antique blueParrot


2017.08.11 05:40


立秋の次候は「寒蝉鳴」(ひぐらしなく)です。夕暮れにカナカナ… と鳴く声は、確かに日本人の私たちに夏の終わりを感じさせますね。その声が夏を惜しんでいるかのようにまで聴こえてきます。





アンティーク ブルーパロット

Japan’s 72 micro seasons story:August 12 - 16 “Higurashi naku” The evening cicada sings.

Japan has wonderful contrast of four seasons, Our traditional calendar marks the passing of the seasons and changes in the natural world by giving poetic names to each time of the year. There are 24 major divisions. The 24 divisions are each split again into three for a total of 72 micro seasons that last around five days each.

August 12 - 16 “Higurashi naku” The evening cicada sings.

The second seasons of Rishyu (Beginning of autumn) is “Higurashi naku” The evening cicada sings. Almost all of us feel the summer ending when we hear those evening cicada singing.. very unique and sentimental sound. It even sounds like they are missing summer to passes us by..

Few weeks ago, we were middle of summer and wishing for the weather to become cooler in less than no time. But now we are missing summer.. sounds like we are asking too much?

By the way, from this time to 16th, many of us take “Obon holiday”, one of the most important Buddhists festival in Japan to remember the spirits of people who have died. We usually return to our hometown to spend relaxed time by visiting momorial park, fireworks and summer festival which all of this to mourn for ancestors’ spirits.

In Kyoto, “Gozan no Okuribi”, five mountains bonfire is the most famous event for Obon and it tells us the end of summer.

Since blue Parrot locates nearby of one of its mountain, don’t forget to stop by at our shop. Now we have variety of furniture, tablewares, lacquered wares and many other items perfect for coming autumn.

antique blue parrot