May Peters's Ownd

Download tonewood amp driver

2021.12.20 17:28

Dim option removed from Global Settings Default to 5 seconds. Notch Low and Hi are now Notch 1 and 2. Notch 2 is full-spectrum hz. Minor bug fixes. This software is Windows and MacOS compatible and will allow you to update your ToneWoodAmp to the most recent firmware version and to load new effects when they become available.

If you need help with the update, please reach out to us via the chat icon on our page or submit a support ticket. Did you find it helpful? Yes No. Login New Support Ticket. Enter your search term here Notch 2 is full-spectrum hz Minor bug fixes. Our customers are beginners and hobbyists, professionals, and virtuosos, guitar nerds we count ourselves proud members of this tribe , singers, songwriters, producers, and so much more.

Every acoustic player needs this in their life! No tools, no permanent impact on your guitar, and it switches easily between instruments. All you need is a guitar with a pickup. Order yours now. Share with a friend. Hear It Now Order Yours. Best invention since sliced bread. I love it. I have not played my guitar without it since I first tried it.

I love my TonewoodAmp. It has totally changed my world. I love the amp and it has thrown my creativity through the roof!!! Thank you so much —Ryan Perry Customer. Legitimately one of the best purchases I have ever made in my entire life. What is it?

No amp. No cables. No effects pedals. And yet, all the same benefits! How it works. How it works The ToneWoodAmp uses patented technology to vibrate the back of virtually any acoustic guitar, creating the sound effects you know and love — no need for an amp!

I never play my Taylor without it.