roku 365 dni Full Movie Online 123movies
- Country=Poland
- Barbara Bialowas
- Summary=Massimo is a member of the Sicilian Mafia family and Laura is a sales director. She does not expect that on a trip to Sicily trying to save her relationship, Massimo will kidnap her and give her 365 days to fall in love with him
- 114 minutes
- genre=Romance, Drama
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WOW! I loved the story line to a point that I've watched it 2 times. I'm reading a lot of negative review and I think this film does not deserve all the low ratings. For a foreign movie to make it in the USA it's HUGE. I think they did a phenomenal job with directing and producing it. Yes there is a lot of nude scenes which makes the film way more attractive. WELL DONE. Definitely needed a film like this in 2020. Hopefully we can see #2.
I don't remember when was the last time I saw such a bad film.
I think I watched it only because Massimo looks hot. But really, poor acting game, boring scenario, no intrigue.
I would not recommend it, really.
Okay this movie is literally no.1 on Netflix in my country i just cant even believe that there was an entire production for this movie it was like my 6 grade project type of movie
Also the actor all of them no exception cant even act! And what the hell is wrong with the actress? Seriously whats wrong with her neck!
And words wont do justice to the director for his hideous direction
I'd give zero/10 for this "movie.
The cast are such an eye candy, the plot isnt that bad but the scene look so realistic, comparing it to fifty shades of grey this movie is alot better with hotter scenes.
Netflix this film is so bad. Badly acted, no storyline, an amateurish attempt at a Polish version of 50 shades of Grey.
Waste of time and money.
I loved it it had everything in it. I didn't really like Laura's wig though. I do hope and pray there is a sequel to this since there was two books. And In the next one Laura could be alive but loose the baby.