Peter Parrish's Ownd

Paul scheele - sonic access (flac) (download torrent)

2021.12.20 16:57

Shipping Method After receiving your payment, we will send you a link to access and download the course. If our team is not in the office, please wait for us about 8 hours to come back. Refund Policy We do not accept refund after you got the link and download the course. Reviews 0.

You can hear right now a recording of a minute presentation by Pete Bissonette, president of Learning Strategies Corporation. Pete has discussed and demonstrated PhotoReading on hundreds of radio and television stations.

Pete talked about PhotoReading to a couple of thousand people who called in to a special TeleSeminar. Now it is yours to listen to right now at no charge. How sound affects your thinking, perception, and memory as well as every organ in your body. How selected frequencies activate the energetic levels of your energy or chakra centers. How precise musical tones and rhythms help automatically slow your breathing and heart rate and bring your brain waves into an ideal state.

How to clarify your intentions to achieve your greatest success and well-being. How Holosync audio frequencies provided by Centerpointe Research Institute resonate with the brain to help you access your higher intelligence. How to listen to your meditations to get the most benefit from the sound frequencies embedded within.

Our Policies A. Paul is the developer of programs such as PhotoReading, Natural Brilliance, Genius Code, Abundance for Life, the Paraliminals, and many other courses to stimulate personal and professional success. These programs allow people to go beyond what the logical mind believes possible. Paul shows you how to access your full potential using powerful learning strategies. His unique combination of expertise includes degrees in Biology and Learning and Human Development plus a rich background in neuro-linguistic programming NLP , accelerated learning, preconscious processing, and universal energy.

His programs provide the rare experience of tapping the vast innate potential of the mind to attain more success in life. Paul has designed and delivered over fifty different programs relating to professional and personal development. His 43 titles include PhotoReading, a powerful system for processing the written page at 25, words per minute. His unique Paraliminal recording technology includes nearly four dozen self-development sessions.