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Online Read Ebook How the Internet Really

2022.01.02 19:28

How the Internet Really Works: An Illustrated Guide to Protocols, Privacy, Censorship, and Governance. Article 19, Mallory Knodel, Ulrike Uhlig, Niels ten Oever, Corinne Cath

How the Internet Really Works: An Illustrated Guide to Protocols, Privacy, Censorship, and Governance

ISBN: 9781718500297 | 120 pages | 3 Mb
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Download How the Internet Really Works: An Illustrated Guide to Protocols, Privacy, Censorship, and Governance

Ebooks download free pdf How the Internet Really Works: An Illustrated Guide to Protocols, Privacy, Censorship, and Governance

An accessible, comic book-like, illustrated introduction to how the internet works under the hood, designed to give people a basic understanding of the technical aspects of the Internet that they need in order to advocate for digital rights. The internet has profoundly changed interpersonal communication, but most of us don't really understand how it works. What enables information to travel across the internet? Can we really be anonymous and private online? Who controls the internet, and why is that important? And... what's with all the cats? How the Internet Really Works answers these questions and more. Using clear language and whimsical illustrations, the authors translate highly technical topics into accessible, engaging prose that demystifies the world's most intricately linked computer network. Alongside a feline guide named Catnip, you'll learn about: • The "How-What-Why" of nodes, packets, and internet protocols • Cryptographic techniques to ensure the secrecy and integrity of your data • Censorship, ways to monitor it, and means for circumventing it • Cybernetics, algorithms, and how computers make decisions • Centralization of internet power, its impact on democracy, and how it hurts human rights • Internet governance, and ways to get involved This book is also a call to action, laying out a roadmap for using your newfound knowledge to influence the evolution of digitally inclusive, rights-respecting internet laws and policies. Whether you're a citizen concerned about staying safe online, a civil servant seeking to address censorship, an advocate addressing worldwide freedom of expression issues, or simply someone with a cat-like curiosity about network infrastructure, you will be delighted — and enlightened — by Catnip's felicitously fun guide to understanding how the internet really works!

noted that someday, the Internet might be used for anti-social ends. Until We need clear principles to guide and secure meaningful digital free expression. crucial myths surrounding the digital speech and privacy in our networked age. private-law defamation rules, for fear that government officials could censor. 100 Best Censorship Books of All Time - BookAuthority
Donald J. TrumpIn reply to Mark R. Levin: Word is out that book is GREAT! A stunning story about how power works in the modern age--the book the New 5. Book Cover of David Kaye - Speech Police: The Global Struggle to Govern the Internet An Illustrated Guide to Protocols, Privacy, Censorship, and Governance  How the Internet Really Works - an Illustrated Guide to
How the Internet Really Works is an illustrated guide book to protocols, privacy, censorship, and governance. Created by ARTICLE 19 and Catnip. Contributors:  Misunderstanding the Internet - Courses | University of Helsinki
Freedman have combined to produce a signature work in the political economy guide through the competing claims and hyperbole that surround the internet's In normal conditions, state internet censorship in authoritarian countries was control of national government and downloaded in the privacy of people's homes. Government Censors hip of the Internet -
There are different types of Internet censorship that include classified designed in part to provide a communications network that would work even if some of. 1 secured information from businesses/agencies and invading other people‟s privacy. How the Internet Really Works: An Illustrated Guide to Protocols, Privacy.

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