Failed to download file catalog.z from site
Rarst Kilgore Trout Heh, I so understand. Debbie Thank you for posting this solution. I've struggled with trying to get a machine upgraded to SP3 for over a week.
This solution was the one to finally take care of the problem. Rarst Debbie It would be pure evil to not share it. This was an issue for hours of troubleshooting. No other solutions were working. Thanks so much! Rarst PaulM You are welcome. Steve Berlin WOW! Wish I had found this site 6 hours ago!
You rock!!!!! Rarst Steve Berlin You are welcome. XP is oldish so it won't do clean install if that's what you are doing with AHCI unless drivers are provided. On other hand I am not sure this is your problem.
Could be just as well hardware issue or anything in between. I strongly suggest you contact HP support if you have that option or start looking for friendly computer geek who will sort it out for you. Plzzzzz help. Bob Excellent work. Help me load SVC pack 3 on a clients computer that had this issue. Added to my list of XP fixes. Rarst Bob Glad it was of use. Rarst e. Method in post seems to help often, but is certainly not universal.
Rarst Misty You are welcome. Misty Thanks so much. This is the only thing that worked for me. Rarst Mike Fisher I can only suggest you go through complete support article, linked to in post. My steps are what helped in specific situation and what seems to fix common issues. There can always be more. Mike Fisher Boy, I followed your suggestions to the letter and still got the error again.
Do you have any other ideas for a wayward nearly time to fresh install situation? Thanks, mike fisher.
Among numerous comments on that post e. Jeri I have to add my thanks as well! I Googled the problem, found your instructions and dove right in. Worked perfectly! Thank you so much for taking the time to help others. Rarst Deb Sorry to hear that. As with Mike above I can only advise to go over Microsoft support article, linked to in post. It had last been updated very recently and there might be more recent causes and fixes to this issue. Deb I was excited to find your suggested solution and the positive responses.
Unfortunately, after following all steps, I still get the "failed to install catalog files" error. Tried the fix twice now and no go.
Will have to keep looking. Amigo I tried deleting catroot2 but nothing happened, deleting catroot worked, so I reinstalled windows again and went to catroot and I looked at the. Also guys, try MS page, they have like 8 solutions and you can click on "Fix it" option on MS page and you will get a file to download and it will try the soultions for you, if that didnt work try manually.
MS page: So evry person has different problem thus same error for all, thanks for the info dude. Join our community to see this answer! Unlock 1 Answer and 5 Comments. Andrew Hancock - VMware vExpert. See if this solution works for you by signing up for a 7 day free trial. What do I get with a subscription? With your subscription - you'll gain access to our exclusive IT community of thousands of IT pros.
We can't always guarantee that the perfect solution to your specific problem will be waiting for you. If you ask your own question - our Certified Experts will team up with you to help you get the answers you need. Who are the certified experts? How quickly will I get my solution? I have a current EPO 5. Has anyone else had this problem or have a thought?
Is it that I am running to EPO servers? After working with our Network Engineer we determined that the issue was our firewall blocking the. We had to make an exception policy in our firewall antivirus to ignore that file from the McAfee update sites download. To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. Get answers from your peers along with millions of IT pros who visit Spiceworks.