Ameba Ownd


ReT - りっと -

Looking back - Why I chose remedial massage -

2021.06.02 10:05

Hello everyone, I'm Ayako, massage therapist😊


Since the experience of farm stay in Canada, I've been fascinated by natural healing. I wanted to get any skill which could work everywhere, then I found massage.


However, I didn't know well about massage because I just got massage once or twice long time ago.


Massage has lots of types like Shiatsu, Thai, Bali, Lomi-lomi etc...  I wanted to choose my favorite one so that I received any kind of massage in my local city.


Whether it was just happed to me unfortunately or I didn't get used to receive massage, these massage which I had gave me uncomfortable, pain and bad reaction only.


Keep searching massage, I could reach remedial massage coincidentally.


Remedial massage is therapeutic oil massage, origin in Australia. Based on swedish massage, it's used various techniques like triger point release, muscle energy technique (MET), myofascia release (MFR) etc to improve the body.


In Australia sports is popular and sports players get usually the remedial massage, not only phisiotherapy or chiropractic. Also insurance application is available. 


Japanese massage is usually without oil, give pressure by hands and thumb on covered body like Shiatsu. Mostly, oil massage include aroma massage in Japan is sorted as just relaxation only.  


I've been interested in aromatherapy, but I've prefered to get not only relaxation😌, also improve the body like reduce muscle tention✨👍

Thus, I took trial of remedial massage at school TRTA (Tokyo Remedial Therapy Academy).


As a result, it hit my ideal. 

Relaxing by oil treatment and so good pressure, not too strong to reduce stiffness. That was what I wanted.


The principal has nice and warm personality, then I decided to learn remedial massage at this school.


While I worked at the airport, I took all courses. After that, I changed the work to oil massage salon in Tokyo and trained/worked there about a year.


Then I flied to Australia to study more in 2017.

Beach in Gold Coast

 Thank you for reading 😊

Normally I work in Chiba prefecture;
Sakura Seitai-in Tsudanuma-ten (Japanese only)

Tuesday only in Akasaka, Tokyo;
aina therapy academy
Booking: ✉
