キyifyサ Download Movie The Broken Hearts Gallery 2020 For Free Online

2021.12.27 16:52

Country - USA

Creator - Natalie Krinsky

Natalie Krinsky

synopsis - After a break-up, a young woman decides to start a gallery where people can leave trinkets from past relationships

Year - 2020

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The Broken Hearts Gallery is the cinematic equivalent of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich; it doesn't have a lot of substance and it's nothing you haven't tasted before, but it's good, it's comforting, and it's sweet.
The two lead actors have a lot of fun chemistry and they bounce off each other very nicely. The plot is full of overused tropes and conveniences but everything is executed in such a way that it's still a great deal of fun to watch.
This film takes familiar ingredients and mixes them together to create something that's just above-average and is never dull. The line delivery and jokes are sharp and witty and this is an entertaining, if slightly forgettable, film that I'd say is worth a watch if you're into the rom-com genre.

Pretty cheesy, I normally like romantic comedies but this was so cheesy it seemed like a Hallmark film... The Broken Hearts Gallery movie download in hindi. Download movie the broken hearts gallery 2020 for free online shopping.


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