Fs-4 hd user manual

2021.12.24 02:44

FS-4 Portable DTE Recorders are compatible with a wide range of nonlinear editing systems. For a complete list of DTE-compatible NLE software, please take a look to the documentation below. Focus FS-4 Portable DTE Recorders are available in two models—the FS-4 HD and the FS Pro HD (available in three capacity configurations). debugging and programming features, refer to user manual UM (ST-LINK/V2 in-circuit debugger/programmer for STM8 and STM32) which describes in detail all the ST-LINK/V2 features. Figure 5. Typical configuration Table 4. Jumper states Jumper state Description Both CN3 jumpers ON ST-LINK/V2 functions enabled for on-board programming (default). FS4 is a 4-channel 2K/HD/SD or 1-channel 4K/UltraHD frame synchronizer and up, down, cross-converter. AJA’s flagship frame synchronizer and converter offers incredible versatility and connectivity in a sleek 1RU frame for all your 4K/UltraHD and 2K/HD/SD conversion needs, with a wealth of digital and optional 12G-SDI Fiber LC and 12G-SDI BNC SFP connectivity.

Manuals. How to find and view manuals for Lenovo products - ThinkPad, ThinkCentre, ideapad, ideacentre. How to find solution for networking problems in User Guide. How to find solution for USB problems in User Guide. How to find Password related topics in User Guide. Throughout this manual, FS-4 indicates information that pertains to all models of the FS-4 family. FS-4 Pro indicates data specific to the FS- 4 Pro. The acronyms DV and HD refer to the recorder’s video recording format, digital or high definition, respectively. By default, both the FS-4 and FS-4 employ DV recording and HD is available as an option. debugging and programming features, refer to user manual UM (ST-LINK/V2 in-circuit debugger/programmer for STM8 and STM32) which describes in detail all the ST-LINK/V2 features. Figure 5. Typical configuration Table 4. Jumper states Jumper state Description Both CN3 jumpers ON ST-LINK/V2 functions enabled for on-board programming (default).

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