Dark shadows how many collections
Leonard Goldberg. Stuart Goodman. Les Schecter. James Butler. Michael Logan. Paula Lawrence. Joe Caldwell. Mark Davidziak. Nick Besink. Mark Dawidziak. Beyond the Shadows. Episode Witch Doctor Professor Stokes is loud, and disruptive, and he plays to the balcony. Not this balcony, naturally; I mean the balcony in the theater next door. Episode Monster Mash Dr. Lang offers Barnabas the opportunity of a lifetime. Two lifetimes, actually. Episode Witches Be Crazy More fashion, more shouting, more acting, more rummaging, more dreaming, more doors and more neckties.
Episode Free Willie Barnabas and Julia rewrite some history. Episode If They Both Live The experiment was an unbelievable success; now all they have to do is prepare their Nobel Prize acceptance speech. Episode To Your Teeth Varney the Vampire, part 3 We take one more trip back to , to witness the strange origins of vampire fiction. Specifically, the Glenbrook Shopping Mall. Episode A Senior Moment Cassandra ages to a crisp.
Oh, Barnabas! Let him disappear! Episode The Ladykiller We take a break from the show to look at the Dark Shadows romance novels, which exist in their own unique bubble of lunacy. Episode The Sinking Detective Police officers on Dark Shadows combine the inadequacy of soap opera cops with the inadequacy of monster movie cops. Observe the technique.
Episode The Spirit of St. Episode Dream Beater Professor Stokes exposes the Dream Curse story as the extended knock-knock joke that it really is.
Hot tentacles stretch upwards! Episode Blind Date Sam transforms into a magical charity elf. The dreadful fact of the matter is that something has gone wrong. Episode When Adam Attacks Police are looking for a tall, dark man with a limited vocabulary and an even more limited wardrobe. Episode The Unimmured Barnabas has disappeared, lost in an extreme home makeover, but Julia and Willie come to the rescue of their former tormentor and new best friend.
Episode In Memoriam A meditation on death, loss, renewal and teleprompters. Who the Hell is this guy? Episode The Blair Witch Project Nicholas calls upon all the dark forces of daytime television production to aid him in finding the missing Cassandra. Nicholas is a baller. Episode Ride, Car, House. A performance art piece in one act. Episode This Tawdry Affair Nicholas and Cassandra have a strategy session, which turns into a film noir sequence straight out of The Maltese Falcon.
Episode Requiem for a Dream The Dream Curse storyline hurtles towards a spine-tingling conclusion. Not really. Episode The Interpretation of Dreams The girl from the dream is dreaming again. Episode The Scene of the Crime Carolyn finds Adam hiding in the root cellar, killing time between sprees. Session recorded on June 28, , for broadcast on July 12th. Episode Advance Directives Barnabas Collins is dead, and Julia and Willie dare each other to drive a stake through his heart.
Also: an important lesson about televisual literacy. This is not a scaleable business plan. Episode Mission: Inscrutable The writers have had the better part of three months to figure out what they were going to do with Angelique after the Dream Curse storyline. They have not used that time effectively.
Episode Cruel World As Adam continues to dominate the storyline, we do a review of what Barnabas has been up to since Vicki came back from Episode A Sense of Themselves A list of 32 things that I like about this episode, in order of appearance, with a special focus on pretty boys in peril, and introducing Miss Beverly Atkinson. Episode Weird Science Barnabas and Julia argue about which storyline to care about.
Another New Beginning Bloodlust An irresponsible troupe of time-travelers has been fooling around with the seals and sigils, recklessly summoning a fresh nightmare into our world.
Episode Do You Want Vicki to Die Jeff finds the secret murder lab in the Old House basement, and winds up in an involuntary late-night job interview. Episode Fridspeak Friday Barnabas tracks down one of the rogue vampires in a particuarly error-prone episode.
Episode Junior Detectives Barnabas and Julia get to play their favorite game, as they investigate the spooky happenings at the House by the Sea.
Episode Crazy Talk The show just goes nuts again, with vampires, Frankenstein monsters, time travelers and grave-robbers. Bad planning is kind of an epidemic around here. Episode The Understudy Something terrible has happened to Carolyn.
Episode Temporary Sanity Jeff is forced to help build another Frankenstein monster. Episode The Fugitives Life in the Dark Shadows studio is even more fraught than usual; this is the one where they had to tape the dress rehearsal. Episode The War on Halloween With the Bride of Frankenstein story dragging on, we ditch the show and spend the day playing the Dark Shadows board game. Episode Maggie Evidence Willie and Maggie are stuck in the mausoleum, reviewing old business. Episode This Old House The entire episode today is people arguing about whether they should go upstairs or downstairs.
Episode Missing Persons Adam is on his way to massacre the entire family. Springing into action, Barnabas drinks a glass of water. Episode The Spook Fortress Eve opens her eyes — the experiment is a success! Episode The Three Faces of Eve Professor Stokes is suspicious of Eve, but she refuses to answer his questions; she just stands around looking unhinged.
Episode Live, Die, Repeat Maggie escapes from the mausoleum, and the show makes a mad dash for the reset button. Episode The Neuralyzer Nicholas stabs a table, watches TV on his smartmirror, plays a prank on Jeff and generally acts like a boss. Episode The Sedating Game Elizabeth dies temporarily, and everybody gets all uptight about it. Episode The Crazy World We take another side trip into pop culture, with a one-hit wonder wearing a flaming hat.
Episode The Late Mrs. Episode In a World of Turtlenecks Adam, Joe, Tom and Jeff are displayed on a sacrificial altar, as Julia performs the ritual that ends the tyranny of turtlenecks forever.
Episode The Great Wrap-Up Barnabas is buried in the earth again, as Ron Sproat kicks off a new phase of narrative house-cleaning. Episode Roger to the Rescue Roger catches Jeff and Eve having an intimate moment in the garden, and Jeff touches his face a lot. Episode Sets and Violence Vicki brings Barnabas to the one place where nobody will ever find them — the west wing of Collinwood. Episode Better Than Medicine Julia wants to save Barnabas from Angelique and make the story more interesting, not necessarily in that order, and Nicholas is determined to be no help at all.
Episode This Is Happening Eve travels back in time to , because she is crazy and reckless and there is no excuse for her behavior. Episode Lost and Foundling Vicki and Liz prepare for a traditional, sentimental soap opera wedding, which means that they are utterly doomed. Episode Bad Moon Rising The Great Wrap-Up puts on a new burst of speed, as Dark Shadows ushers one cast member out the door, and lets a new one walk right on in. Episode Horrible Bosses Angelique descends into the underworld, to tell the Devil that Nicholas is being totally mean to her.
Episode The Owl, the Raven and the Bat Dark Shadows goes just about as crazy as they possibly can, presenting a Black Mass wedding ceremony, which is interrupted by a werewolf kill. We watch episode 4 of the Dark Shadows revival, which is the one with all the lady fire demons. Who are They, and what do They want?
Episode Vampire Excites Wives, Young Set Homeless badass Amy Jennings busts out of an asylum in the middle of the night, and makes a beeline for the biggest house she can find. Plus: an introduction to Danny, age Episode Bad Wolf Chris Jennings is a handsome and charming bad boy with a heart of gold and a secret sorrow.
Episode Left Behind A week of ghost stories begins with Vicki clutching a broken wristwatch, and trying to commune with the spirit world.
Episode Astral Disturbances Freelance eccentric Madame Findley investigates the strange goings-on at Collinwood, using spirit guides, psychic readings, and extravagant hand gestures. Episode Happily Ever Before Victoria Winters makes a wish on a wristwatch, and it comes true, just in time for a happy ending. Today: two short stories from The World of Dark Shadows. X3: Barnabas Collins and the Poetry Slam A very literary entry today, as we study and catalogue the three major schools of Dark Shadows poetry.
Episode Half-Hour of the Wolf Joe fights off a brutal werewolf attack with a pair of scissors and a reckless disregard for the young set. Episode Accidentally Yours An introduction to a new supporting character, Barnabas the butler.
Episode The Unpacking David and Amy try to trick the grown-ups into thinking that their actually haunted house is actually haunted. Saying goodbye to Joel Crothers, as Joe gets packed off to Windcliff. Episode Gone Girl Once again, Victoria Winters follows her prime directive, causing as much damage to space-time as she possibly can. Episode This Is the Night Barnabas uses his magical vampire powers to travel back to , where he meets an old enemy and a new friend.
Episode Vicki Ruins Everything Reprise Vicki and Peter finally get their happy ending, leaving Barnabas and the audience stranded in the wrong century.
Episode The Second Coming Julia and Willie bring Barnabas back from the past, by clapping their hands and wishing really, really hard. Also, the werewolf does his famous mirror routine. Episode Werewolf By Night The wolf man stalks his girlfriend through the woods until she reaches the tomb of her mostly-dead mother, and then all Hell breaks loose.
Episode The Shambles Barnabas and Julia grab all the weapons they can find, and go out looking for trouble.
Episode Donna of the Dead Handsome, moody serial killer Chris Jennings is caught in an awkward social situation that can only be resolved in pain and blood. Episode The Unscooby Gang Barnabas and Julia travel around, protecting the monsters from those meddling kids. Episode Lycanthropology Dr. Hoffman catches up on some back issues of the Journal of Werewolf Medicine.
Episode The Not Happening Amy tries to blow the whistle on the haunted-house story, but she runs into a couple of unfortunate speed bumps. Episode The Room We take time out from the ghost story to look at all the cool stuff David has in his bedroom. February Episode Could He Talk? Is he ready? Dark Shadows actually has four Maggies, and most of them are Vicki. I apologize in advance.
This post has a lot of jokes about blood banks. Today there are some jokes about Wolfman, if that sweetens the pot. We conclude our week-long examination of novelty joke book Barnabas Collins In a Funny Vein with the most brain-scrambling jokes ever written.
Episode Mostly Charmless Time stands still for a series of awkward social encounters, as Barnabas, Julia and Maggie try to cope with another in the series of tedious Roger Davis characters. It is a huge success. Episode The Surrender For the first time in two centuries, the Collins family has abandoned Collinwood, leaving it to the mad, the cruel and the aimlessly eccentric. Episode Sister Act Ned Stuart is going to help his sister Sabrina recover from a werewolf attack, even if he has to rub his face all over her to do it.
Episode The Most Important Thing About Quentin Eccentric millionaire Barnabas Collins takes an astral trip to the late 19th, where mad gypsies plan a jewel heist, Young Danny falls in love, and we meet a surprising black sheep named Quentin. Episode The Vampire Strikes Back Barnabas makes a new friend, Jamison gets a new boat, and Quentin starts recruiting new employees by strangling people.
Episode The Cliffhung Trapped in , Barnabas meets more members of the Collins family, each one nuttier than the last. Episode Another Jane Another governess arrives at another house, filled with romance and furniture and terrible secrets. Episode Will Power Engaged in a high-stakes deep cover operation in the s, Barnabas antagonizes Edward, Magda, Jamison, Quentin and anybody else who happens by.
Episode Forget You Barnabas explains to Quentin that a spirit with unfinished business can linger to haunt a house, which is one hundred and eighty degrees counterproductive. Episode The Neverending Story Angelique claws her way back to the surface world, just in time to see Barnabas hand another music box to the latest iteration of Josette. Episode Inherit the Win The foundations of the great estate tremble, as Edith throws a golden apple into the middle of the drawing room and makes her grandchildren fight for it.
Episode Mommy Weirdest The Bride of Frankenstein camp diva femme fatale is back as Mad Jenny Collins, armed with a pair of scissors and looking for trouble. Episode Other Than My Wife Angelique reads the episode guide aloud, Quentin calls on Baal out of the blue, and Magda completes her transition to Julia with a wig on. Plus, the first appearance of a new cast member: slow doorknob. Episode Dead Again The late Quentin Collins is on the floor and covered in gore, while other characters stand nearby and deliver about sixty percent of their dialogue.
Episode Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and Vampires Quentin is back from the dead, just like every other soap opera character ever. Episode Exquisite Corpse Zombie Quentin picks up the governess and carries her away, which it turns out is not actually a thing that zombies do.
Episode Nick and Jane Here they are, doing a simple time travel prequel to The Turn of the Screw starring Count Dracula, when Reverend Trask busts in, and brings two other novels with him.
Episode The Pacer Quentin comes back to life, and Barnabas bites a new victim, and Nora draws hieroglyphics, and nobody explains anything. Episode Good Night Edward and Beth have a secret, Nora has a bad dream, and nobody has anything interesting to say.
This raises an important question, namely: what the hell is a fire priest? Angelique sees this as a romantic opportunity. Episode The Little Games Quentin tries to explain to Jamison why killing his mother seemed like a good idea at the time. Episode Local Parlor Tricks Barnabas carries an oil painting around, so he can spring it on people as a surprise. Episode Lunch Date with Destiny Barnabas wants some information from Quentin, and Quentin responds the only way he knows how: by flirting outrageously.
Episode Rendezvous at the OK Corral Quentin and Beth have a romantic moment at gunpoint, and Magda makes a shocking, ridiculous and wonderful discovery. Episode Gypsy Ascendant Magda puts a curse on Quentin, and then stands back to enjoy the ensuing carnage. Episode The One Where Evan Ruins the Carpet Quentin comes back home after a long night, with a headache and a ripped-up shirt and no idea what happened.
Everybody blames the gypsies. Episode The Hunger Games Edward struggles to cope with Barnabas, this lunatic in a cape who thinks he can beat up werewolves. This is not soon enough.
Episode Drunk HIstory Angelique pulls together her skilled team of drunk kaiju operatives to rescue Barnabas. Episode Kill Me Maybe Angelique dies in a fire, for almost seventeen minutes this time. Who was the old lady in Providence? What was Paul Stoddard really doing on his last night at Collinwood? And why does Charity Trask have blue eyes? Episode Straight Outta Collinsport Barnabas, Julia and Quentin travel to far-off places, as we listen to two recent Big Finish audio plays, and try to figure out whether Dark Shadowsness is portable.
Episode Rabbit Season Barnabas and Magda go werewolf hunting. This must be one of those extreme sports you hear about. Episode Elegy for David C Dr. Julian Hoffman offers some dream analysis, as Jamison wakes up with a fantastic idea for half a poem. Episode Crazy Ex-Boyfriend Dirk Wilkins puts on a one-man show about revenge, secrets and little pulsing things.
Episode Clockwork Barnabas, Jamison, Edward and Beth walk back and forth between Collinwood and the Old House, spreading confusion and panic everywhere they go. Episode The Mentalist Carl interrupts the vampire hunt to introduce Pansy Faye, his unsuitable Cockney chorus girl fiancee, direct from Blandings Castle.
Episode Nothing Lasts We take a moment to note the passing of Star Trek , which was cancelled in June and never heard from again. Luckily, Barnabas has a plan. Episode Blood Sports After dominating the show last week, vampire Dirk makes three fatal mistakes, all of them staffing related. Episode All Points Updates from the police blotter.
Episode Pocket Full of Kryptonite Magda comes back from her field trip to visit the King of the Gypsies with a wonderful treasure that will solve everything: a mystery box!
Episode Blood and Thunder Barnabas thinks everyone is Josette, Angelique announces a deadline, and Quentin passes his final initiation into Murder Club.
He has a plan. Episode The Hunt Reverend Trask learns how to not catch a vampire, in nine easy lessons. Episode A Helping Hand Barnabas and Magda huddle in a cave, trying to persuade a magical severed hand to fly across town and heal the sick. Episode The Dog Pound Barnabas gets caught trying to spring the wolf man out of jail, plus somebody stole his magical hand. Episode Mrs-taken Identity Judith is haunted by the first Mrs. Episode Sign the Paper As Judith prepares for her summer vacation, we do some storyline forensics work to determine what happened to the original plan for Episode The Puppeteer Faced with the problem of kick-starting an extended storyline, the writers do what they always do under these circumstances: they summon Angelique.
Episode Victor and the Wolf A mysterious stranger comes to town. Episode The Pits As Quentin is strapped to a table, we consider the question of what the hell Edgar Allen Poe was talking about that whole time. Episode Everyone You Love Must Die We mourn the passing of Sandor Rakosi in the only appropriate way for a soap audience, namely: enjoying the funeral. Episode When Halloween Decorations Ruled the World Magda thinks that she can solve everything with a hatchet and a fireplace, but the Legendary Hand has ideas of its own.
Episode Sitting in a Tree There is only one thing in the world worse than being written about, and that is not being written about. Time Travel, part 6: One Giant Leap As Apollo 11 reaches the moon, we watch another episode of the Dark Shadows revival, and try to figure out why the show fizzled on the launchpad.
Episode What Fresh Hell Edward returns from a hard day at work, and into a hard day at home. Episode The Other Puppeteer Young Jamison Petofi pulls the strings and makes the puppets dance, for a hand-picked audience of brand new grown-ups.
Episode Twisting Count Petofi, the true hero of the show, comes up with a whole new set of plot points to explore.
Episode Happy Haunts Meanwhile, in the other spooky old mansion of the American imagination, restless spirits open their creaky doors and invite us in. Also featuring: a rare in-coffin conversation. This is not the good news that you might expect it to be.
Episode War and Peace As an Aquarian Exposition of Peace and Music breaks out on a dairy farm somewhere, Count Petofi waves his legendary hand and shows people visions of their own death.
Episode Hungarian Crime Story King Johnny Romana brings Magda to a tribunal, conducted before a jury of deceased killer pirate gypsies from Boston. Episode A Cloud of Bats Barnabas appears and saves the day, by murdering somebody and then hosting a fashion show. Episode Crash of the Kaiju Five villains are left alone in Collinwood for the evening, so they try to kill each other with silver bullets and mind control and strangling and set design. Episode 3D Printing — The Early Years The sinister Count Petofi accomplishes something that no other Dark Shadows character has ever done, namely: make a plan six weeks in advance.
Episode Meanwhile, in the Future Meanwhile, Barnabas plans to go to the future to learn what he needs to prevent in the past, in order to save the present. He also writes a letter, and hides it in a desk for seventy years. Episode The Trip Julia Hoffman opens up the doors of perception, expanding her mind and connecting her to all living things through the universal consciousness. She also travels back in time and meets some new cast members. This is the Dark Shadows best-case scenario.
Episode Graduation Day Julia walks away from a gunshot, invents a new theory of time travel, cures vampirism and gets all the funny lines. Episode I Can Make You a Man Charles Delaware Tate spontaneously creates a human being out of thin air and graphite, but not one of the good ones.
It has five heads and twelve legs, and it will run forever. Episode … And Carry On An information management episode, where characters find out that Barnabas is dead, and start making plans for the afterlife. Episode Drawn to You Quentin tells Amanda that he loves her.
Then he meets the in-laws. You will see, Quentin. Strange Paradise, Episode 4: The Cryonic Woman As our week with the continuing saga of Strange Paradise continues, we ask some pointed questions about plot development, cryogenic suspension, and the correct way to dispose of a malicious oil painting. Episode Everybody Hates Quentin Quentin goes six rounds with his enemies, otherwise known as the entire rest of the world. Two unhappy couples, on a collision course involving alcohol, insults and a quick round of Get the Guests.
Not today, obviously, but pretty soon. Dark Shadows Comic Strip, part The Do-Over Our special feature on the Dark Shadows comic strip wraps up, with an impossible rewrite of a false history that never happened.
Episode The Switcheroo Count Petofi reveals his stunning master plan, as Quentin changes his mind once again. Episode Mesa of Lost Women Kitty Hampshire walks around, asking everybody why she feels drawn to things. Episode The Unvisited Back from her summer vacation in the sanitarium, Judith Collins walks straight into a full-fledged Time War. Where does he go from here? Episode Down the Hatch Angelique opens up a trap door in the world, and enters a mysterious netherspace where people build brick walls in the middle of caves.
Episode The Briar Patch Count Petofi locks Angelique up in a cave, and tells her every single thing that he knows. And all you have to do is Find the Vampire…. Episode Give Me Back My Talent Four weeks into an insanely accelerated production schedule, the Dark Shadows crew fantasizes about making duplicates of themselves, to do all the extra work. What could go wrong? Is that really too much to ask? Episode Switchback Quentin Collins goes back where he came from.
Episode The Killing Club Still overstressed with an accelerated production schedule, Dark Shadows indulges in another workplace fantasy: killing your staff. Episode Flight of the Conquered Beetle-browed undead chain-wielding maniac Garth Blackwood stomps onto the set, establishing a new standard for daytime television. Someone should probably check the conservatory for loose candlesticks and lead pipes. Episode The Further Adventures of Other People With the cast dropping like flies, we take another look at some recent Big Finish audios, to see what happens to the Dark Shadows characters that manage to survive.
Episode Not in Canvas Anymore Barnabas goes even more back in time than he already was, and tries to stop an unstoppable tragedy. Episode The Sacrifice Dark Shadows cleans house as we prepare for the dawn of a new lunatic scheme, adapting an H. Lovecraft story of unseen cosmic horrors for a daily television soap opera. This is the new storyline. Episode Little Shop Carolyn and Julia visit the new antique shop, and meet a friendly couple who just arrived from the uncanny valley.
Episode The Curious Belief Barnabas leads them through the mysteries that will make them respond. In this episode, the epic tragedy gets even more epically tragic, as a team of new writers struggles to fix the dreadful mistakes of the past.
Episode Curious People Two reckless antiquers find the perfect object to complete their stockpile of hazardous material. How do you account for something like that? This one is about witch hunters and zombies and diaries and eyebrows, and ends with the welcome return of an old friend. Episode Help Wanted After two weeks, the global Leviathan conspiracy is falling to pieces, so they turn to the only person who can help them: a thirteen-year-old shoplifter.
Episode Executive Child Megan and Philip are on the verge of destroying each other when they suddenly get a new supervisor, just in the nick of time. Episode The Fam Dram With cosmic tentacle monsters waiting in the wings, the Stoddard family makes their case for Dark Shadows as a soap opera. Episode The Long Con Barnabas presents Paul Stoddard with his final notice of payment due, in the sequence that makes the Leviathan story worthwhile.
Episode Sympathy for the Devil The s ends abruptly during a Rolling Stones concert, an event which offers an ominous warning about the future of Dark Shadows. Spock, Dr. Jekyll and Dr. Episode Sentences Taken at Random from H. Cue the dream sequence!
But books are written by horror writers and have more horror events than series. It was an unusual style of its era and all the episodes are watched millions of people. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
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