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Runtime - 86 Min / rating - 19591 votes / directed by - Conrad Vernon / Reviews - The Addams Family is a movie starring Oscar Isaac, Charlize Theron, and Chloë Grace Moretz. The eccentrically macabre family moves to a bland suburb where Wednesday Addams' friendship with the daughter of a hostile and conformist / genre - Horror, Animation / release year - 2019
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Morticia: gomez: the most BEAUTIFUL AMAZING EXTRAORDINARY FANTASTIC WOMAN IN THE FACE OF EARTH. Free online the addams family movie to watch now episodes.
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Free Online The Addams Family Movie To watch now.
Best movie ever.
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Is this a parody? I'm not feeling this movie at all.
This movie looks adorable.
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The single good thing in this film is Carel Struycken returning as Lurch.
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This Addams family version is better.
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Carolyn Jones was so beautiful, I could even enjoy watching her flog my loved ones.
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Free online the addams family movie to watch now 2017.
Anyone watching this video on Halloween.
This adaptation completely disregards (or forgets. who the Addams' are, and the charm is gone.
The Addams Family are - as the song goes - mysterious and spooky. They delight in the macabre, BUT are unaware that other people find them bizarre or frightening. THAT'S THE COMEDY OF THE ENTIRE FRANCHISE.
This adaptation slaps the franchise in the face and gives us a fluffy, cheery and unrecognizable versions of the characters we've loved for years.
This family is desperate to fit in with the rest of society. They're aware of their own gags. Lurch plays pop music. Grand-mama (called Grandma in this version) even says she loves her Grandkids and has the hots for Fabio. Pugsley is just an annoying kid like any other. I don't know who these characters are, but they are not The Addams Family.
The story is flat and the villain-turned-voyeur is just bizarre.
The illustration style is taken from the original 1930's comic strips - which is a great touch - but nothing else, and I mean NOTHING else works here.
Free online the addams family movie to watch now. The Credits end at 1:18. Morticia is still one of the prettiest,amazing,talented and beautiful woman on tv. Free online the addams family movie to watch now tv. Free online the addams family movie to watch now playing. I would spend an entire Halloween with the Addams family. Free online the addams family movie to watch now watch. Free online the addams family movie to watch now amazon prime. When you need a laugh every now and then, the ADAMS FAMILY does the trick.
Morticia and Gomez are just adorable and their love story never gets old or change it just gets better with time if I dont have a relationship like theirs I dont want it because theyre just adorable their love was meant to be🖤🤍.
3:09 lol who even is he?xD.
Free Online The Addams Family Movie To Watch.
The description & title got psychiatrist mixed up with psychologist.
The inhale by John Austin is a classic comedic moment.
This looks. reallly rough...
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Her eyes are SO. BIG. What kind of black magic do I have to do to get those eYeS. When you disappoint your goth parents... Blowing trains up once again. Good. Free Online The Addams Family Movie To watch new. Free online the addams family movie to watch now season. Free online the addams family movie to watch now on netflix. Free Online The Addams Family Movie To Watch now playing. Look, I can guarantee that the ending of this movie will involve everyone in the neighborhood learning to accept the addams family and will probably deliver some kind of message saying Its ok to be different and Express yourself Which I have no problem with because it is ok to be different and it is important for our children to know that they can be themselves to. The problem I do have however is that we've seen this plot done over and over and over again, especially in modern animation. Why is this necessary when countless of other animated films have executed this exact plot before? If we live in a world that is supposedly widely accepting of everyone, then why do we need this constant reinforcement of it's ok to be different? Instead why not use this movie to deliver a different sort of message, one that's equally just as important for our children to learn instead of recycling the same plots? I expect everyone's awnser to be Its an animated kids movie therefore it cannot deliver any sort of message that has any importance or weight to it right? Well, one thing for sure is that, yeah, it is a movie intended for a young audience. But people forget that its movies like these that help shape our children in the first place. I mean, just look at Mr. Rodgers, that show was undeniable proof that kids can handle mature subjects and its important that we share these sorts of things with them. Honestly when you look at it this way, it just seems like modern animated movies are kind of just insulting your kids intelligents. Kids movies shouldn't just be entertainment that your kids can shut their minds of to, it should make them think and ask questions instead of mindlessly re-enforcing something that they should already know, that it's ok to be themselves.
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While all of the other Addams are pure spoopy, Pugsley is just standing there looking Pugsley.
I'm a longtime fan of the Addams family show. I can't believe how they messed it up. They should of used Angelica Houston, John Austin, Christina Ricci, Christopher Lloyd, Carol Cane at least their voices would have brought the movie to a nine. If they couldn't get John Austin the guy that played Gomez in the new Addams family would have worked.
I was four when The Addams Family first ran, and it was instantly my favorite show. I had such a crush on Carolyn Jones- along with Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady and Diana Rigg on The Avengers. I wanted to be Gomez when I grew up.
Morticia sounds like a character from sleeping beauty.
- Jojo Rabbit