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Download symbol android comes on and off

2021.12.20 17:28

If you are using a mobile connection, then this is definitely the icon that you should be familiar with. It is the latest mobile internet connectivity technology 4G. What is most interesting here is that a newer 5G will aim to replace 4G soon as it has now been reported to be active in several places in North America. This icon stands for the roaming service of your Android device, meaning that your phone has connected to another cell that does not belong to our own network. When you have this icon, you are likely not going to be able to use your internet connection.

Similar to a billiard triangle, this technology is the same as the R symbol, indicating roaming. It shows mostly on older Android devices. If you see this icon, do not worry — you are not in a call. It simply means that your phone is configured so that it can make calls over Wi-Fi. This icon means that your TTY accessibility is switched on. It means that if you are deaf or having difficulty in speaking or hearing, you can type messages, to make the communication easier and possible.

The star icon does not mean that your phone is world-famous, not at all. Instead, it aims to tell you that you have turned on a priority mode. This mode allows you to receive only notifications from contacts that you have added as favorites. It is also known as Priority Mode. Probably the most sought-after icon by confused users, it means that you have turned on the NFC communication of your device.

It basically means the Near Field Communication. The technology allows you to e transfer data with nearby devices by connecting directly to it via wireless. It can be switched off from the WIFI or connection options. This icon basically means that your NFC Android Bean is turned on, meaning that you are transferring files via wireless quicker. This icon is basically the location icon, meaning that you have turned on either Google location, GPS service, or some other type of location services.

This icon is very similar to the Location icon and it means that the GPS technology on your device is turned on. Both icons can be turned off from the Location settings on your device. This icon does not have anything to do with your parking skills.

It does not forbid anything, instead, it is simply a notification that you are in an area that does not have a cellular connection and it means that you cannot make calls or send text messages.

This icon aims to tell you that you have successfully made a screenshot on the screen of your phone by pressing a key combination. It is basically a square with a mountain-like landscape inside. It can be removed fairly easily by clearing your notifications. If you see this icon, do not panic — BigBrother is not watching you, although you never know… The icon can be seen mostly if you have Samsung Android devices.

It has a function, known as Smart Stay. The feature Download Booster is enabled. The WiFi is activated and connected to a WiFi network. Bluetooth is enabled. There's an update available for the device software. The symbol shows the charge state of the battery.

Additionaly, the device is charged at the moment. A screenshot from the display was created successfully. Tapping the line in the notification area will open the image in the default image viewer. Same as above, however, the exclamation mark signals, that the image could not be saved, e. Private mode is enabled files, which were moved to private are visible now.

Mode Do not disturb dnd is enabled. The device mode is enabled. The addiotional notifications can be viewed by swiping down the notification bar to open the notification area. This symbol is created by the app Powerful Control.

The internal storage of the device is full. Since Android ! The sound playback e. The app Tasker is active which does not necessarily mean, that also profiles are activated, you can find that out by openeing the notification area by swiping down to the bottom from the notification bar. The symbol will disappear automatically, once the card is embedded successfully and can be used. The device currently is in the so called Lights Out Mode and dims, e. Data Saver is enabled.

To disable: Settings - data usage - Data Saver Reduces the data usage by optimizing visted pages on Google-servers. App Pinterest Message, that "the network may be monitored" by an unknown third-party, which is also visible when opening the quick settings bar. The most likely reason for this message is, that the user has installed a root CA certificate to the "User" trust store of trusted certificate authorities. Connections, which are using certificates from this CA, may be used for man-in-the-middle attacks.

The device will stay in portrait mode, no matter what direction it is currently. Abgerufen am Was bedeutet es? Category : CS1 Deutsch-language sources de. Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. More information OK.