Pathfinder blood of the elements pdf download
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No matter how you slice it, magic is at the heart of fantasy—and nothing says magic like a massive tome of spells. This tome collects, updates, tweaks, and expands spells from years of the Deep Magic for Fifth Edition series—more than new and revised spells. And it adds a lot more: 19 divine domains from Beer to Mountain and Speed to Winter; 13 new wizard Deep Magic: Illumination Masters of Starlight and Shadow As you gaze up at the night sky, you hear your companions whisper—some of them anxious, some mocking, yet none comprehending.
For in the shifting patterns of the stars, you read the fate of gods and mortals. And out of the shadow between them, you shape spells to ravage and destroy your foes.
Deep Magic: Illumination brings the secrets of illumination magic Magic flows like an invisible river, wending across the landscape. Most cannot see the ley lines; but to you, trained in the arts of geomancy, they blaze as glowing torrents of energy, pulsing bands of light, glittering strings. This power, the power of the land itself, is yours to draw upon. Deep Magic: Ley Lines brings the secrets of ley line magic Read Not the Glyphs! The speech of the void is oblivion given form. It corrupts and degrades physical reality.
The Great Old Ones murmur it to their followers in nightmares, and it is whispered by creatures that dwell in the silent, cold expanses between the stars. Void magic is anathema to existence itself. Only the mad, desperate, or power-hungry seek to wield it—and you are To seasoned adventurers, the doom-laden chanting of priests and the cackling of evil wizards means only one thing: deadly peril, and the chance for treasure! Catacombs beneath the streets may provide answers, but what lurks in them may not enjoy company Who will uncover and stop the foul and ghoulish workings?
Will your adventurers have the fortitude and ambition—or the greed and cunning—it takes to put a stop to them? Empire of the Ghouls In these pages, 15 of the brightest stars in the gaming industry share their wisdom for conceptualizing, developing, and It took startling leaps of imagination as well as careful thought and planning to create places like these: places that readers and players want to come back to again and again.
Are You? Midgard is lost in an age of war: of dark wilderness, and lost empires sunk beneath the waves. Only magic and the warmth of hope keeps lights aglow when dread things prowl, and priestly wardings tremble and bend before the fury of demonic rage. In this dark time, new heroes must arise to claim the crowns of Midgard, and restore the jewels to her scattered thrones Welcome to a world of dark roads and deep magic, where you can match wits with Baba Yaga, set sail for uncharted islands with minotaur corsairs, and face the fury of the giants in the icy north!
The Midgard Heroes Handbook for 5th Edition has everything you need to create a character for a 5th edition Midgard campaign, including full details Magic pervades all of Midgard, and ley lines are its wellspring. Those who know how to tap into these rivers of magical power find great reward—and of course risk. Brimming with this new potential, you are able to manipulate this magic like no other, boosting magical effects and powering new spells and items, even traveling the span of the world.
There is no limit to It is an age of war. Civilization slowly gives way to encroaching wilderness, and once-mighty empires now lie beneath the waves. Only magic and the warmth of hope keeps lights aglow when dread things prowl, and priestly wardings are bent by demonic rage. The omens are dire. The roads to the shadow realm are open again, and the The roads to the shadow realm are open again, and the fey have returned A rotting wind has blighted the capital city of the Empire of the Iron Falcon, followed by an invasion force of long-dead warriors.
Before the undead phalanxes tore down the Tower of Triumph, the Council of Six divined that the source of the siege was the Necropolis of the Mailed Fist. For thirteen generations, the Empire interred its sacred dead and mythic In the Southlands, the world is alive with elemental power and wondrous magic, ancient god-kings walk among the living, and empires at their height echo the mystery and majesty of the past. The Tomb of Mercy was built centuries ago to house arks that would preserve the souls of humanity from an infernal invasion.
Now you must travel to the Wasted West, unseal the Tomb, and send the last ark safely on its journey. Fail, and humanity faces extinction!
In Tomb of Mercy , players compete with the GM in a race against time to see if humanity can be Used to be? What is it now? Does anyone else speak Draconic? It says In this armor? What do you do? Here are more than The wizard peered through the hole in the tunnel wall and into the darkness of the ancient vault beyond. She murmured a few arcane words, searching for any telltale magical auras. Then she gasped. But all is far from what it seems. Following for GMs, with advice on how to run a game of Pathfinder the spell descriptions are all of the focus spells—special and a rich array of treasure.
The following is a summary spells granted by specific class abilities and feats. While of what you can expect to find in each chapter. Finally, at This introduction is designed to help you understand the the end of the chapter are rules for rituals, complicated basics of Pathfinder. This chapter also includes the rules and risky spells that any character can cast.
The chapter ends with an example of building a 1st-level character. Most importantly, Lost Omens are in this chapter, including their ancestry characters who venerate a deity should look to this feat options. Backgrounds are at the end of this chapter, chapter to find the rules associated with their faith. Chapter 9: Playing the Game This important chapter contains the universal rules Chapter 3: Classes needed to play Pathfinder, including rules for the various This chapter contains the rules for all 12 classes.
Each modes of play, the basic actions that every character can class entry includes guidelines on playing the class, rules perform, the rules for combat, and the rules for death and for building and advancing a character of that class, dying. Every player should be familiar with this chapter, sample builds, and all of the class feats available to especially the GM. This chapter also includes rules for animal companions and familiars, which can be Chapter Game Mastering acquired by members of several different classes.
At the Packed full of guidelines and advice, this chapter helps end of this chapter are the rules for archetypes—special Game Masters tell an interesting and compelling story. It also includes advice on creating a fun and encouraging These rules allow a character to dabble in the abilities of game space and guides for empowering players to create another class or concept.
This chapter details guidelines for Chapter 5: Feats distributing treasure to characters, as well as descriptions As a character advances in level, they gain additional of hundreds of magic items. This chapter also contains feats to represent their growing abilities. General feats the rules for alchemical items. Appendices The back of this book has an appendix with the rules Chapter 6: Equipment for all of the conditions that you will find in the game. Armor, weapons, and other gear can all be found in this This section also includes a blank character sheet, and an chapter, along with the price for services, cost of living, index with a comprehensive glossary of common terms and animals such as horses, dogs, and pack animals.
These standards are in place to make Single Action Backgrounds this book rules elements easier to recognize. If a word or a phrase is italicized, it is describing a spell or a magic item. This way, Two-Action Skills. This is especially the case during encounters, when every action counts. When you use an action, you generate an effect. This effect might be automatic, but sometimes actions necessitate that you roll a die, and the effect is [[reaction]] Playing the Game based on what you rolled.
Throughout this book, you will see special icons to denote actions. Reaction Game mastering [one-action] Single Actions Single actions use this symbol: [one-action]. You get only one reaction per encounter round, and you can use it only when its specific trigger is fulfilled.
A free action might have a trigger like a reaction does. However, you can use only one free action per trigger, so if you have multiple free actions with the same trigger, you have to decide which to use. Activities Activities are special tasks that you complete by spending one or more of your actions together.
Usually, an activity uses two or more actions and lets you do more than a single action would allow. You have to spend all the actions an activity requires for its effects to happen. Spellcasting is one of the most common activities, as most spells take more than a single action to cast. Activities that use two actions use this symbol: [two-actions].
Activities that use three actions use this symbol: [three-actions]. A few special activities, such as spells you can cast in an instant, can be performed by spending a free action or a reaction. All tasks that take longer than a turn are activities. If an activity is meant to be done during exploration, it has the exploration trait. An activity that takes a day or more of commitment and that can be done only during downtime has the downtime trait. Reading Rules often have traits associated with them traits appear in the This book contains hundreds of rules elements that Glossary and Index.
All characters can use the basic format, but their stat blocks contain a number of unique actions found in Chapter 9, but an individual character elements see Chapter 7 for more on reading spells, and often has special rules that allow them to do things most Chapter 11 for more on alchemical and magic items. TRAITS Regardless of the game mechanic they convey, rules Prerequisites Any minimum ability scores, feats, proficiency elements are always presented in the form of a stat block, ranks, or other prerequisites you must have before you can a summary of the rules necessary to bring the monster, access this rule element are listed here.
Feats also have a level character, item, or other rules element to life during play. Where appropriate, stat blocks are introduced with an Frequency This is the limit on how many times you can use explanation of their format. For example, the Ancestry the ability within a given time. Requirements Sometimes you must have a certain item or be The general format for stat blocks is shown below.
Entries in a certain circumstance to use an ability. Actions, This section describes the effects or benefits of a rule element. An activity that you must roll to determine the effect. If a character must Special Any special qualities of the rule are explained in attain a certain level before accessing an ability, that level this section. Rules also more than once, explaining what happens when you do.
Your Strength modifier gets added worldview, and this will set the stage for your roleplaying to melee damage rolls and determines how much your Backgrounds during the game. Dexterity is important if your character plans help you understand ability scores.
These scores are a critical to make attacks with ranged weapons or use stealth to Feats part of your character, and you will be asked to make choices surprise foes. Your Dexterity modifier is also added to about them during many of the following steps. Equipment character creation are presented in a suggested order, but you can complete them in whatever order you prefer. The character sheet is shown and stamina. Constitution is an important statistic for on pages 24—25; you can find a copy in the back of this book all characters, especially those who fight in close combat.
The Age of or online as a free pdf. Additionally, the Intelligence measures how well your character can learn character sheet includes every field you might need, even and reason. A high Intelligence allows your character to Game though not all characters will have something to put in each analyze situations and understand patterns, and it means mastering field. If a field on your character sheet is not applicable to they can become trained in additional skills and might be your character, just leave that field blank.
If the field awareness, and intuition. Your Wisdom modifier is added Appendix you need to fill out is on the third or fourth page of the to your Perception and Will saving throws.
A high Charisma score helps you influence the thoughts and moods of others. One of the most important aspects of your character is Name. Dwarves, for example, receive an ability score, and ability flaws, which decrease a score.
As you boost to their Constitution score and their Wisdom score, build your character, remember to apply ability score as well as one free ability boost, which can be applied to adjustments when making the following decisions. Ancestry: Each ancestry provides ability boosts, and sometimes an ability flaw. If you are taking any voluntary Ability Flaws flaws, apply them in this step see the sidebar on page If your character has an ability flaw—likely ability boosts. Then, determine your other statistics in the game.
Find the score in Table 1—1: ability modifiers based on those scores. Ability Modifiers to determine its ability modifier. But your GM may decide to Apply the ability boosts your character gains from their add a little randomness to character creation and let the dice ancestry, but your character gets one fewer free ability decide what kind of character the players are going to play.
In boost than normal. Finally, apply one ability ability scores. If this ability score system and other Pathfinder rules assume. When your character receives Add the three remaining results together and record the sum. Decide which value you want 5 6 for each of your ability scores. There is no wrong way! In the ancestries overview on ancestries, backgrounds, and classes. The summaries on page 22, each entry lists which ability scores it boosts, and Feats pages 22—23 might help you match your concept with some also indicates any ability flaws the ancestry might have.
For character concept around these options. The summaries of descriptions of the available backgrounds, see pages 60— Game ancestries and classes on pages 22—23 give a brief overview mastering of these options full details appear in Chapters 2 and 3, respectively. Additionally, of honor, justice, and rulership. Backgrounds are champion or cleric of that deity; they might instead be a lay detailed later in Chapter 2, beginning on page Your characters could who defies commonly held notions about their people?
You might sense of wonder and a zest for change, or a performing discuss mechanical aspects with the other players, creating rogue capable of amazing acrobatic feats but with little characters whose combat abilities complement each interest in sneaking about. You can use roleplaying to challenge absorb damage, and characters who can provide healing. Your character can live any life you see fit. Pathfinder is a rich world with section on the third page of your character sheet. Dwarves are a Elves are a tall, Gnomes are Goblins are a Halflings are a Humans are short, stocky slender, long-lived short and hardy short, scrappy, short, adaptable incredibly diverse.
The alchemist throws The barbarian flies into Skilled performances and A warrior dedicated to a alchemical bombs and a rage on the battlefield, secrets of the occult enable deity, the champion uses drinks concoctions of their smashing foes with abandon.
The Age of The cleric calls on the power The druid uses the magic of The fighter is a master The monk wields the Lost OMENS of a deity to cast spells that the natural world to bolster of weapons, martial secrets of martial arts can heal allies or harm foes.
Step 2 Speed, and languages, and contributes to their Hit Points. At this point, just note a 10 in hero learned at an early age. Adjust your ability scores, adding 2 to an ability score if you gained an ability boost from your ancestry, and Step 3 subtracting 2 from an ability score if you gained an ability 3 Select an Ancestry flaw from your ancestry.
The ancestry number later. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. Write the ancestry feat you selected in the Ancestry skill granted by your background. Character backgrounds appear in Chapter 2, harmful effects. Each class is fully detailed in Chapter 3, starting on page They typically provide two ability but the summaries on pages 22—23 provide an overview boosts one that can be applied to either of two specific of each and tells you which ability scores are important ability scores, and one that is free , training in a specific when playing that class.
On the Level box to indicate that your character is 1st level. If you do, you can to finalize their ability scores. These ability flaws noted in previous steps from your ancestry, background, and class. In this flaw subtracts 2. You should have no ability score lower than 8 or higher than Choose which skills your to Charisma, though, because it is character is trained in and record those, along with the ones set by your class. Some class features require you to make additional choices, such as selecting spells.
Record all other class feats and abilities on the second page. Their weapons all gain spellcasting—the ability determine how much damage they deal in combat, and their armor influences their to cast a wide variety of spells. Classes Armor Class; these calculations are covered in more detail in Step For more on the available equipment and spells, you should take time Skills how much it costs, see Chapter 6.
If your proficiency rank for a statistic is located in Chapter 7. This modifier is equal to their proficiency bonus in Perception plus their Wisdom modifier. For more about Perception, see page Then add in any bonuses or penalties from abilities, feats, or items that always apply but not modifiers, bonuses, or penalties that apply only in certain situations.
Record this number on the line for that saving throw. You also add any item bonus from the weapon and any other permanent bonuses or penalties. See the weapon entries in Chapter 6 for more information. For each skill in which Now add the following details to your character sheet in your character is trained, add your proficiency bonus for the appropriate spaces.
For skills your character is untrained in, use the morality and personality. This might affect the way various For Perception and saving throws, write your proficiency spells, items, and creatures interact with your character. Keep in mind that box after the name of each weapon, and put the damage alignment is a complicated subject, and even acts that might for each in the space below, along with the traits for that be considered good can be used for nefarious purposes, and attack.
For skills, record the relevant ability modifier and vice versa. They are also good if they value protecting others from harm, Lawful Lawful Lawful Backgrounds even if doing so puts the character in danger. Gender and Pronouns Playing the Chaotic characters believe that lawful characters are too Characters of all genders are equally likely to become Game inflexible to judge each situation by its own merits or take adventurers.
Game that chaotic characters are irresponsible and flighty. In most cases, you can just change their alignment during sessions by performing heroic deeds or devising and continue playing. However, if you play a cleric or clever strategies. See page for more about Hero Points. To calculate your AC, add 10 plus Write down the deity your character worships, if any. Beyond that, you can amount of Bulk that exceeds 5 plus their Strength modifier, play a character of whatever age you like.
The particularly old, but you might want to take it into account Bulk your character is carrying equals the sum of all of their when considering your starting ability scores and future items; keep in mind that 10 light items make up 1 Bulk. You advancement.
Particularly young characters can change can find out more about Bulk in Chapter 6: Equipment. Sample Character proficiencies, marking the appropriate boxes in the This step-by-step example illustrates the process of Armor Class, Saving Throws, Weapon Proficiencies, Spell creating a Pathfinder character.
Attack Roll, and Spell DCs areas of his sheet. After determined by that order. After jotting down a few ideas, he gotten more. He decides on Athletics, Diplomacy, and begins by writing down a 10 for each ability score. Medicine, marking all of them as trained.
He records ancestry for an impressive 21 total Hit Points. He also applies the ability flaw empathy in the class feats and abilities area, as well as the to his Charisma, dropping it to 8. For his free ability Shield Block feat in the bonus feats area. He makes note of boost, he chooses Dexterity to boost his defenses, raising the anathema for being a druid and records Druidic in his it to 12 as well.
He also records the 10 Hit Points the language section. Next, he looks through the druid orders ancestry gives him. Next, he returns to his character and decides upon the wild order, which gives him his final sheet to record the size, Speed, language, and darkvision trained skill Intimidation , the ability to cast wild morph, ability he gets from being a dwarf.
Finally, a druid can cast a limited number of primal Step 4 spells. Although he can change them every morning, Adam Looking through the backgrounds, Adam likes the idea is curious, and he turns to Chapter 7: Spells to decide of a solitary dwarven druid, and the nomad background what spells he might cast.
He jots down five cantrips and makes for a good choice. For the first ability boost two 1st-level spells and marks them as prepared.
He writes all of these on the front of his character sheet. Step 6 Step 9 Adam applies four more ability boosts to his ability Adam records all of the ability modifiers for Perception, scores to determine his starting scores.
After giving it saving throws, Strikes, and skills. Then, raising them to 12, 14, and 16, respectively to make him he adds up his modifiers for each statistic. He then looks at Table 1—1 to determine the ability modifiers for each score and writes all of his Step 10 ability scores and modifiers down on his character sheet. Finally, Adam fills out the final details of his character, noting his neutral alignment and calculating his AC and Step 7 Bulk limits.
Last but not least, he fills in some last-minute As Adam applies his class, he has a number of things to information about his character and decides on a name. First, he starts by recording all of his initial Gar the dwarf druid is ready for his first adventure! With each challenge resolved, You can perform the steps in the leveling-up process in a character earns Experience Points XP that allow whichever order you want.
For example, if you wanted Backgrounds them to increase in level. On your character same level. If you have any Experience Points left after this, Every time you gain a level, make sure you do each of record them—they count toward your next level, so your the following: Spells character is already on their way to advancing yet again!
Increase from your XP total. Then, take a look at the class advancement listed in your class entry in Chapter 3. For ancestry feats, see Chapter 2. For class For example, all characters gain four ability boosts at 5th feats, see your class entry in Chapter 3. For general Game level and every 5 levels thereafter. See Chapter 7 for spells.
Crafting can also use class feats to take an archetype page If they gain a skill boosts or other abilities. If they gain a general feat or a skill feat, are based on your level. If they can cast spells, see the class entry for details on adding spell slots and spells.
You might need to change other values because of skill increases, ability boosts, or class features that either increase your proficiency rank or increase other statistics at certain levels. A character has one ancestry and one background, both a free ability boost that you can apply to any other score Feats of which you select during character creation.
For more about ability boosts, see page Most from. Within many ancestries are heritages— ancestries, with the exception of humans, include an ability subgroups that each have their own characteristics. For more about applying ability flaws, see page More about languages can be found on page Game background provides ability boosts, skill training, mastering and a skill feat.
Special Abilities Appendix Ancestry Entries Any other entries in the sidebar represent abilities, senses, Each entry includes details about the ancestry and and other qualities all members of the ancestry manifest. Heritages Hit Points You select a heritage at 1st level to reflect abilities passed This tells you how many Hit Points your character gains down to you from your ancestors or common among from their ancestry at 1st level. For more on calculating Hit change it later.
Size This tells you the physical size of members of the ancestry. Ancestry Feats Medium corresponds roughly to the height and weight This section presents ancestry feats, which allow you to range of a human adult, and Small is roughly half that. You gain your first ancestry feat at 1st level, and you gain another at 5th level, 9th Speed level, 13th level, and 17th level, as indicated in the class This entry lists how far a member of the ancestry can move advancement table in the descriptions of each class.
Ancestry feats are organized by level. As a starting character, you can choose from only 1st-level ancestry Ability Boosts feats, but later choices can be made from any feat of This lists the ability scores you apply ability boosts to your level or lower.
These feats also sometimes list when creating a character of this ancestry. Most ancestries prerequisites—requirements that your character must provide ability boosts to two specified ability scores, plus fulfill to select that feat. Dwarf Dwarves have a well-earned reputation as a stoic and stern people, ensconced within citadels and cities carved from solid rock. While some see them as dour and humorless crafters of stone and metal, dwarves and those who have spent time among them understand their unbridled zeal for their work, caring far more about quality than quantity.
To a stranger, they can seem untrusting and clannish, but to their friends and family, they are warm and caring, their halls filled with the sounds of laughter and hammers hitting anvils. Dwarves are slow to trust those outside their kin, but If you want to play a character who is as hard as nails, this wariness is not without reason.
Dwarves have a long a stubborn and unrelenting adventurer, with a mix of history of forced exile from ancestral holds and struggles rugged toughness and deep wisdom—or at least dogged against the depredations of savage foes, especially giants, conviction—you should play a dwarf. While trust from a dwarf is hard-won, once You Might Others Probably Physical Description Dwarves are short and stocky, standing about a foot shorter than most humans. They have wide, compact bodies and burly frames.
Dwarves of all genders pride themselves on the length of their hair, which they often braid into intricate patterns, some of which represent specific clans. A long beard is a sign of masculinity and honor among the dwarves, and thus a clean-shaven male dwarf is considered weak, untrustworthy, or worse. Dwarves typically reach physical adulthood around the age of 25, though their traditionalist culture places more value on completing coming of age ceremonies unique to each clan than reaching a certain age.
A typical dwarf can live to around years old. Society The ancient surface empire the dwarves once ruled fell long ago, overwhelmed by orc and goblinoid enemies. Most are highly skilled at architecture and mining, and many share Size a hatred of giants, orcs, and goblinoids. Medium Backgrounds Few dwarves are seen without their clan dagger strapped to their belt.
They have a strong sense of friendship and justice, though they are often Wisdom very particular about who they consider a friend. They work hard and play harder— Free Equipment especially when strong ale is involved. The typical dwarf is lawful good or lawful neutral and prefers to worship deities of Ability Flaw Spells those alignments. Choose from Gnomish, honorifics.
Dwarven names usually contain hard consonants and are rarely more Goblin, Jotun, Orcish, Terran, Game or fewer than two syllables. Choose one of the following dwarven heritages Darkvision at 1st level. You gain the Call on Ancient Blood reaction. Death Warden Dwarf Your ancestors have been tomb guardians for generations, and the power they cultivated to ward off necromancy has passed on to you. If you roll a success on a saving throw against a necromancy effect, you get a critical success instead.
Forge Dwarf You have a remarkable adaptation to hot environments from ancestors who inhabited blazing deserts or volcanic chambers beneath the earth. This grants you fire resistance equal to half your level minimum 1 , and you treat environmental heat effects as if they were one step less extreme incredible heat becomes extreme, extreme heat becomes severe, and so on. Rock Dwarf In addition, when you use the Acrobatics skill to Balance on Your ancestors lived and worked among the great ancient narrow surfaces or uneven ground made of stone or earth, you stones of the mountains or the depths of the earth.
You Acrobatics checks, you get a critical success instead. You have a knack for noticing even small inconsistencies and In addition, if any effect would force you to move 10 craftsmanship techniques in the stonework around you. You feet or more, you are moved only half the distance. This bonus applies to checks to discover Strong-Blooded Dwarf mechanical traps made of stone or hidden within stone.
You gain poison resistance equal to half your automatically rolls a secret check for you to notice unusual level minimum 1 , and each of your successful saving stonework anyway. Ignore the reduction to your Speed At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain an from any armor you wear.
As a dwarf, you select from from some other reason such as from the encumbered among the following ancestry feats. If your Speed is taking multiple penalties, pick only one penalty to reduce. Choose one of the following dwarven You gain the trained proficiency rank in Crafting and ancestral foes when you gain Vengeful Hatred: drow, duergar, Religion. If you would automatically become trained in one giant, or orc.
You also that trait. If your attack would deal more than one weapon die become trained in Dwarven Lore. You are whether it has the chosen trait. Special Your GM can add appropriate creature traits to the You also gain access to all uncommon dwarf weapons. For ancestral foes list if your character is from a community that the purpose of determining your proficiency, martial dwarf commonly fights other types of enemies. You can ignore difficult terrain caused Prerequisites Rock Runner by rubble and uneven ground made of stone and earth.
Your dwarven build allows you to push foes around, just like. If the foe attempts work as treasure hunters or this saving throw, unless it critically succeeds, it takes bludgeoning damage equal to your sellswords.
They often leave their Backgrounds level plus your Strength modifier. Game Increase your maximum Hit Points by your level. You also decrease the DC of recovery checks when you have the dying condition by 1. Game If you also have the Toughness feat, the Hit Points gained from it and this feat mastering are cumulative, and you decrease the DC of recovery checks by 4. If you have the Stonecunning dwarf ancestry feat, you can attempt to find unusual stonework and stonework traps that require legendary proficiency in Perception.
Whenever you gain a class feature that grants you expert or greater proficiency in certain weapons, you also gain that proficiency for battle axes, picks, warhammers, and all dwarven weapons in which you are trained.
Elf As an ancient people, elves have seen great change and have the perspective that can come only from watching the arc of history. After leaving the world in ancient times, they returned to a changed land, and they still struggle to reclaim their ancestral homes, most notably from terrible demons that have invaded parts of their lands. To some, the elves are objects of awe—graceful and beautiful, with immense talent and knowledge.
Among themselves, however, the elves place far more importance on personal freedom than on living up to these ideals. Elves combine otherworldly grace, sharp intellect, hair, or mannerisms that reflect the environment and mysterious charm in a way that is practically in which you live. They are often voraciously intellectual, though their Others Probably Elves are often rather private people, steeped in the secrets of their groves and kinship groups.
These elves are called long features and sharply pointed ears. Their eyes are wide and almond-shaped, If you want a character who is featuring large and vibrant-colored magical, mystical, and mysterious, pupils that make up the entire visible you should play an elf. These pupils give them an alien look and allow them to see You Might An elf who distance or resigning yourself has dwelled in primeval forests for centuries, to outliving them.
Elves living in the forests and other wilderness locales Hit Points Introduction wear clothing that plays off the terrain and flora of their homes, while those who live 6 in cities tend to wear the latest fashions. A typical elf can live to around Speed Classes years old. Their society peaked millennia ago, Dexterity Feats long before they fled the world to escape a great calamity.
Their inborn patience and intellectual curiosity make Free Equipment elves excellent sages, philosophers, and wizards, and their societies are built upon their inherent sense of wonder and knowledge. Elven architecture displays their deep Ability Flaw Spells appreciation of beauty, and elven cities are wondrous works of art.
Constitution Elves hold deeply seated ideals of individualism, allowing each elf to explore multiple occupations before alighting on a particular pursuit or passion that suits Languages The Age of her best. Elves bear notorious grudges against rivals, which the elves call ilduliel, but Common Lost OMENS these antagonistic relationships can sometimes blossom into friendships over time.
Choose from Celestial, Elves are often emotional and capricious, yet they hold high ideals close to their Draconic, Gnoll, Gnomish, hearts. As such, many are chaotic good. They prefer deities who share their love of Goblin, Orcish, Sylvan, and Game all things mystic and artistic. Desna and Shelyn are particular favorites, the former any other languages to which mastering for her sense of wonder and the latter for her appreciation of artistry.
Calistria is the you have access such as most notorious of elven deities, as she represents many of the elven ideals taken to the languages prevalent in Crafting the extreme. A single elf might be known by many names by associates of different ages and regions. Elven names consist of multiple syllables and Low-Light Vision are meant to flow lyrically—at least in the Elven tongue.
Elf Heritages Elves live long lives and adapt to their environment after dwelling there for a long time. Choose one of the following elven heritages at 1st level. Arctic Elf You dwell deep in the frozen north and have gained incredible resilience against cold environments, granting you cold resistance equal to half your level minimum 1. You treat environmental cold effects as if they were one step less extreme incredible cold becomes extreme, extreme cold becomes severe, and so on.
Cavern Elf You were born or spent many years in underground tunnels or caverns where light is scarce. You gain darkvision. Seer Elf automatically become trained in one of those skills from You have an inborn ability to detect and understand your background or class, for example , you instead become magical phenomena. You can cast the detect magic cantrip trained in a skill of your choice. You also become trained in as an arcane innate spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to Elven Lore.
These skill actions typically use the You favor bows and other elegant weapons. You are trained Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion skill. Whisper Elf In addition, you gain access to all uncommon elf weapons. Your ears are finely tuned, able to detect even the slightest For the purpose of determining your proficiency, martial elf whispers of sound.
As long as you can hear normally, you weapons are simple weapons and advanced elf weapons are can use the Seek action to sense undetected creatures in martial weapons.
ELF Watching your friends age and die fills you with moroseness Woodland Elf that protects you against harmful emotions. When Climbing trees, vines, and other foliage, effect, you get a critical success instead. Your muscles are tightly honed. Your Speed increases by 5 feet. Choose one cantrip from Ancestry Feats the arcane spell list page You can cast this cantrip as an At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain an arcane innate spell at will.
A cantrip is heightened to a spell additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter at 5th, level equal to half your level rounded up. As an elf, you select from among the following ancestry feats. ELF You still require natural sleep, but you treat your saving Prerequisites at least years old throws against effects that would cause you to fall asleep as You have accumulated a vast array of lived knowledge over one degree of success better.
This protects only against sleep the years. During your daily preparations, you can reflect effects, not against other forms of falling unconscious. This proficiency lasts until you prepare again. If you would a natural 1 as worse than usual on these checks; you get a.
Feats You are attuned to the weapons of your elven ancestors and are particularly deadly when using them. You Step 5 feet twice. This lasts until your Ancestral Longevity expires. When the effects of Ancestral Longevity and Expert Longevity expire, you can Appendix retrain one of your skill increases.
The skill increase you gain from this retraining must either make you trained in the skill you chose with Ancestral Longevity or make you an expert in the skill you chose with Expert Longevity. You reflect on your life experiences, changing the skills you selected with Elven Longevity and Expert Longevity. Whenever you gain a class feature that grants you expert or greater proficiency in certain weapons, you also gain that proficiency in longbows, composite longbows, longswords, rapiers, shortbows, composite shortbows, and all elf weapons in which you are trained.
Gnome Long ago, early gnome ancestors emigrated from the First World, realm of the fey. These qualities are further reflected in their physical characteristics, such as spindly limbs, brightly colored hair, and childlike and extremely expressive facial features that further reflect their otherworldly origins. Always hungry for new experiences, gnomes constantly If you want a character with boundless enthusiasm wander both mentally and physically, attempting to stave and an alien, fey outlook on morality and life, you should off a terrible ailment that threatens all of their people.
This affliction—the Bleaching—strikes gnomes who fail to dream, innovate, and take in new experiences, You Might Gnomes latch onto a source of to another without warning. Physical Description Most gnomes stand just over 3 feet in height and weigh little more than a human child.
They exhibit a wide range of natural skin, hair, and eye colors. Gnomes typically reach physical maturity at the age of 18, though many gnomes maintain a childlike curiosity about the world even into adulthood. A gnome can theoretically live to any age if she can stave off the Bleaching indefinitely, but in practice gnomes rarely live longer than around years. Society While most gnomes adopt some of the cultural practices of the region in which they live, they tend to pick and choose, adjusting their communities to fit their own fey logic.
This often leads to majority gnome communities eventually consisting almost entirely. Gnomes have little culture that they would consider entirely their 8 own. Size By necessity, few gnomes marry for life, instead allowing relationships to run their Small Backgrounds course before amicably moving on, the better to stave off the Bleaching with new experiences. Though gnome families tend to be small, many gnome communities Speed Classes raise children communally, with fluid family boundaries.
As adults depart the 25 feet settlement, unrelated adolescents sometimes tag along, creating adopted families to Skills journey together. Ability Boosts Constitution Feats Alignment and Religion Charisma Though gnomes are impulsive tricksters with inscrutable motives and confusing Free Equipment methods, many at least attempt to make the world a better place. They are prone to fits of powerful emotion, and they are often good but rarely lawful. Some even collect and chronicle positive. Choose from Draconic, these nicknames.