European area of recognition manual
European Area of Recognition: Practical Guidelines for Fair Recognition of Qualifications (EAR) The EAR project produced the first comprehensive and coherent . The recognition authority issues a statement explaining the status of the programme, the purpose, duration and admission requirements that the applicant can use for academic and professional recognition purposes. Return to Recommendation - Issuing a statement on a legitimate institution. The European Area of Recognition (EAR) manual is based on previous projects, studies and publications on the international recognition of qualifications, and is the product of combined expertise that goes beyond the EAR.
Contact details - Restricted Area. eManual. 1. Schematic outline PURPOSE OF RECOGNITION National Academic Recognition Information Centres in the European Union. AES manual Version 3 1 February "Making a European area of lifelong learning a reality" released in November This assessment and recognition. The recognition authority issues a statement explaining the status of the programme, the purpose, duration and admission requirements that the applicant can use for academic and professional recognition purposes. Return to Recommendation - Issuing a statement on a legitimate institution.
European Area of Recognition Manual (EAR Manual). ▫ The European Recognition Manual for Higher Education Institutions. (EAR HEI). This manual is the result of the European Area of Recognition – A Manual for the Higher Education Institutions (EAR HEI) project. The 'EAR HEI' manual is. 2 The European Higher Education Area in Implementation Report, available at (The European. Recognition Manual for Higher Education Institutions).