Ameba Ownd


Rachel's Chillaxin Time


2017.08.12 15:00

Hello! れいちぇるです!How are you going today?

今日はクラシック音楽の演奏家さんのために、英語でのプロフィール(biography)で使っているフレーズをシェアしますね♬♪ 参考になると嬉しいです♪




① 出身地や出身国

キーフレーズ:Born in Sydney, Australia, Rachel Fischer began


Born in Sydney...は分詞構文ですね。上記の文は2つに分解でき、(A) She was born in Sydney. (B) She began…と主節と主語が同じとき、主語を省いて文を一つにするのが分詞構文です。


② 簡潔に演奏歴を述べる

キーフレーズ:Rachel Fischer began her classical guitar studies at the age of ten with renowned guitarist, John Willams.


began her/his ●●● studies→ ~を学び始めた(●●●に楽器名を入れてくださいね)

at the age of ●●● →~の歳の時に (●●●に年齢を入れてください)

study with ●●● → ~に師事する (●●●に師匠の名前を入れてくださいね)


She started playing classical guitar at the age of 10.


At 15, she began studying with David Russel at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music in Australia.



The French guitarist, Gabriel Bianco, was born into a family of musicians, and received an early start on the guitar, receiving lessons with his father at age 5.

A few years later, in 1997, he began his studies in Paris with Ramon de Herrera at the Conservatoire National de Région, Conservatoire Supérieur de Paris (CNR-CSP). 


数年後の1997年に、パリのthe Conservatoire National de Région, Conservatoire Supérieur de Paris (CNR-CSP)音楽院にてRamon de Herrera氏に師事し始めた。)

was born into a family of musicians →音楽一家に生まれた(素敵!こんな風に言ってみたいです♥)

and received an early start →早期に教育を受けた

on the guitar →ギターで (楽器の時はon the ●●●を使います)

began his studies in ●●● with ●●● at ●●● →●●●で●●●(音楽院など)で●●●に師事し始めた(inはパリなどの広い場所、withは●●●に師事して、atは音楽院など具体的な場所を指します)

キーフレーズ:Award-winning classical guitarist, Rachel Fischer performs as soloist and chamber musician throughout the US.


Award-winning ●●●, →受賞歴のある●●●(ここは演奏者のタイプ、pianistなどを入れましょう)

performs as ●●● →~として演奏している

throughout ●●● →~中を(活動している場所を入れましょう)in ●●、●●、and ●●と国名を入れてもOKです。

 In recent seasons, she has appeared at …




Internationally renowned as a brilliant innovator of the classical guitar, Paul Galbraith has been working since the 1980’s towards expanding the technical limits of his instrument, besides augmenting the quantity and quality of its repertoire.


Internationally renowned as ●●● →●●●として国際的に著名な

has been working since  ●●● towards ~ →●●●以来、~に向け取り組んでいる・邁進している




Hailed by Washington Post as "among the most gifted guitarists on the planet" Polish guitarist, Marcin Dylla is a rare phenomenon in recent history of Classical Guitar. Many music critics, connoisseurs and music lovers certify that Marcin Dylla is among the world's elite of classical guitar players.


Hailed by ●●● as "~" →●●●により"~"として歓迎された

gifted →優れた才能のある

a rare phenomenon →類い稀なる逸材


2. Step 2: Body

キーフレーズ:She has won numerous awards including Gold medalist in the Koblenz International Guitar Competition, second prize winner in the Bach Competition(2009), and third prize winner in the Tokyo International Guitar Competition(2011) among others.


●●● has won numerous awards including ~ →●●●は~の(賞)を含む数々の賞に輝いた

among others →とりわけ、数ある中でも


Her awards include top prizes in..., ...., and ....



Rising star Xavier Jara has won numerous awards including first place in the senior division of the prestigious Guitar Foundation of America Competition, as well as in the youth division of the Indiana International Guitar Competition. 


rising star, ●●● →希望の星

has won numerous awards including ●●● →●●●を含む多くの賞に輝いた

prestigious →名誉ある


Since then, he has won first prizes in the 2012 Andrés Segovia Competition in Velbert, Germany, Boston Guitarfest, International Guitar Competition of Viseu, and the Sinaia International Guitar Competition in Romania. 


since then →それ以後

●●● has won first prizes in ~、~、and ~ →~や~、そして~(コンクール名)の一位に輝く



キーフレーズ:She has performed so many places around the world including Suntory Hall (Tokyo, Japan), Hitomi Hall (Nagoya, Japan), Sydney Opera  House (Australia),  Koblenz Castle (Germany), and so on.


●●● has performed so many places →●●●は様々な場所で演奏したことがある

around the world →世界中で

including A, B, C and so on →A, B, Cなどを含む


He has appeared in a number of distinguished concert halls such as…


appear in ●●● →●●●で登場(演奏、ステージに上がる)する

a number of →多くの

distinguished →著名な

such as A, B, and C →A,BそしてCのような


He has also performed on the National Public Radio program From the Top.

(彼は、またFrom the Topという国営ラジオ番組で演奏した)

●●● has also performed →●●●はまた演奏した

on ●●● →ラジオやテレビのショーなどの場合は前置詞onを使おう。 on the radio program, on the television showそこに続いて具体的な番組名を言及しましょう



Rachel Fischer has performed concerti with the Tokyo Symphonies... 


●●● has performed →●●●は演奏した(withがつくと共演したになりますね)

concerti → concertoコンチェルトの複数形


As a recitalist, she has appeared at the Suntory Hall and... 


has appeared at ●●● →●●●で登場(演奏)した


Her repertoire encompasses great classics and innovative new works such as... 


encompass →網羅する、含む

such as ... → …のような



キーフレーズ:Rachel Fisher has participated in master classes with many great artists including A, B and C.


participate in ●●● →●●●に参加する


 He attended master-classes with Roberto Aussel, Jose Luis Campana, Roland Dyens, Marcin Dylla, Edouardo Fernandez, Jérémy Jouve, Stephen Schmidt. Since 2005 he has also studied with French virtuoso Judicaël Perroy.

(彼はRoberto Aussel氏, Jose Luis Campana氏, Roland Dyens氏, Marcin Dylla氏, Edouardo Fernandez氏, Jérémy Jouve氏, Stephen Schmidt氏のマスタークラスに参加した。2005年からずっとフランス人の名演奏家、 Judicaël Perroy氏にも師事している)

attend →参加する

master classes with A, B, and C →AやBそしてCのマスタークラス

virtuoso →名演奏家

study with ●●● →●●●に師事する




キーフレーズ:When he was 12, Gabriel Bianco recorded for French television, "Mezzo TV", for the program "Musiciens en herbe", and later appeared on Romanian television (TVR Cultura). 

(ガブリエル・ビアンコ氏が12歳の時、フランスのテレビ局Mezzo TVの番組Musiciens en herbeにて収録した。そしてその後、ルーマニアテレビ局TVR Culturaに出演した)

record for ●●● →●●●のためにレコーディングした

appear on ●●● →●●●に出演した(onの後はテレビ局や番組名を入れましょう)


He has just recorded a DVD for the Italian magazine La Guitarra and his first CD was released in 2009 on Naxos.

(彼はイタリアの雑誌La Guitarra用のDVDをちょうどレコーディングし、彼の最初のCDはナクソスにて2009年にリリースした)

record ●●● →●●●をレコーディングする

first CD was released in ●●● on  ~ →最初のCDは●●●年に●●●(レーベル)でリリースされた


キーフレーズ:He has also collaborated with great composers of today including A, B, and C. 


collaborate with ●●● →●●●と協力(コラボ)する


She has premiered works by Franz Liszt.


premiere →初演する

work →作品

この部分は曲名を入れてもいいですね。She has premiered "All in Twilight” composed by 

Toru Takemitsu.


キーフレーズ:Rachel Fischer earned the Bachelor of Music degree in classical guitar performance from the Tokyo Conservatory, where she was recipient of the XYZ scholarship and studied with... 
As a fellow at the Summer Music Festival, she worked under..



earn → 取得する

Bachelor of Music in ●●● → ●●●の音楽学士号

recipient of ●●● → ●●●の受取人

scholarship →奨学金


Currently, Xavier studies at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris in the class of Olivier Chassain. At the same time, he studies privately with Judicael Perroy. 

(現在、ザビエル氏はNational Supérieur de Musique de Paris音楽院にてOlivier Chassain氏のクラスを受講(師事)。同時にJudicael Perroy氏に個人的に師事。)

●●● studies at ~ → ●●●は~(音楽院)にて勉強する

in the class of ●●● →●●●氏のクラスで

●●● studies with ~  →●●●は~氏に師事する

privately → 個人的に


Marcin Dylla was born in Chorzow in 1976 and received his first guitar lessons at the Ruda Slaska Music Conservatory in his native Poland.

(マルシン・ディラ氏は1976年にChorzowにて生まれ、彼の最初のギターレッスンを生まれ故郷のポーランドのRuda Slaska Music Conservatory音楽院にて受ける)

● was born in ♥(場所)in ・(年)→●は♥にて・年に生まれた

received his/her ● lessons at ♥(音大名)in ・(場所) →彼の最初の●レッスンを・にある♥音大で受講

From 1995 to 2000 he studied at the Music Academy of Katowice with Adi Wanda Palacz and later completed his studies with Oscar Ghiglia, Sonja Prunnbauer and Carlo Marchione at the Music Academies of Basel (Switzerland), Freiburg (Germany) and Maastricht (The Netherlands), respectively.

(1995~2000年まで、彼はMusic Academy of Katowice音大にてAdi Wanda Palacz氏に師事。

そしてその後、Music Academies of Basel (スイス), Freiburg (ドイツ) そして Maastricht (オランダ)にてそれぞれOscar Ghiglia氏, Sonja Prunnbauer氏、そして Carlo Marchione氏に師事した。)

studied at ● (音大名)with ♥(師匠の名前) →●にて♥に師事

complete →完了する

He is currently a Professor at the Music Academy in Kraków and Katowice.


いかがでしたか。ぜひ、Eye Catchingなプロフィール作ってみて下さいね♪