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{epub download} The Cambridge History of Warfare

2022.01.03 01:14

The Cambridge History of Warfare.

The Cambridge History of Warfare

ISBN: 9780521853590 | 524 pages | 14 Mb
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A compelling subject, war is common to almost all known societies and almost all periods of history. The Cambridge History of Warfare is a comprehensive account of war in the West. The combined effort of seven leading experts, this book treats the history of all aspects of the subject: the development of warfare on land, seas, and air; weapons and technology; strategy and defense; discipline and intelligence; mercenaries and standing armies; cavalry and infantry; chivalry and blitzkreig; guerrilla assault and nuclear warfare. It places in context particular key elements in the history of armed engagement, from the Greek victory at Marathon, through the advent of gunpower in medieval England and France, to the jungle warfare of Vietnam and the strategic air strikes of the Gulf War. Throughout, there is an emphasis on the socio-economic aspects of military progress and how these help explain the rise of the West over the past two millenia to global military dominance. Read More Show Less

Find in a library : The Cambridge history of warfare - WorldCat
APA (6th ed.) Parker, G. (2005). The Cambridge history of warfare. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chicago (Author-Date, 15th ed.) Parker, Geoffrey. The Cambridge Illustrated History of Warfare: The The Cambridge Illustrated History of Warfare: The Triumph of the West (Cambridge Illustrated Histories) (9780521738064): Geoffrey Parker:  M.A. History of Warfare - at Kings College London, London, United
Based in the Department of War Studies, the MA History of Warfare examines the social, cultural and operational aspects of war from broad historiographical and  The Cambridge Illustrated History of Warfare: The - Google Books
One of the world's leading authorities on military history provides a unique account of Western warfare from antiquity to the present. The book treats all aspects of  Geoffrey Parker (editor). The Cambridge History of Warfare. - Free
Free Online Library: Geoffrey Parker (editor). The Cambridge History of Warfare.(Brief article, Book review) by "Sabretache"; Military and naval science Books  Cultural History of Warfare — Department of History, Classics and
“Gender Roles in Killing Zones”, in Jay Winter (ed.), Cambridge History of the First World War, vol. 3 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,  The Cambridge Illustrated History of Warfare -
Download The Cambridge Illustrated History of Warfare eBook free from The Cambridge History of Warfare - English Historical Review
This is, as one might expect from the expertise of the contributors, a highly competent survey of warfare from the Greek hoplites to the contemporary so- called  The Cambridge Illustrated History of Warfare - Powell's Books
The Cambridge Illustrated History of Warfare (Cambridge Illustrated Histories) by Geoffrey Parker: Now available in a revised and updated version, The  Parker277 | History
D. 1981) After teaching at the Universities of Cambridge, St Andrews (Scotland) History of Warfare and The Cambridge History of Warfare, which I edited and  Semaphore: January 2014 | Royal Australian Navy
Typical of this is an entry from the Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare on naval warfare with the comment that no ancient state ever attempted to  The Cambridge History of Warfare (review)
This is a history of warfare, though not solely of battles: maps illustrate the geopolitical and strategic contexts but not details of fights. The eight contributors trace 

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