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Esso unirex n2 manual

2021.12.24 02:38

Mobil / ESSO UNIREX N 2 is an NLGI No. 2 grade and is preferred in most cases for application by hand-packing or by grease gun. UNIREX N 2 is recommended for the lubrication of electric motors. It is suitable for NEMA (National Electric Manufacturer's Association) Insulation Class A, B, and F motors. Most of the uses for UNIREX N involve manual methods of application. Although UNIREX N 2 is suitable for use in automatic centralized systems, equipment served by these systems would normally not require the long-life properties of UNIREX N, since one of the functions of automatic systems is to replenish the lubricant at relatively short time intervals. UNIREX N 2 is recommended for the lubrication of electric motors. It is suitable for NEMA (National Electric Manufacturer's Association) Insulation Class A, B, and F motors. UNIREX N 3 is an NLGI No. 3 grade and is used for special applications such as sealed-for-life bearings, vertically-mounted bearings, and higher-speed bearings.

UNIREX N 2 is an NLGI No. 2 grade and is preferred in most cases for application by hand packing or by grease gun. UNIREX N 3 is an NLGI No. 3 grade and is used for special applications. Most of the uses for UNIREX N involve manual methods of application. Although UNIREX N 2 is suitable for use in automatic centralised systems. Most of the uses for UNIREX N involve manual methods of application. Although UNIREX N 2 is suitable for use in automatic centralized systems, equipment served by these systems would normally not require the long­life properties of UNIREX N. Mobil / ESSO UNIREX N 2 is an NLGI No. 2 grade and is preferred in most cases for application by hand-packing or by grease gun. UNIREX N 2 is recommended for the lubrication of electric motors. It is suitable for NEMA (National Electric Manufacturer's Association) Insulation Class A, B, and F motors.

Exxon (now Mobil) Unirex N 2 is an NLGI Grade 2 premium lithium complex thickened bearing grease. It is suitable for high temperature service in rolling. English operation manual for all KleeDrive AC-motors. 2. Brd. Klee A/S – 01/ Esso Unirex N2 or N3 (Lithium complex base). - Mobil Mobilith SHC Exxon Unirex N 2. Polyrex EM. Shell Dolium R. Mobilith SHC 6. RECOMMENDED GREASES FOR SPECIAL APPLICATIONS. Chevron Products Co. Exxon Mobil Corp.