Rf analyzer test version download

2021.12.20 17:39

Download link. Support for Arduino Due and Seeeduino. Latest Silicon Labs drivers for Linux. Most modern Linux kernels already include support for Silabs CP driver. Visit link above if your specific distro does not work yet with CP natively.

Firmware Upgrade Instructions included in the download package Apple Mac users please visit specific instructions and software on this link For Copyright and License note please read this page link.

Note: The installer will automatically detect and install Microsoft. NET 4 if required. Also notice that doing the necessary digital signal processing is very CPU intensive and though I did my best to optimize the algorithms the app still needs a decent device I recommend 2 CPU cores or more to run fluently. Please use the 2-hour refund period provided for every Google Play app to test functionality and refund the app if it does not work for your device! But keep in mind: by downloading the app from the store you will get automatic updates!

Be responsible and comply with your local law! It consists of a real time oscilloscope and a real time spectrum analyzer and can run them concurrently.

Unlike most of the sound card oscilloscopes in the market Spectrum Shift v. It is designed to provide an instrument for modulating color in real time under direct user control. Spectrum for Mac OS v. Please select download category below. This site is secure. All our software is protected and continuously scanned by these four major Antivirus and Antimalware platforms. Some "free" antivirus such as AVG and AVAST may produce false positives detection sometimes from heuristics, you can safely ignore these and trust downloaded software from our official website.

We do not recommend downloading our software from third party websites. All documents and user guides are available in English. Some documents are available in other languages. Version v2. For Copyright and License note please read this page link. More details at www. RFETouch for Windows. Troubleshooting USB connection issues: online help link.