∑openload Free Online I'm Thinking of Ending Things Movie To Watch Now
Writed by - Iain Reid.
Year - 2020.
Full of misgivings, a young woman travels with her new boyfriend to his parents' secluded farm. Upon arriving, she comes to question everything she thought she knew about him, and herself.
Director - Charlie Kaufman.
average Ratings - 7 / 10 stars
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Can someone explain what the call that lucy receives means. Kaufman is right there. When you realize that the background has more horror moments than the movies. I have an hour left and im so bored with this movie. This movie is totally metaphorical... Can anybody tell me where I can find the theme for this movie (used in this scene. its composer? None of the soundtrack information I have found online tells me. Is it an original? It sounds like it could be Brion.
Yeah the Emu really does look like a hanging human due to its long neck and the trees, but you can see it flap its wings. No worry needed. 🙃 (If you watch for it staring directly into the screen you can catch the movement. 👍🏻.
Best review channel on yt by far
This movie and this scene will linger with me for a long time. I did kinda figure out that the janitor was Jake but I had to read someone's explanation to fully understand this film. I think this film is both beautiful and sad. Beautiful because it showed the power of hope, the solace of escapist fantasies and the yearning for every human to feel love and importance. Sad because life doesn't always work that way. As a kid life is simple and you have a lot of hopes and dreams. But as an adult you realize that there are a lot of factors out of your control, a lot of things within yourself that you have problems overcoming and overall not everyone unfortunately gets to live a good life. This is a hard, cold fact. Still, every human being has the ability to dream and wish for happiness. I just hope that even if as a fantasy, the janitor found some happiness because every human deserves that.
Solid essay, man. As always. Personally, I absolutely loved the intentional bad cuts of I'm Thinking of Ending Things. This is a deliberate choice from Kaufman and I think not only does it add to the unsettling, uncomfortable nature of the tone of the film, but it directly relates to how the characters are experiencing the world around them through their perspective. Clearly, Kaufman did not want to address what the film is actually about, and I believe any audience member will come up with their own interpretation, but I believe the editing is rooted in the juxtaposition of the two perspectives in the film: Jessie Buckley's character, and Jesse Plemons character. Their unending conversation (both internally and externally) alongside the editing technique are messing with time to give credence to where their relationship will inevitably end up: drifting apart through physical death or boredom. I try and support this opinion of mine with the example of the topic that Jesse Plemons character brings up through a David Foster Wallace Book (A Supposedly Fun Thin I'll Never Do Again - GREAT READ BTW. Both the title and subject he interjects into the conversation give meaning to what potentially is happening to them in the story. The editing is paced in a way to give it not only a sense of irony, but to itself be ironic in how it's skipping through time in telling us the story. Super Meta, maybe, but I think it works. Thanks again for this video, man! Glad to support, excited for more.
The film is not a straightforward horror it's a psychological drama the books more horror though.
This movie will get real for you if you can relate to it You shouldnt keep things in the basement
🤯🤯🤯- He killed himself and the title gave it away all along. NOT FACECAM. The whole movie is jake as an old man visualizing this perfect life in his head when he was younger that he could have had a beautiful woman, romance, happy ending life. In which we all want. He never got it. So In the movie he imagines the whole story. his mom says he is controlling so he is the one who is controlling Lucy in the movie, meaning Lucy is Jakes subconscious. She also has thoughts to herself & jake replies which all ties together that he knows what she is thinking because they are his thoughts. I believe the change of clothes, age of his parents. weirdness of the dog was so random because they wanted to interpret it not being real, make believe. The psychological factor this movie had on me was crazy it wasnt even that interesting i jus had to decode it 😂 She always “thinks about ending things” because that is the symbol of jake ending his life in the end because the life he wanted he never had. They are supposed to be the same person in the movie. Its all in how you interpret the movie it really is jus a metaphor for depression leading to suicide in a movie.
Easily my favorite analysis of this movie! I also felt echoes of The Shining during the movie and couldnt put my finger on why they felt so similar to me, great work.
The ad came right in the middle of your sample alt edit. Kind of ruins the effect
This movie will haunt me until I die. For people to wonder what to think about the movie. SPOILERS Jake and Lucy and the man from the school are the same person. The only person who is really alive is her mother and his father is death already and its a reflection of his past memories. I just thought he had drugged her which made her hallucinate and she was going to be killed near the school (like many girls before her, based on the amount of ‘ tulsey town cups in the trash bin. That... or that they were stuck in some kind of time loop that only Jake was aware of. The story derailed when she suddenly lost the will to get home to finish the essay and it turned into a musical and was happy to sit in the audience of a weird speech. The only logical outcome would have been for her to wake up in a mental hospital and reveal it was all in her mind, but instead it just ends with their car the next day, covered in snow.
I really dont think you understood the most crucial reason why the editing in the film is the way it is. Sure it helps to accentuate the unsettling tone, but the editing is mainly the way it is to mimic how the human mind is always thinking ahead and interrupting itself when thinking of a fantasy. The young woman and Jake arent 2 different “characters” as you say, but 2 different parts of the same mind. Jakes mind. Her thoughts are an extension of Jakes thoughts and when they talk to each other, its a combination of Jake imagining how this relationship in his head would play out, and him having debates and discussions with himself about topics like movies, plays, his views on life and time, etc. When they argue, its Jake arguing with himself and doubting his views on certain topics and moments in his life. Its a form of his own self criticism/self hatred. When you think of a topic in your mind, you dont think of each sentence from beginning to end individually, your mind is constantly interrupting and changing the thoughts that pop up within it. Its the reason the young womans clothes change color. Its the reason Jake is seemingly able to read her thoughts, because they are his own real world thoughts seeping into the fantasy that hes trying to suppress. Its the reason characters seem to teleport from place to place. Its the reason Jake seems to get distracted by things in the real world such as the swing set, or how the word “wow” is an all purpose exclamation. Jake is constantly changing details - whether big or small - about the fantasy. Like I mentioned before its why the characters clothes change, but its also why his parents change age, and why the band aid on his dads head is switching sides. Jake is forgetting little details and trying to find different places in time to place his fantasy.
Aww man. I cant watch this, I just finished the movie. The picture, the mom and Liberian are really the only things on the background you might not notice at first the rest of them I don't agree with. But it was entertaining. Yeah thanks for reminding me of these scenes from Insidious, and Hereditary gonna have nightmares for weeks. You already know toni collette will body this.
Jacobs Ladder the party scene with the spike coming out of her mouth. Shoulda been in there. I'm kinda conflicted about this movie but I know I enjoyed the experience of watching it and that's more important I guess. This is the best review of it I've seen so far tho. Tried watching this, too many naked old men in it for my taste.
I'm kinda disappointed lmao I thought each small confusing piece meant something important and would tie together into something at the end. Like the slippers, or the smell of varnish, the rash, I'm not a phsyciatrist, etc but I guess not. I daydream about a better life all the time, I sure am terrified you after watching this movie. My guy edited his video to make its 9:59 seconds long lmfao what is this uncomfortableness im feeling rn.