Quark mod 1.7.10 download

2021.12.20 17:39

A very interesting, popular and fun mode that takes the gameplay and experience of the game to a higher level. All options in this mod are adjustable, can be switched on and off. Therefore, if you do not like something that comes with this mod, you can easily switch off option.

There you will find out all the details and everything that might interest you about this amazing mod. Note, for this mod to work you need to have AutoRegLib library modeinstalled, at least as far as newer versions of Quark mod are concerned. Links of this library is below in Download section. When you enter in game with Quark mod installed this first load message will appear. Quark has a lot of features, so check the Quark website for a quick primer.

In the Configuration menu you can use the Import Config button to import a list of disabled feautres from the quark website. Locate and open the Minecraft application folder. Now open folder Applicaion Support and look for Minecraft. Copy the mod file which you just have downloaded. In other words, we can activate those functions that interest us and deactivate those that we will not use.

Kostenlos abonni.. The Erebus Mod 1. Now the game will be much more interesting. You can go on long journeys and enjoy the new nature and landscapes Jaker April 21, Shipwrecks [1. Minecraft 1. Here is a list of Minecraft 1. Most mods add content to the game to alter gameplay, change the creative feel, or give the player more options in how they interact with the Minecraft world [1.

Mod Galacticraft allows: 1. Travel through the solar system 2. Create a spaceship 3. Explore new planets and the moon Enjoy your game! Erik February 5, Furniture [1. It consists of many different. Tag: Minecraft 1. Little Tiles Mod for Minecraft 1. MinecraftSide-Apr 6, 3. This Little Tiles Mod is a pretty nice small mod that gives you the possibility to build small constructions, for example, you can make Advanced Rocketry Mod for Minecraft 1. MinecraftSide-Apr 4, 0.

The Advanced Rocketry Mod is one the most loved mods by the players who. Not Enough Items 1. Minecraft Mods ozbi October 25, A mode that we can call the heir to Too many Items mod. In Minecraft, it allows you to easily find items and access their recipes. A big mess occurs when items from the modes you add to the game and Minecraft's own items come together. NOI mode eliminates this mess. Recipe View recipe browsing. This 1. It also adds wind, which can make flying tricky during storms.

To fly, press 'W' to pull the ripcord while falling and press 'W' again to boost forward. Parachutes can also be affected by heat. Flying over lava will push you up into the air and give you speed. To enable turbulance, thermals, and other features, just click on the MODS. Furniture Mod 1. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed. You can cycle through all the morphs you have and you can become anything at any point.

This also is compatiable with any mod that brings in a living entity, so if you added orespawn per say it will work on. It's possible to build and carry out more! Advanced Rocketry Mod 1. Possibilities in Advanced Rocketry. Gives the player a playfield where they can mine and discover planets with moons. Additionally, they are able to travel to these. As you can see in the image, the chain block itself doesn't have to be moved by the piston, and will attach indirectly to other moved blocks.

Additionally, the sticking behaviour for chains connecting to slime blocks and other sticky sources has been changed: Chains will now only connect to them if they do so visually, which allows for some extra cool trickery. The Chute is a new automation block. Items can be inserted into it via automation Hopper, Dropper, etc , and any items inserted are instantly dropped under it, always precisely in the center.

Slime blocks can be dyed Red and Blue. While being moved by pistons, two slime blocks will only connect if they're the same color, or if one is made of another so Red won't connect to Blue, but it'll connect to Magenta. Any color of slime will connect to non-slime blocks around it normally. Dispensers are allowed to place blocks in the world. Any blocks that already had a placement behaviour, like TNT, are ignored. The blocks are rotated so they're placed forward from the dispenser.

Note that crops such as Wheat Seeds or Potatoes also count. The Ender Watcher is a new redstone input block. It emits a redstone signal if a player is looking directly at it. In previous versions, it will always emit a full signal. Similarly to how a Silverfish can bury into stone, Endermites can now bury into Purpur. When they do so, they'll transform themselves and the block into a Shulker at that position, making Shulker Shells renewable.

The Feeding Trough is a new block you can craft with some planks and fence gates. When right clicked, a menu will pop up where you can put food inside it. Nearby animals will flock to the trough to eat the food within. This works just as if a player had fed the animal, but with a few differences:. Gravisand will not fall unless primed with redstone.

However, if gravisand receives a signal, and can not fall, it'll instead float up. Additionally, gravisand will propagate the signal to any adjacent gravisand blocks, causing them to fall or float as well.

Gravisand allows for a variety of redstone components, especially as its magnetic properties have it constantly output a comparator signal of Pistons pushing an Iron Rod will have it work as a drill of sorts, breaking any blocks in front in the direction the rod is facing.

These can break anything the piston can push. Drawing influence from Weighted Pressure Plates, Gold Buttons emit a very short pulse 2 redstone ticks , whereas Iron Buttons emit a very long pulse 5 seconds. Two new redstone circuit components are added to the game, the Redstone Randomizer, and the Redstone Inductor:. Pistons are allowed to move Tile Entities blocks with extra data attached, like Chests or Furnaces.

Attempting to move a block to an invalid position will cause it to break and drop its contents, though. For a block that pistons can't move, now that furnaces can't be used, look into Sturdy Stone in the Building category.

Note that some blocks such as Monster Spawners can't be moved this way, so you don't go and break the game! It works like a Daylight Sensor, but it emits a full redstone signal if it's raining or snowing. Similarly to the Daylight Sensor, right clicking it inverts its output. Lastly, if it's raining in the world, but the biome you're in has no rain, like a desert, the sensor will only emit a signal of 7. Bamboo and Sticks can now be crafted into Bamboo Mats.

These blocks can be placed in all horizontal directions, as well as vertically to create a "box" look. The tip of a vine can now be burnt with a Flint and Steel. When you do so, the vine will no longer be able to grow. New Lamp blocks can be crafted with your block of choice, glass, and a torch. They come in Stone and Stone Brick variants, and emit a light level of These blocks are a celebration of Vazkii's Mods' 10th Anniversary, from through , starting with the Lamps mod.

Check out the Archive! Cobblestone Bricks and their mossy variants are made just like you'd make Stone Bricks, except with Cobblestone. They're a fancy new way to improve your rustic stone builds. Purple looking blocks made from Purpur and Obsidian, fully featured with stair, slab and wall variants. Combine Iron Ingots and Glass, and you get yourself some fancy Framed Glass, great for some more rustic or medieval builds.

Hedges can be crafted using an overworld log and the respective leaf type. They connect to each other like fences, and have the same bounding box. You can even put flowers on them! The Iron Grate is a cool new block with multiple uses. Animals are afraid of walking on it, and will never do it, whereas items will just fall through the gaps. Iron Plates can now be crafted using Iron Ingots. Glass Item Frames have some additional features unique to them, click on More Info to check them out!

Leaf Carpet can be made with all types of leaves in the same recipe as wool carpet. It can be harvested by hand and has no collision box. Midori Blocks are a green counterpart to Purpur. These are made with Cactus Paste, with the same recipes as the Purpur blocks.

Cactus Paste is a new item that replaces Green Dye as the smelting output from Cactus. It can be crafted into Green Dye at a rate. The feature image shows a bunch, but you can also add the vanilla 2 tall flowers, and nether wart. Brick, Chiseled Brick, Pillar, and Pavement variants are available for all types of stone added by vanilla and Quark.

The Brick types come in Slab, Stair, and Wall variants, and the Chiseled Brick types look different for each type of stone.

A Fence Gate made of Nether Bricks. The recipe outputs 2. Crafting Wool with String creates Quilted Wool. Quilted Wool comes in all colors and has a framed design. Rope Coils can be crafted using String. This new block can be placed on the bottom face of a block, by players and dispensers, and dropped down by right clicking on the placed Rope block.

Shift-right clicking, or right clicking with a non-rope item will pull the rope up. If a block is at the end of the rope, it'll drop down and be pulled up alongside it. Lastly, as you'd expect, players can climb rope as if it were a ladder. Right clicking with a Hoe on a Path block creates a new Shallow Dirt block. This block has the same texture as dirt, and is 14 pixels high, as opposed to Path, which is 15 pixels high. Additionally, and perhaps more importantly, Shallow Dirt can be waterlogged, to create a cool puddle effect, as you can see in the image.

Shingles are "Tile" style blocks for Terracotta and all its color variants inspired by Portuguese rooftops "Telha Lusa". They can all be turned into stairs and slabs, and look great for roofs.

Dyed Wooden Planks of all 16 colors, featuring a pastel color palette so you can actually build with them without making your eyes hurt! All include stair and slab variants. Stools can be created the same way you'd make a Bed, but using slabs instead of full wood blocks. As you can expect, you can sit on them! Additional stool features include being able to place blocks over them, which makes them get bigger to match, and being able to stay on them even when moved by pistons.

A hard stone block made with 4 Stone and 4 Cobblestone outputs 4. The block has the Furnace Texture, and can not be moved by Pistons. In an attempt to make pigs be useful in any way, they drop Tallow. Tallow can be crafted alongside String to create Candles, or as a furnace fuel. Candles come in all 16 colors of the spectrum, and emit as much light as torches. Candles will also fall like sand if there's no block under them, which can have many fun uses. Thatch is created via a 2x2 of Wheat.

It can be used for stairs and slabs or turned back into 4 Wheat. You can use it for some fancy medieval roof styles. Additionally, if Paper Lanterns are enabled, you can also right click on one first, and then a fence, to tie the lantern to the fence. These blocks have the grass texture and coloring on all sides, are available in stair and slab variants, and do not decay when a block is on top.

You can now make Bookshelves out of all wood types. All of these bookshelves work for the Enchanting Table too. Chests can be made of all the different wood types. Each one is styled differently for the type of wood you use. To get the vanilla chest, you can craft a chest with more than one type of wood, or woods added by other mods.

Ladders can be made of all the different wood types. To compensate for the fact that sticks do not come in different wood types, the recipe for ladders is changed to have a single plank of the corresponding wood type in the center.

You can also make Iron Ladders, using Iron Ingots. They work like normal ladders, except that they can stand by themselves as long as there is an Iron Ladder on top, even if there isn't a block behind. Putting 3 wooden planks in a vertical line creates 3 Vertical Wooden Planks.

Doing the same reverts it. They exist for every vanilla and Quark block that has a slab, and can be crafted by placing 3 of the respective slab in a column. Wooden Posts can be crafted with Logs or Stripped Logs. These are slim log style blocks you can lay down vertically or horizontally.

Chains and lanterns can also connect to them. Pressing Caps Lock by default, rebindable will toggle Auto Walk until either you press it again or start walking manually. While in Auto Walk, Auto Jump is also enabled. Great for people with motor problems who can't hold down a button for too long!

I couldn't figure out how to represent this in a static image so I chose to create one to illustrate it, I hope you like it. In this new mode, you can take enhanced screenshots, by using over 20 image filters, and combining them with borders and overlays. You can even enable grid lines such as the Rule of Thirds or the Golden Ratio to help you take a perfect image!

A filter button will now appear on the top right of chests you open. When you click it, a tab with a search bar will pop up, where you can type and filter items in the chest by your query.

Items that don't match will be darkened. You can also search for enchantment and potion names, or wrap the search in quotes to match entire names. Grass is greener on the Quark side. Biome colors are still respected, but are greener non the less. There's also config options to enable Alpha style grass, which gives you the Minecraft Alpha vibe, or to manually set the grass color.

While on a mount, your food display is still shown. Furthermore, while on a horse, the jump bar is only shown while holding down the jump key, the XP bar is shown otherwise. This makes the button work as a "Back" button like in most programs.

A small interface addition shows up next to the hotbar when items are used, or armor takes damage. This shows how many items or blocks you have left, or how the status of your armor is. Cows, Pigs, and Chicken will now have randomized textures from a small pool of variants. Additionally, some animals may rarely show up with a special variant Right clicking a Chest onto a Boat adds the chest in as a passenger.

To access the chest, simply enter the boat and open your inventory, just like you would for a horse. To remove the chest and the items inside , break the boat. If you hold Shift while pressing these buttons, they'll only move items that are on the other side. For example, if your chest has Stone and Dirt, and you have Stone and Sand in your inventory, Insert with Shift held will only move the Stone.

Useful for people with muscle problems! Pressing F on an item in the inventory swaps it with your off-hand item, just as if you'd pressed F outside of the inventory. This uses the same keybind used for that purpose. Pressing the Z key rebindable will show your entire inventory above your hotbar. You can then press 1, 2, or 3, to switch that respective inventory row with your hotbar.

Pressing Z again will hide the 3 additional rows with no change. A "Sort" button is added to the inventory screen and Chests.

Pressing this button sorts your inventory, excepting your hotbar. Sorting is done via a category system, in which items are placed based on what category they fit in food, tool, armor, block, etc. Each category also has its own sorting rules, e. Other players can hover over it to check it out. Right clicking an armor item in an inventory will swap it for whatever armor you're currently holding. While holding an item in your cursor that isn't a Shulker Box , you can right click on top of a non-full Shulker Box to add the item to it.

Crabs are cute new animals that spawn in beaches. They walk sideways and will prick you if you get too close! If you kill one, they might drop Crab Legs or Crab Shells. Forgotten are new rare skeleton variants that spawn deep underground, randomly replacing normal skeleton spawns. These are forgotten hosts of old explorers, making them apt at combat with both a bow and a sword, which always come randomly enchanted.

Their bows are tipped with Blindness arrows, and when you're blinded, they'll charge at you with their sword, switching back to the bow once the effect ends. On death, they'll drop their hat. Wearing an Explorer's Hat, aside from making you look super fashionable, increases your maximum reach distance by 2 blocks, and also improves your luck while fishing.

Foxhounds are new hostile mobs that spawn in the Nether. These fierce doggos will attack you and set you on fire. If you're brave enough, drink a fire resistance potion and feed them some Coal to tame them. Tamed Foxhounds work just like regular wolves, but with a few extra tidbits:. These wednesday loving critters will spawn in swamps, they jump and croak around, and look very derpy. If you kill one, you'll get some Frog Legs.

Stonelings are new passive mobs that spawn in the deep underground. These little stone fairies will spawn in carrying an item, and will get startled if you get too close to them without sneaking. Once startled, they'll run away from you and eventually poof out of existence. If you manage to kill one, you'll get the item its carrying. Additionally, Stonelings may drop a Heart of Diamond, a new item which you can use on any stone block to create your own tamed Stoneling!

Tamed Stonelings can hold items you give them, eat Stone they love it! Toretoises are new neutral mobs that will spawn underground. You may attack the Toretoise with a pickaxe to have it drop that ore! If you hit a Toretoise without a pickaxe, or when it has no ore, it'll emit a shockwave attack. This will damage any non-Toretoise entities around, and redirect their aggro to you.

With enough care, it's possible to carry a Toretoise home and feed it so it grows more ores, feel free to click More Info for some tips on how to do it. If you want to take these huge creatures home and use them to generate ores, there's some things you should know. Wraiths are new aggressive mobs that spawn in the Soul Sand Valley. They're the lost souls of different mobs, and as such, their sounds are low pitch versions of normal mob sounds. They attack like a normal Zombie, inflict slowness, and jump back upon dealing damage.

Upon death, they'll drop a Soul Bead. Right clicking the Soul Bead will release the soul trapped within, which will fly in the direction of the nearest Nether Fortress. Right clicking a block will bind the Abacus to it.

After that, it will count the distance between the targeted and hovered block, measured along right angles.

The Abacus will count up to 48 blocks, drawing an outline of the counted blocks. The texture of the item will change according to how many blocks are counted. Right click again to unbind. A variety of 8 discs that add a wide range of ambient sound to the game. When you insert them into a Jukebox, they loop infinitely, and do not display on the UI when played. Ancient Tomes are a rare loot item from dungeons and stronghold libraries, being usable to upgrade enchantments. Looting IV.

Pre 1. This costs 35 levels to create the book and an extra 35 to apply it. The Bottled Cloud can be right clicked to produce a block floating in midair in front of you. The cloud block disappears after a few seconds, but you can right click it with any other block to replace the two.

The cloud will go back in the bottle when you do this. Colored Runes are a rare loot item from dungeons, temples and nether fortresses. They can be applied to enchanted items and lodestone compasses in an anvil, in order to change the color of the enchantment glint from purple to the color of the rune. These come in all 16 colors of the spectrum.

If you're dedicated enough, you can craft a Rainbow Rune by mixing together the runes that make the colors of the rainbow. It'll change color over time and look really cool! Instead, you'll find Blank Runes.

Click More Info to find out more. Cartographer Villagers will now sell Pathfinder Maps, new maps that will take you to certain biomes. Each Cartographer will stock a random assortment of them, and the possible trades are as follows by default:. A new tool for mining! The pickarang is a boomerang pickaxe - throw it, it breaks whatever it hits, and comes back to you with the drops. The Pickarang is crafted with a Heart of Diamond from Stonelings, in the Mobs category, or just diamonds if it's disabled , and can be enchanted with Efficiency, Unbreaking, Fortune, Silk Touch, and Piercing.

The Seed Pouch is a new utility item that can store up to 10 stacks of any type of seed in it. To add seeds to the seed pouch, grab the seed you want to add in your inventory, and right click it onto the pouch. You can then right click the pouch to take a stack of seeds out. Nearby monsters in a 5 block range and with line of sight will notice it, and run away in cowardice. Note that bosses and raiders are slightly more astute, and won't fall for your tricks.

Additionally, everyone knows Wither Skeletons drop their heads all the time, and Dragon Heads are all cheap fakes, so those won't work either. Right clicking a tiny slime with a bucket puts it in there. It remains quiet, but will start jumping inside the bucket if you find yourself in a slime chunk.

The slime can also be deployed back into the world by right clicking on a block. You can also use it as a replacement for slimeballs. You monster. A Trowel tool can be crafted with Iron and Sticks. The Trowel, when right clicked, will place a random block from your hotbar, making it useful for ruins or paths.

Armor Stands placed by the Armor Stand item will have arms, you may also give them items. This isn't a thing by default in Java edition for some reason. If new recipes are added to the game via new mods added or updated, those will be unlocked when you get back in. This feature is an exception to the general quark theme, but since you are using mods, it's fair to assume you don't need the game to spoon-feed you recipes.

Axes will break leaves as fast as Shears, but will not drop the leaf blocks. Normal drops such as saplings or apples will still drop.

Firework Rockets are able to be used to start Elytra flying, even if you're not currently in that state. All you have to do is right click a Firework Rocket while wearing an Elytra, and you'll shoot up into the sky. When flying using an Elytra over a Campfire with a Hay Bale under it, the player will be propelled upwards slightly.