Power and revolution modding tool free download

2021.12.20 17:39

Creation of political coalitions The players can run an electoral campaign or lead a country by allying with other political parties. To do this, you will have to create a common program and commit to allocating governmental posts. Meetings of heads of state The player can negotiate directly with various independent members, playing on the influences they have on each other and try to change the outcome of the vote that is displayed on the screen.

At meetings of the European Union, you can offer reimbursements on membership dues. Free-trade agreements Various type of agreements can be proposed. Depending on the economic, political or environmental impact, this will enable you to develop various volumes of trade between countries or the European Union and thus promote economic growth.

New diplomatic initiatives Countries can collaborate and improve relations by implementing student exchanges program, a year of culture dedicated to a host nation, transnational highway construction, scientific cooperation aimed at making discoveries and sharing them by pooling scientific knowledge and financial means. New real-world situations German elections: as a candidate in the German federal elections, the player can aspire to succeed the German Chancellor after sixteen years in power.

But real-life polls included in the game demonstrate that obtaining a majority in the Bundestag seems impossible by one single party.

The creation of a political coalition will be one of the obstacles to overcome in order to govern the country. Worldwide tax on multinationals: as the American head of state, the player can try to impose worldwide fiscal reform on the largest multinational companies, limiting tax havens and strengthening national finances which is very significant in this time of crisis; but negotiations at the G20 may prove to be difficult.

The "World Without Covid" scenario is back in and allows a "normal" backdrop, without the pandemic. Mature Content Description The developers describe the content like this: The game makes references to the following mature content thematics: Sequences in 3D gameplay show: -military combat and the use of missiles, bombs, explosives or firearms: these 3D animations are not visually realistic.

System Requirements Windows. Coypright Eversim , all rights reserved. See all. Customer reviews. Overall Reviews:. Review Type. All Positive Negative All Steam Purchasers Other All Languages Your Languages 90 Customize. Date Range. To view reviews within a date range, please click and drag a selection on a graph above or click on a specific bar.

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Loading reviews There are no more reviews that match the filters set above. Review Filters. Enter up to characters to add a description to your widget:. Propose bills to be voted on in Parliament, for example: setting social welfare benefit minimums, changing the retirement age, developing atomic weapons in secret, subsidizing the auto industry, hiring teachers, defining the powers of unions, setting speed limits on roads, regulating prostitution, creating an international film festival, etc.

The player can also construct elements on the world map, which will change accordingly: nuclear plants, wind farms, military bases, pipelines, high-speed train lines, airports, and many more. The list of threats is substantial and many of them are interconnected: global warming, the widening of social inequality, the risk of global atomic war, overpopulation, unemployment, atmospheric pollution, terrorism, cybercrime, regional conflicts, food insecurity, world hunger, deforestation, natural disasters storms, floods, drought, extreme heat To that end, players have many actions at their disposal: manage the budget of the party or illegal organization, intervention in the media, give voting advice to Parliament, launch protest movements, lobbying, manipulation of influential persons, funding or recruitment campaigns, creation of violent cells, purchase military equipment, raise an army, seek allies, engage in armed conflict To prevent tensions or forge alliances, the player can meet any figure during the meeting or intervene in the media more than 10 hours of dialogue in the game.

As a warlord, players can direct all of their units from real bases during military conflicts. City battles are shown on precise maps with all the major buildings and intersections. The players, according to the side they represent, can direct police, hooligans, military personnel or armed extremists to these locations and construct barricades, send in snipers, loot the banks, or have armoured vehicles move in.

The player can also create his or her own organization. Based on actual data, the pandemic is recreated and the player can follow its progress with various graphs, stats and maps and is kept up to date directly by their Health Director. Numerous tools and legislation are at your disposal to try and slow the spread of the virus: managing inventory and distribution policies masks for professionals and the general public, screening tests, treatments, ICU beds , construction of temporary hospitals, an arsenal of lockdown measures for the population, for schools, businesses, bars and restaurants , limiting gatherings and travel, regulating transportation, closing the borders, use of tracking software, transfer of patients and vaccine research.

All of these measures can be customized by region and their level of contamination, the objective being to stem the pandemic as quickly as possible and to slow its progress to limit the impact on the economy. In response to the decline in business, various measures can be put into place: partial unemployment, aid for the poor or support for struggling economic sectors to minimize unemployment and the decline in growth.

The debt and deficit of a country can be strongly affected by this crisis and if, in the short term, the State can rely on international lenders, especially when a member of the European Union, then the player will have to return to more acceptable levels in the long term so as not to alarm financial markets.

Other Scenarios In "The World Without Covid", the player can lead their country in a "normal" context, without the pandemic. In the "SARS-CoV-3 Mutation" scenario, set in , when, after a widespread vaccination of the world population for Covid, researchers discover a new patient carrying a virus that seems to resistant to the vaccine.

Has the virus mutated? The pandemic crisis plunges the world into turmoil: in the "Coronation" scenario, the player can take advantage of the chaos to install a royalty and become an absolute monarch.

Wargames Scenarios and Functions A number of units and functions have been added: anti-missile and anti-aircraft batteries which can be deployed to concealed locations to intercept aerial attacks, intercontinental missile silos and anti-aircraft silos that are difficult to destroy and can launch missiles at a very long distance, formation of squads which allows the movement of units as a whole to be able to attack as one or to defend each other, area bombing from cruisers that targets multiple enemy units in a single run, forming groups of satellites or drones to cover a larger area, the addition of anti-missile armaments for carriers and certain cruisers, the addition of a "Fog of War" mode, concealing stationary missile launchers and reinforcing the defense of military bases.

A special mini-guide describes the function of all military units in detail. Numerous lightning war scenarios reflecting the geopolitical context of potential conflicts in which large nations claim foreign territory. The player can choose to play as the aggressor, attempting to annex enemy territory within a certain amount of time; as the defender, fighting back while the international community mobilizes and forces the invaders to retreat China vs. Taiwan, Russia vs.

Georgia, Turkey vs. Mature Content Description The developers describe the content like this: The game makes references to the following mature content thematics: Sequences in 3D gameplay show: -military combat and the use of missiles, bombs, explosives or firearms: these 3D animations are not visually realistic. System Requirements Windows.

Minimum: OS: Windows 10, 8, 7 Processor: 1. Minimum: OS: macOS Recommended: OS: macOS Coypright Eversim , all rights reserved. See all. Customer reviews. Overall Reviews:. Review Type. All Positive Negative Beyond this date, Eversim can end this promotion without notice. Follow us on our brand new Twitter account to get our news: releases, upcoming products, special events, Twitter Page.

Modding Tool and God'n Spy add-ons are now available for the Japanese version. On this page. Answer to our survey about the opportunity to publish a boxed limited edition. The Modding Tool Add-on Chinese version is now available! Release of the new US election campaign simulation game. Are you more like Trump or Clinton? The Modding Tool Add-on is now available! You can now buy a Steam DLC key directly from our website: simply click on Steam button in the buying page. The God'n Spy Add-on is now available!

The dates for other languages Simplified Chinese and, Japanese will be announced later. You can now buy a Steam key directly from our website versions in English, French and German only : simply click on Steam button in the buying page. Note: if you had bought the game versions in English, French and German only on this site before May 26, , you can ask for an exchange against a Steam version on this page.

The game also boasts tactical wargame phases in cities during popular uprisings or armed conflicts, with the ability to control all types of elements protesters, hooligans, armed extremists, police forces, police vans, helicopters, snipers, armored vehicles Click here to see new features.

Articles on different versions of Geo-Political Simulator. Click here.