Popcorn sutton moonshine how much

2022.01.03 19:15

The company was also sold in with acceptance to the popcorn whiskey brand. They have yet to continue reproducing this fine tasting whiskey. Popcorn loved moonshine and he was tremendously popular for his fine brew.

Back then, the production of moonshine was still illegal and he was soon caught making and selling his liquor. He was arrested for making moonshine and the illegal possession of a.

Originally, he would have been sentenced to 24 months in jail but the U. District Judge Ronnie Greer considered his age of 62 years and his diagnosis with aggressive cancer and reduced his sentence to 18 months that was to be served under house arrest. Rather than spend the rest of his life under arrest, Popcorn Sutton sadly committed suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning in his Ford pickup. If you cannot find Popcorn Sutton Moonshine for sale, you can always try to make this moonshine yourself.

However, it is important to try to stick to Popcorn Sutton's original recipe and methods. His recipe included ingredients such as sugar, filtered water, coarse ground white cornmeal, yeast, and malt. He also used equipment such as a boiling pot, fermentation bucket, airlock, siphon tube, cheesecloth, and a copper moonshine still to produce his moonshine. One of the things he was the most passionate about was using copper stills to distill his moonshine.

Sutton knew that using a copper still produced the best tasting moonshine. Both stainless steel and copper are good materials for conducting heat. This is important as evenly conducting heat creates a more uniform distillation. However, on a molecular level, copper is able to cancel out the sulfur created by the yeast.

This is because the sulfur formed by the yeast will bind to the copper and form hydrogen-sulfide which in turn, forms copper sulfate. This sticks to the side of the still and is washed down the drain after your moonshine is distilled, rather than into the moonshine itself. The copper can essentially remove the sulfur taste from your final product. This hand soldered kit is the perfect piece of equipment for both new and experienced moonshiners.

This still combines the affordability and durability of stainless steel with a copper coil. Many 'shiners insist on copper stills for many good reasons. However, a pure copper still can be expensive and difficult to clean.

Popcorn Sutton insisted on copper in his stills because he recognized that c opper is an ideal material for stills as it has an exceptional ability to conduct heat, reduce sulfur, and is exceptionally resistant to corrosion. The ability for copper to reduce the presence of sulfur is one of the top reasons so many shiners insist on copper stills.

Even before his fame at 60 years of age, he had been on the wrong side of the law several times. He had, however, managed to evade a jail term. In he got convicted for selling untaxed liquor. In and , he was also arrested for being in possession of controlled substances and also for assault with a deadly weapon. Luckily for him, he was only put on probation. Popcorn Sutton from Moonshiners show.

In , the legend moonshiner wrote a self-published autobiography and guide to moonshine production. It was called Me and My Likker. He began selling the copies from his junk shop in Maggie Valley. He went ahead to produce a video of the same biography and released it on VHS tape.

In , he made his first appearance in a feature film. It quickly became a classic. Within no time, it drew the attention of television producers in Boston and New York.

Discovery Channel's "Moonshiners" broke new ground in the long tales of moonshining in the U. The tv series surged in popularity with its portrayal of individuals who produce illicit alcohol, what's known to us as moonshine.

Among the guys featured in the show, a great Appalachian bootlegger named Marvin "Popcorn" Sutton had the limelight. In prior to his life being featured in the show , Mr. In his book, a couple of times he mentioned a basic moonshine recipe, with a few different variations that he used when he was "putting up a barrel of beer".