spells. Necromancy Spells. Transmutation Spells. Universal Spells. Blessing Spells.

Healing Spells. Knowledge Spells. Light Spells. Necromantic Spells. Protective Spells. Animal Spells. Fey Spells. Elemental Spells. Plant Spells. Seer Spells. Spirit Spells. Vitality Spells. Weather Spells. Rise Of The Runelords.

The Shattered Star. Big Fish Indeed. Bounty Wardens. Pregenerated PC's. Chapter 1. Goblin Warchanter. Goblin Commando.