Ameba Ownd


日本語能力試験(JLPT)について説明します!~Explain the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)! !

2017.08.27 12:50


SK HOME Online Japanese schoolShizukaです。

今回はJLPT 日本語能力試験について紹介します!!

This time I will introduce the JLPT~Japanese Language Proficiency Test! !


The Japanese Language Proficiency Test is held twice a year, in July and December.


It will be held not only in Japan but also overseas.

◆Korea ◆China ◆Mongolia ◆Taiwan ◆Indonesia ◆Cambodia ◆Singapore

◆Thailand ◆Philippines ◆Brunei ◆Vietnam ◆Malaysia ◆Myanmar 

◆Laos ◆India ◆Sri Lanka ◆Nepal ◆Pakistan ◆Bangladesh ◆Maldives ◆Australia ◆new Zealand ◆Marshall Islands ◆Canada ◆America 

◆Costa Rica ◆Argentina ◆Uruguay ◆Ecuador ◆Mexico ◆Columbia 

◆Chile ◆Paraguay ◆Brazil ◆Venezuela ◆Peru ◆Bolivia ◆Ireland

◆Italy ◆England ◆Austria ◆Netherlands ◆Greece ◆Switzerland 

◆Sweden ◆Spain ◆Denmark ◆Germany ◆Finland ◆France ◆Belgium

◆Portugal ◆Azerbaijan ◆Armenia ◆Ukraine ◆Uzbekistan ◆Kazakhstan

◆Kyrgyzstan ◆Georgia ◆Slovenia ◆Serbia ◆Tajikistan ◆Czech◆Hungary

◆Bulgaria ◆Belarus ◆Poland ◆Bosnia Hercegovina ◆Romania ◆Russia

◆Israel ◆Iran ◆Turkey ◆Algeria ◆Egypt ◆Sudan ◆Morocco ◆Kenya

◆Cote d'Ivoire ◆Madagascar ◆South Africa



There are five levels of Japanese Language Proficiency Test: N1, N2, N3, N4, N5. The easiest level is N5, the most difficult level is N1.

N1 ⇒ 幅広い場面で使われる日本語を理解することができる

You can understand Japanese used in a wide range of situations

N2 ⇒ 日常的な場面で使われる日本語の理解に加え、より幅広い場面で使われる日本語をある程度理解することができる

In addition to understanding of Japanese used in everyday situations, you can understand Japanese to a certain extent in a wider range of scenes

N3 ⇒ 日常的な場面で使われる日本語をある程度理解することができる

You can understand Japanese to some extent in daily scenes

N4 ⇒ 基本的な日本語を理解することができる

You can understand basic Japanese

N5 ⇒ 基本的な日本語をある程度理解することができる

Can understand basic Japanese to some extent

※All answers are multiple-choice.


☆凡人者~公式問題集 (Official text)

⇧⇧ 画像クリックで詳細をご確認いただけます。⇧⇧

You can confirm the details by clicking on the image.


※You can buy cheaply by choosing second hand from purchasing site.



This is text that you can study for each category, such as grammar and vocabulary! !


⇧⇧ 画像クリックで詳細をご確認いただけます。⇧⇧

You can confirm the details by clicking on the image.


※You can buy cheaply by choosing second hand from purchasing site.



⇧⇧ 画像クリックで詳細をご確認いただけます。⇧⇧

You can confirm the details by clicking on the image.


※You can buy cheaply by choosing second hand from purchasing site.

I hope everyone finds the best textbook.