primewire Watch The Craft 1996 Movie Online For Free Without Downloading
Runtime: 101 Min
directed by: Andrew Fleming
Country: USA
brief: The Craft is a movie starring Robin Tunney, Fairuza Balk, and Neve Campbell. A newcomer to a Catholic prep high school falls in with a trio of outcast teenage girls who practice witchcraft, and they all soon conjure up various
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OK, being a practicing Wiccan for 2 years, you'd think I'd be insulted by this in fact, I adore it!
The few actual Wicca-type things they show are shown in a positive and true everything you do comes back to you three-fold (The Rule Of Three) that it does revolve around the elements, and that a big part of it (at least if you're in a Coven) stresses friendship. The entering of the Majick Circle was almost exactly like how entering a Wiccan Circle is done within a Coven.
The rest of it, anything evil or forceful that happens, doesn't even exist in Wicca. Menon was completely made-up for this film, and while I wish I could sometimes, we can't levitate or make things appear.
And I especcially like how it shows love spells backfire. The Wiccan Rede states, Do what thy will, an harm ye none. This means, NEVER try to control someone else's will. The girls do just that, and look what happens.
All in all, it definitely shows the divide between a Wiccan (like the woman who runs the majicks shop) and a movie witch. 10/10.
Watch the craft 1996 movie online for free without downloading mp4. Watch the craft 1996 movie online for free without downloading games. Despite its inaccuracies of witchcraft, this is a top-notch film. The sweet sweet Fairuza Balk is the highlight of the film (oh those eyes. and there is still plenty more of the film to enjoy! This film flows well in the development of the characters, and is full of great effects. The lighting and costumes as well as the music help this film reach greatness. This is a must for any Fairuza fan or those looking for a great movie that is fun in a wicked way.
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