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2021.12.20 17:33

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Stuvera is a Directory of eBooks, Online Courses, Research materials, and different educational resources sourced from all over the web. Visit BookWalker to download manga zip online. The BookWalker is selling the Manga books, but they also have many free manga books for your choice. It provides not only eBooks but also paper books. Comico is very popular in Japan. Please ensure you know Japanese; otherwise you may have difficulty in reading their mangas. This is presumably, it is the most famous manga site until today.

They have a tremendous rundown of manga and classifications like show, dream, activity, enterprise, parody, school life, and significantly more. If you want to see what's in it, you can check out the full list of contents. Or you can go to the product page. Or if you are tired of reading and just want to go get it already, you can go right to Gumroad, do not pass go, do not collect gold pieces.

I've got no clue when the next set will come out, so if you want to be sure not to miss it, you can either watch this space or sign up for email notifications about my Gumroad releases here.

Oh, and they recently added a five-star rating system, so I would consider it a favor if any of you went to that last link and rated any of the PDFs you already own. It's OK if you don't want to, though. OK, so I'm running a little late getting this calendar and the holiday ornament and the new t-shirt designs up, but they are now available to order. This year's calendar is the Magic Item Calendar, featuring encounters between your favorite OOTS characters and your favorite classic magic items, with the implicit understanding that they may not be your favorite at all because there are a lot of characters in the strip and a whole lot of magic items published, and there are only 12 months in a year.

Still, lots of characters, lots of items. We're offering this calendar in printed form from Ookoodook and digital PDF form from Gumroad ; both of those are pre-orders at this time. The paper calendars should ship out some time around December 10, and the PDF will be automatically sent to your inbox on December I'd like to remind everyone that we have sold out of the hard copy editions during the pre-order before, so if you want to be sure to get a printed calendar, order in the next few days.

And the holiday ornament showcases Lien and Oona this year, with additional new shirt designs that feature Bloodfeast, Greyview, Oona, Zhou Bo, Saha, and literally the entire Outer Planes.

You can pick all of those up from CafePress. For more information or to ask questions, head on over to the forum thread. Thanks, and I hope everyone's having a good season so far. I just wanted to give everyone a quick update on the status of Good Deeds Gone Unpunished , to kind of close the book on the, uh, book.

All pre-orders have shipped and it's now in stock and ready to be ordered from Ookoodook normally. Likewise, the digital PDFs have gone out to all who pre-ordered that version, and you can buy and download an ebook copy right now from Gumroad. Finally, the books are working their way through the retail distribution chain and should start showing up on game store shelves as early as this Tuesday, September 4th.

So that's it! Everyone who bought the book should have it, and it's now available for everyone who didn't buy it yet to remedy that. To be honest, I almost forgot to announce this here because this project has been the smoothest book launch I've had since I started publishing. Usually, this would be the point where I'd be explaining why they're going to be late, but nope! All cool. On Wednesday, Project Wonderful, our longtime ad provider for the forums, shut down once and for all.

We found out this was coming last month, so we had some warning, but it's not a stretch to say this was still a surprise. This site has never been entirely dependent on advertising revenue—in fact, we've never put paid ads on the actual comic page, just the forum—but it has still come to be a significant portion of our monthly income. In particular, the income we got from it was much steadier than the money from product sales, which tends to ebb and flow depending on whether I've published anything new recently.

So it will be missed, and we've had a few conversations on ways to replace it. One thing we probably won't be doing, though, is using a different advertising service. The reason we went with Project Wonderful for so long is that it avoided all of the awful features you think of when you think "website ads. As of yet, I haven't found a service that can guarantee not to screw with the site experience everyone has come to expect horribly dated as it is from Giant in the Playground.

Whatever we do, it won't be that. Also, special shout-out to Alea Tools , a company that makes tracking doodads for your tabletop games, for being our top advertiser over the years that we were with Project Wonderful. If you have an urge to support a company that's supported us, you could do worse than to take a look at their stuff. Approving those was the last step that I have any direct hand in, so it's up to the printers and distributors now.

We're looking pretty good on the schedule, too; I don't see any reason it won't be available at Ookoodook's GenCon booth as planned. Worst case scenario, we overnight ship a few boxes to cover those of you who pre-ordered it to pick up at the convention. But I fully expect that they'll have enough on the table for anyone who wants to buy it on the spot.

The next Order of the Stick book is coming, and this time, it's all about Azure City. The Order of the Stick: Good Deeds Gone Unpunished is a collection of five original not-available-online stories about your favorite heroes from the South, including How the Paladin Got His Scar , the prequel tale about O-Chul that helped launch our Kickstarter back in , and Spoiler Alert , a story about Therkla's day off that was requested by one of the high-end pledges.

But even if you already read those, this book has three all-new stories that no one has ever read except me, obviously, and my wife about Lien, Kazumi and Daigo, and Mr. It's our biggest prequel book yet, although it isn't really because it's not all prequel—the story about the Katos takes place in the present day of the comic, in their new island home.

So it's like a side-quel, too. You can pre-order the new book right now at either Ookoodook for paper copies or Gumroad for digital PDF copies , and the books will be mailed or emailed to you in August when they're released.

Or, if you're planning on attending GenCon , the folks at Ookoodook have offered to let people pick their books up in person if you select that option when you order.

I won't be there, though, so don't choose that option just because you want them autographed or something. For more information, you can check out the product page with all the technical details, or this forum thread where you can ask questions which you can also do on Twitter , if they're short enough.

The fourth volume of A Monster for Every Season , our set of print-and-play miniatures for your tabletop fantasy game, is now available on Gumroad. This is the Winter set, even though Spring started a few days ago. But I just finished it now, and it's not like I'm going to make everyone wait another nine months for their tiny paper dinosaurs. That would just be cruel. For more information, you can look at the product page or check out the full list of contents. There is also a collection of 2.

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The Magazine Rack is a collection of digitized magazines and monthly publications. The John P. I wonder how they even come up with this idea. I can import a directory but it does not appear in any list. I cannot import an archive before it has successfully downloaded something It appears to only be for downloa ding and displaying webcomics.

This program is useless. Pros: Didn't crash my computer Cons: Does not have the advertised functionality. To: Crazyfish. Sorry about that - there was some confusion about this and another similarly-named app, but it's all sorted now! Not a comic book reader. It supports various comic file formats such as: cbr, cbt, cbw, cbz. Comic book archive reader and manager.