Ameba Ownd


Rachel's Chillaxin Time


2017.08.20 15:00


① 表題 (Preamble or Introduction)
② 前文 (Recitals)
③ 定義 (Definitions)
④ 基本的合意事項(Basic Operative Provisions)
⑤ 発効条件(Conditions Precedent)
⑥ 有効期間と契約解除(Term and Termination)
⑦ 事実表明と保証(Representations and Warranties)
⑧ 特約(Covenants and Undertakings)

⑨ 補償(Indemnities)
⑩ 契約違反と救済措置(Default and Remedies)
⑪ 一般条項(Miscellaneous Provisions)


⑥ 有効期間と契約解除(Term and Termination)





4.1    This Agreement shall be effective for a term commencing on July 1, 2017 and ending on September 30, 2018, unless earlier terminated as provided in Section 4.2 below.

4.2    This Agreement shall be terminated prior to expiration of the term set forth in Section 4.1, upon the occurrence of any one of the following events:

        (a) upon mutual agreement of the Parties made at any time;

        (b) at the election of Rachel, upon written notice given by Rachel following the occurrence of any Licensee Event of Default; 

       (c) at the election of the Licensee, upon written notice given by the Licensee following the occurrence of any Rachel Event of Default; or

at the election of the Licensee given at any time upon one hundred eighty (180) days' prior written notice to Rachel for any reason whatsoever or for no reason.

be effective… 効力を発生する/有効となる
for a term commencing on XX and ending on YY...XXからYYまでの期間
unless earlier terminated…以前に終了されないかぎり
prior to expiration of the term…期間満了の前に
set forth…定める、記載する、規定する
upon the occurrence of any one of the following events…以下のいずれかが発生した場合
upon mutual agreement of the Parties...両契約当事者の合意の上
upon written notice given by...~によって書面にて通知することで

Event of Default...不履行事由/ 期限の利益喪失事由/債務不履行事由

prior written notice to...~への書面による事前通知/ 予告
for any reason whatsoever...理由の如何にかかわらず

⑦ 事実表明と保証(Representations and Warranties)



・当事者の契約能力と権限(contractual capacity and authority)
・当事者の財務状況(financial condition)



5.1    In order to induce Rachel into entering into this Agreement, the Licensee represents and warrants as follows:

        (a) The Licensee is a corporation duly incorporated and in good standing in the State of Washington, United States of America.

       (b) The Licensee has full right, power and authority to enter into and to perform its obligations under this Agreement, and has received all requisite authorizations and approvals therefor, including without limitation the approval of its board of directors and shareholders, and all third parties and governmental authorities whose approval or consent may be required therefor.

        (c) The financial statements of the Licensee delivered to Rachel concurrent herewith fairly present, in all material respects,, the financial condition of the Licensee as at July 31, 2016 and for the periods then ended, consistent with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), consistently applied.

5.2    In order to induce the Licensee into entering into this Agreement, Rachel represents and warrants as follows;

        (a) Rachel is a kabushiki kaisha (limited liability stock company, as described in the Commercial Code of Japan) duly incorporated in Japan.

        (b)  Rachel has full right, power and authority to enter into and to perform its obligations under this Agreement, and has received all requisite authorizations and approvals therefor, including without limitation the approval of its board of directors and shareholders, and all third parties and governmental authorities whose approval or consent may be required therefor.

        (c) Rachel owns and has good title to the CD-ROM Software and the Licensed Trademarks, free and clear of any claim or interest of any third party or any other encumbrance, and has full right, power, and authority to confer and grant the license contemplated under Section 2.1 above, subject only to receipt of the approval of Government of Japan as described in Section 3.2(a) above.

In order to induce XX into entering into this Agreement...XXと契約を結ばせるために
XX represents and warrants as follows...XXは以下の通り表明し、これを保証する
as described in the Commercial Code of Japan…日本の商法に記載されているように
duly incorporated...正当に法人として結成された
in good standing...企業として適格な要件を具備している
has full right, power and authority to...す る 権限 と権威を有する
enter into and to perform its obligations under this Agreement… 本契約を締結し、本契約に基づく義務を履行する
requisite authorizations and approvals…必要な権限と承認
including, without limitation...~など/~を含むが、それ(ら)に制限[限定」されない
financial statements...財務諸表
concurrent with...~と一致する
in all material respects…全ての重要な点において
consistent with...~と一致する
generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)...一般に認められた会計原則
own and have...~を所有する
good title...有効な権限
free and clear of...~の負担のない
any claim or interest...いかなる請求や利権(利害)
confer and grant the license ライセンスを供与する/ライセンスを付与する/ライセンスを許諾する

⑧ 特約(Covenants and Undertakings)

契約の根幹部分ではなくとも、上記⑦以外で契約をする以上は相手方に約束してほしいものがある。例えば、競合禁止事項(non-competition clause)、報告義務に関する規定(reporting obligations)や守秘義務規定(confidentiality provisions)がここに当てはまる。



6.1    The Licensee covenants and undertakes to Rachel that during the term of this Agreement:

        (a) The Licensee shall provide to Rachel, on or before the 15th day of each calendar month, a report setting forth the details of all sales of Licensed Products during the preceding calendar month, in the form of Attachment 7.1

        (b) The Licensee shall promptly notify Rachel upon becoming aware of any potential infringement of the CD-ROM Software in the Territory by an third party.

       (c) The Licensee shall not discontinue its business as a consumer software developer and seller, and shall not commence any new business which competes with any business line of Rachel or any of Rachel's affiliates.

6.2    Rachel covenants and undertakes to the Licensee that during the term of this Agreement:

        (a) Rachel shall give thirty (30) days' prior notice to the Licensee before granting any other license in the CD-ROM Software or the Licensed Trademarks in the Territory.

        (b) Rachel shall not engage, in the Territory, in the business of selling web browser software to consumers, except where such software is packaged with and sold together with computer hardware products sold by Rachel.

covenant and undertake to ... ~する義務を負う/~する/~するものとする/~しなければならない
notify... 通知する/通告する
upon becoming aware of...~を認識した場合
potential infringement...権利の侵害の可能性
give XX days' prior notice to…~にXX日前までに事前通知する
grant a license...ライセンスを付与する
engage in...~に従事する