Starfinder rpg torrent download
Now Sidakana, a ruthless vesk space pirate, has made the Locus system her personal playground, and the innocent people of Locus-1 have turned to the nearest military power—the Azlanti Star Empire—for help. As part of a massive effort to explore and develop an uninhabited planet full of valuable resources, the heroes are placed in control of a settlement and must deal with challenges from both within and without.
Are you a busy Game Master looking for an adventure you can run your players through in a single session? The Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild is a worldwide science fantasy campaign that puts you in the role of an agent of the Starfinder Society.
Each session is designed to last hours, with plenty of room for roleplaying, combat, and challenges to keep players engaged the entire game. Looking to take your Starfinder game out of this world? Check out dice, pins, plush, and more that add that extra bit of flair to each game session.
Whether your heroes are surveying a moon dotted with erupting volcanoes or fighting on unstable islands amid an active lava flow, this line of gaming maps provides ready-to-use science-fantasy set pieces for the busy Game Master. This double-sided map features a river of lava cascading down a cliff face on one side and a bubbling, lava-filled crater on the other. Submit Suggestion. Contact us. My Library. Affiliate System. Gift Certificates.
Create Content for your Favorite Games. About Us. Privacy Policy. Our Latest Newsletter. Product Reviews. Newsletter RSS Feed. Start Over Advanced Search. Products found in this section Delve deeply into the worlds of the Aethera Campaign Setting in this massive page exploration of the planets of the Aethera system and the flora and fauna that inhabit them!
Inside you'll discover dozens of new monsters ready for use. Each entry includes detailed Starfinder Roleplaying Game statistics The Alien Bestiary brings you an incredible array of sci-fi and space-themed monsters and menaces for the Starfinder Roleplaying Game! Whether playing in the official setting or a sci-fi saga like the Legendary Planet Adventure Path or in the Aethera Although the spires of Vandaran civilization have built great cities and nations, not all have prospered in this manner.
Far-Flung Frontiers In the far reaches of the Aurin system, where the distant sun is just another bright star, strange and ancient miracles permeate the cosmos, where the limits of both space and time bend and fray when the power of the mind interweaves with the substance of reality. Titanic mechanical moons have brought destructive change in their wake, and their weathered Gods and Peoples brings you a vast and exciting world of diverse cultures and gods in a war-torn world for Pathfinder or Starfinder Roleplaying Game campaigns!
Explore the planet of Vandara and its esoteric history and the strange magics that have birthed its panoply of cultures, races, and gods, When Vandara was imprisoned, it left behind a wide variety of colonies, technologies, and peoples across the Aurin system.
These forces have adapted since the Sundering, ushering in a new age of conflict and espionage across a war-ruined solar system.
Discover the secrets of five scattered planets and the many moons that surround them! Forged in an ancient war between interstellar tyrants, where gods are born, ascend, and fade into oblivion with the hopes and woes of their followers, Vandara was poised to conquer the stars before it ambitions fell to ruin with Cast out from their homeworld of Vandara, the peoples of the Aurin system have been forced to forge their own destiny amidst the strange moons and inhospitable planets of their hostile new home.
In the process, their culture and physiology have adapted in a myriad of miraculous Far beyond the reaches of Vandara lies a vast multiverse of horrors and wonders.
Amidst the blackness of eons, beings of incomprehensible age and magnitude war with each for the destiny of all of the universe. In their wake, countless miracles both scientific and magical lie strewn across the cosmos. To uncover the mysteries of these countless interstellar beings Advanced technology in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game makes you wonder how it might fit into the Starfinder Roleplaying Game , including new rules from Arcforge: Technology Expanded and Arcforge: Psibertech.
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