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2021.12.20 16:57

No Ripcord. Delusions of Adequacy. All in all, this is pretty good album and it is by no means horrible. Drowned In Sound. The New York Times. Over all, this new CD relies on familiar formulas: twitchy, singalong choruses, lyrical and musical in-jokes and affable vocal harmonies.

But it also feels disjointed and indulgent, packed with stylistic U-turns. Weezer dwells on his well-documented obsessions with bad girlfriends and geek nostalgia, but without the usual giddy, mathematically precise songcraft. Like the YouTube culture the "Pork and Beans" video depicts so well, the song--and this album--relies on a high quantity of short-lived pretty good ideas to distract from a shortage of great ones. Paste Magazine. Did it better, too. Under The Radar.

This is oddly like Carrie getting named prom queen--Weezer defying expectations with an early flurry of edgy pop tunes to start 6 with a bang, before it all goes horribly awry and the bad songs come down like a rain of blood. As such, it is both a strong refutation of every album Weezer has made since "Green" as it, in its time, seemed to balk at "Pinkerton" and a numbing confirmation of the only available place this band has left: comic shearing, loose plagiarism, three separate solo projects all of which are balls.

Prefix Magazine. The A. The blame for Weezer can't all be laid on Cuomo—his bandmates' songwriting contributions particularly Brian Bell's Uncle Kracker stab 'Thought I Knew' are just as unforgivably soulless. Tiny Mix Tapes. Slant Magazine. Weezer seems to have driven their old shtick into the ground so perfectly, it almost seems like they've purposely become tired and boring. Essential Links.

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