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Actor Jeff Seibert.
runtime 1 h 34 M.
average ratings 7,9 of 10.
Jeff Orlowski.
Resume Explores the dangerous human impact of social networking, with tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creations
After watching this (ironically after seeing it plastered all over twitter) I felt abit violated and felt like a break in social media was well overdue. I did just that but after 24 hours 'THEY' turned the dials just like how they explained they do for periods of non use by the user and just like that I was back in the game. The most disturbing bit for me was the phrase "there are only 2 industries that refer to their customers as users, the illegal drugs trade and tech companies" and I thought then that if you think about it, they both create addicts then profit from the addiction.
A very clever and thought provoking film.
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I just watched The Social Dilemma on Netflix.
Social media, more especially Facebook is in danger of destroying Democracy, society and humanity.
We are being manipulated on a massive scale by tech companies like Facebook. Social media is selling our lives to the highest bidder.
For my part I am going to try to limit my use of social media platforms.
I have switched off all notifications on my phone and plan to switch off recommendations on all my social media accounts, I may even go so far as to delete Facebook.
I do not want to be enslaved by the matrix, which basically is what the algorithms that are employed by Facebook, twitter, youtube, pinterest etc. have created. They know everything about us, what we like, what we don't like our political affiliations, whether we are prone to depression, everything and they tailor our newsfeeds to reflect that.
We no longer have freedom of choice, because we are being constantly force fed what the algorithms think we want to see.
Every Facebook users feed is subtly different to everyone elses, and in alot of cases poles apart, because that is how the algorithms work.
For instance what Facebook shows someone like me a liberal minded person is totally different to what someone who is a Conservative minded person sees in their newsfeed.
That is why governments all around the world are embracing far right ideology, social media is dividing us in the name of financial profit.
The only two phenomenon that refer to their "subscribers" as users are narcotics and social media.
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