My downloads 5.4 version is not opening
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Please visit the page to contact Microsoft support. This thread has been around for a long time. Your action would be helpful to other users who encounter the same issue and read this thread.
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Last reply by lmacri Solved. SupportAssist 3. Any suggestions on how to fix this would be much appreciated. All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic. Solution 1. Accepted Solutions. ChengXiaochuan 2 Bronze. Community Accepted Solution. Replies 9. Honogurai 2 Bronze. I have the same problem. In response to Honogurai. I have the same problem as well. In response to sangelis. I've the same problem Rgds, T. In response to lmacri. UI: UI now sets the texelSize for use in custom shaders.
It now presents itself to the input system as a joystick named "Oculus Remote". This way, you can control whether or not to copy debugging files. Windows: Standalone player now can be run in Low Integrity Mode. Windows Store: Added PlayerSettings. Declarations API for setting declarations for Package.
Windows Store: Added support for UnityEngine. Ping class. Windows Store: Command line argument -dontConnectAcceleratorEvent can now be added to disable accelerator event-based input.
Windows Store: Improved deserialization performance when using. NET scripting backend. Windows Store: Improved Visual Studio project generation. The solution shouldn't rebuild needlessly anymore; however, users may need to delete the old generated project so it can be regenerated. See upgrade guide. Windows Store: In Player Settings, visual asset images are now edited using object fields.
Older implementation can be turned on by passing command line argument -forceTextBoxBasedKeyboard. Windows Store: PDBs will now be included in the installers for "Release" players as well as debug and master players. Windows Store: System. Android: Fixed an issue where SystemInfo.
Animation: Fixed an issue where events and additional curves in 0-length animations were popping errors [] Animation: Fixed an issue where having animations with a mixed number of bones in a controller, and having Write Defaults to false would throw errors.
Animation: Fixed an issue where the ModelImporterClipAnimation inspector would not show properly when he Avatar Mask was empty [] Animation: Fixed an issue where the transition preview wouldn't reappear when valid parameters were set after it having disappeared when invalid parameters were set.
UpdateMode not being saved. GetParameter crash. GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo during an interrupted transition. Animation: Fixed Generic MatchTarget. Animation: Fixed import of humanoids when root object rotation is not identity.
Animation: Fixed leaking scriptable objects in AnimationWindow. Animation: Fixed memory leak in AnimatorOverrideController. Animation: Memory usage improvements. Animation: Optimized AvatarMask inspector. LoadFromFile usage with Application.
Audio: Audio profiler: Added separator lines between columns, adapted initial column widths to fit, and added support for horizontal scrolling. Audio: Fixed issue where AudioClip. LoadAudioData had no effect when called after AudioSettings.
Audio: Fixed issue where AudioSource. Audio: Fixed issue where non-persisted audio clips i. Create tried to reload after AudioSettings. Reset, which caused error messages. D3D11 before Compute: Compute shaders from the same folder as a modified. CopyCount is only available to IndirectArgs or Raw typed destination buffers.
SetFloats wouldn't set all values in some constants like arrays of matrices. Core: Fixed possible crash when loading multiple asset bundles simultaneously. Previously builds with this issue would exit with return code 0. Deployment Management: Fix to ensure to include streaming asset files in the editor log build report correctly.
Documentation: Restored lost documentation for RenderTargetSetup. DX Fixed case of DX11 9. When exiting Play Mode the previous active Scene is now correctly made the active Scene again. ObjectContent now adds type information to the text string as shown for ObjectFields: E. Editor: EditorUtility. SetSelectedWireframeHidden state is now saved into Scenes.
Editor: Fixed a bug in Editor DelayedTextField where it was losing edit progress when moving focus to a checkbox or dropdown. Existing projects will need to reapply plugin importer settings. GI: Fixed black NaN artifacts produced in rendering by invalid directional lightmaps. GI: Fixed issue of changing lightmap directionality mode corrupting the scene rendering.
Graphics: Fix to avoid crash in CommandBuffer. Graphics: Fix to prevent spam of D3D11 debug layer warning messages when setting resource names. Apply not generating mipmaps if the Texture2D object didn't have actual mipmaps previously. SetActive false. DrawMesh when material is null. Graphics: Fixed Crunch texture compression artifacts caused by integer overflow. It now uses the same depth buffer format as regular rendering. Graphics: Fixed potential problem capturing frames in RenderDoc.
Casting from Mesh to Renderer! Graphics: Newly created line renderers and trail renderers will now have light probes and reflection probes disabled by default. This fixes a warning when submitting to iTunes Connect.
This helps plugins that use presentation controllers. This fixes an issue with being unable to write to newly created scripts. Multiplayer: Fixed issue where an error response from the server could lead to undesirable console output in non-error cases when setting the match auth token.
Multiplayer: Fixed issue where default matchmaker port was 80 instead of in one code path. Multiplayer: Fixed issue where wrong initialization connection amount could lead to system crash. Multiplayer: Fixed issue whereby cleaning up a connection containing a StateUpdate channel could cause a crash. Multiplayer: Removed warnings "no free events" and "Attempt to send to not connected connection"; Bugfix: acks now reset when connection resets.
Multiplayer: The WWW object in MatchMaker callback handler is now explicitly disposed when the handler is done with it. These now match legacy GL behavior. OpenGL: Fixed issue whereby 3D textures did not have mipmaps in some cases. OpenGL: Fixes for Windows fullscreen mode. Play, depending on camera position. GetCurrentSize3D apply curves only to X if separate axis is not set. Physics2D: Ensure that buoyancy forces take into account the Rigidbody2D gravity-scale.
Physics2D: Fix ensures that animating a Joint2D property always updates the joint immediately. Plugins: Native plugins will now correctly initialize their settings on import and this will be reflected in meta file.
Previously closing a built aplication could result in a NullReference exception. SetValue and FieldInfo. GetValue when field is not defined on target object specified. CreateInstance with a nested ScriptableObject class.
CurrentTimeZone and DateTime. Object derived classes no longer changes when the object is destroyed. Shaders: Fixed DX11 shader disassembly not showing correctly in the editor UI for 'show compiled code'. Shaders: Fixed very small or very large default shader property values not being serialized correctly.
Shaders: Made some optimizations for surface shader importing time. Substance: Fixed corner cases of outputs not being impacted by any input not being generated. Templates: Fixed whitespaces in Editor Tests template.
Terrain: Fixed an issue where the legacy Soft Occlusion tree shaders didn't work well with images effects that utilize the depth texture. Terrain: Fixed incorrect SpeedTree rendering when a tree is in dithering on some mobile devices such as iPhone 6. This also reduced the amount of unnecessary growth that could occur in the Font texture atlas. Tizen: Fixed problem whereby an object would sometimes move to the center of the screen when the device was rotated.
This fixes a case of UI Elements becoming invisible after scrolling "Graphics" option for the element. Previously labels were empty in such cases. UI: Fixed incorrect alpha threshold implementation. UI: Fixed incorrect content validation when assigning text. UI: Fixed issue that was causing the first line of text to include the ascent offset scaled by line spacing. UI: Fixed issue with null reference error in Graphic on reload. UI: Fixed NaNs introduced in font calculations when the font reports its size as 0.
UI: Fixed toggle group assignment use to re-register the toggle during onDisable. Previously, this was causing some characters to render in the wrong place. PlayEffect can cause other items to go invisible. UI: World space canvas now emits to each camera in the Scene instead of directly to the world. VCS: Moved the assignment of an identifier from the constructor to the Get method.
VR: Fixed issue with acquiring Correct node values during the first frame for Oculus. VR: VR splash screen images now follow the gaze of the user so that they are always seen. PlayScheduled and AudioSource. WebGL: Improved performance of floating point math in Chrome. Windows: Fixed occassional stutter when running with VSync turned off. WP8 and BuildTarget.