Phishing frenzy file download tracking
Could not load tags. Latest commit. Git stats 24 commits. Failed to load latest commit information. Squashed commit of the following:. Jul 11, Oct 31, Dec 16, Changes to be committed:. Oct 24, View code. If you would like to bind redis to the loopback interface checkout redis documentation for more details. If you would like to Daemonize your sidekiq process take a look at this great article here which gives an example init script so you can start the sidekiq service on reboot and interact with it like any other typical nix service.
Change ownership of sites-enabled directory to allow Phishing Frenzy to manage virtual hosts with Apache. This is a critical piece that needs to be accurate to properly track user clicks. Provides options to replace all links with phishing frenzy URL tags as well as imbedding the tracking image tag.
Also provides the option to download all linked html images to local and replace those links, which is useful in the event that the internet links become broken. Output is in the. Scrapes a website and downloads all content, including images to a local folder in a format suitable for uploading into a phishing frenzy campaign. Also downloads all linked images, css, etc locally in case internet links become broken.
This practice also reduces the chance of the site being detected as having been cloned by the original site owner since you are not leeching images off the original site. Output is an index.
Note that some manual cleanup is required to make sure that the linked css and scripts are referencing properly. Also note that not all of the scripts downloaded will be necessary for the proper functionality of the site and may have tracking content in them.
Please feel free to submit suggestions, modifications, or pull requests to us.