Where is the real chernarus

2022.01.06 02:17

After the outbreak, the local military and civilian defenses were overwhelmed and disintegrated. All inhabitants either fled the country, were turned into Infected , or roam the desolated area as Survivors. The lawlessness led to a rise in banditry and an overall lack of equipment and available food.

Sign on a local police station referring to the Zagoria Oblast in the top right corner. Chernarus is located somewhere in the Caucasus Mountains, with the Green Sea on its eastern and southern borders.

It consists of rough terrain and even a few islands. It has a rugged yet verdant environment of rolling hills, covered by dense forests and deep valleys, hidden in forested ridges or on elevated plateaus with lush meadows. Its valleys conceal quaint rural villages connected by barely perceptible dirt tracks , while its coastlines support sprawling industrial cities with wide highways and rail networks.

This area has the typical climate of an Eastern European country. It has fairly diverse vegetation with multiple useful plants, and its wildlife consists of former domesticated species and different wild animals. For a detailed description of the different landmarks see the Landscape article. Chernarus previously produced multiple natural resources such as wood and different mined materials, which can be seen among the various factories -- especially the lumber mill in Berezino or the quarry in Solnechny.

The country has a developed network of roads and streets , but only a few are asphalt or even two-lane streets. Most rivers are regulated by different dams. South Zagoria has only one power plant , located in the post soviet industrial city Elektrozavodsk. Multiple power lines stretch out from it all over the oblast. The country also had its own fire and police services. There are also many smaller towns, villages, hamlets, etc.

Scattered around Chernarus, you can also find a plethora of man-made landmarks, including multiple historic castles that can be visited. Before the outbreak, Chernarus had a strong presence of police and military. There were multiple bases in Chernarus, but with the Infected outbreak, even more temporary camps were established.

Chernarus is officially a bilingual state, where the Russian and Chernarussian languages have official status. The prevalence of the Russian language receiving official status stems from the long-standing historical and cultural ties to neighboring Russia. In the North-Eastern province of South Zagoria , along the border with Russia, the dominant usage of the Russian language is due to the ethnic Russian minority being the majority in the region.

The heavy usage of Russian in the northeast has historically caused skirmishes between Chernarussian nationalists and the Russian populace. As a result of this conflict, various separatist movements have sprung up, most notably the Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star , which had aimed to create an independent South Zagoria, or even full integration with the Russian Federation.

Chernarus also holds a similar status to the real world post-soviet country of Belarus, where the Russian and Belarussian languages hold official status in the country. It is very likely and almost certain that the developers modeled Chernarus off of Belarus, both in terms of the name, geographic proximity to Russia, and political status. The Chernarussian Language is a fictional West Slavic language that is exactly identical to the Czech language and was simply renamed as "Chernarussian.

Chernarussian is written in the Latin script, making it easy to distinguish it from the Cyrillic script used in the Russian language. Throughout Chernarus, many signs written in both Russian and Chernarussian can be found in Hospitals , Medical Centers , billboard advertisements , vending machines, storefronts, and so on.

The Chernarussian language is less frequent compared to its Russian counterpart, making it easy for most to assume Chernarus takes place in Russia. In the School buildings found around the map, the primary language used in schools is Chernarussian, as evident on posters and information boards found within classrooms and hallways.

There are also posters that indicate that there were Russian language classes within the school system. The most prominent religion in Chernarus is the Russian branch of the Eastern Orthodox Church, as identified by the multiple churches featuring traditional architectural elements seen in Russian churches. Gilded cupolas adorned with orthodox crosses, ornate iconostasis' in front of altars, and mosaics in the vaults or domes of the churches.

Chernarus is marked by its well-preserved cities and towns featuring primarily traditional styled architecture, a unique feature in its identity. Neo-classical and baroque architectural styles can be found in many cities, with row houses being a prime example. Stalinist architecture is also another form of architecture that can be seen in Chernarus, however uncommonly. The only example of Stalinist architecture is the municipal City Hall building in Novodmitrovsk, one of the tallest buildings in the game.

The population of Chernarus is a combination of Chernarussian and Russian peoples. Russian populations are mostly condensed in the Northeastern region of South Zagoria in towns such as Krasnostav. The two nationalities share tensions, especially on the topic of politics. In times of war, civilians have created insurgencies, most notably in the Chernarus conflict.

Chernarus has lots of old castle ruins, keeps and fortresses, which were built at the turn of the 11th and 12th century by Duke Kozlov, for the means of protecting important roads and grounds, which were often attacked from the sea and by northern neighbors.

The Pik Kozlova above the Chernogorsk city is named after this duke, who is considered a founder of the first Chernarussian state. On the peak above the city there used to stand a warning post which protected the local provinces from pirate raids.

This rocky peak is a favorite lookout point nowadays. The majority of the structures of that time were made of wood, only the ruins of Rog keep and the famous Devil's Castle are preserved to this day.

The Devil's Castle received its name many years later, perhaps sometime during the end of the 13th century. After the fall of Kozlov's Principate at the beginning of the 13th century, the fortress system fell apart; fortresses that were not burned down were taken apart stone by stone, as needed for the structure of surrounding estates, or for different purposes.

His bandit campaigns started here at the castle. He enlarged the keep of the castle, using the loot from these raids and the castle holds his name to this day. Only burned walls remain of the castle, haunted to this day by the spirit of Ivan Kozlov.

Whatever the truth is, Devil's Castle is one of the most remarkable architectural sights in Chernarus and it became a rewarding destination for tourists. Shortly after WWII, the small Red Army airport in the Northern province, designated for parachute training, expanded and gradually evolved into an air base with large military surroundings. In the border mountains there are a few former bases.

After the regaining of independence, the Chernarussian Army took over these military bases. At present, there is a lack of funds needed for security and maintenance; the condition of these bases has become even worse because of fighting between the regular army and rebel units who were using a number of these bases as their foot-holds. Visiting the former military areas isn't forbidden, but due to large numbers of unexploded ordnance as well as the decayed conditions of the buildings it is not recommended.

Despite the industrialization and the devastation of the coast, the Northern Province is proud of its untouched wild nature and idyllic agriculture countryside.

Mostly because of the highland character of the North East part of the country, this was unsuitable for either industrial production or for collective agriculture.

A large part of the northern area is covered by coniferous or mixed forests, known as the Black forests because of their depth and inviolateness- local legend even tells of a "Sasquatch" roaming. In the scientific view the area around the Blunt rocks is very precious: rock formations with the remains of a glacial lake from ice age times.

Now you should have a chernarus. Connect to the device storage with e. USB cable and transfer chernarus. If your device supports an SD card you can use this to store the map, just put it under the same directory structure as the internal memory.

This is recommended for transferring large files as the SD card tends to be much faster if used directly in a card reader instead of through the USB interface. Next, disconnect the device, insert the SD card if used, and reboot it. Now you need to enable the custom map to see it. You can quickly check if it works by opening it again after enabling it, which should show a preview of the Chernarus map.

You have to zoom quite close before the custom map renders, for me it shows only at the m scale bar and closer.

If you have other maps enabled, they might overlay or completely cover the Chernarus map. You can experiment with the --draw-order option for gdal2kml. The final step is of course to travel to the area in real life!

If you have played just a bit of Arma or Dayz in Chernaus, you will find the place quite familiar as you walk around, as the developers have included not just the road network but also several buildings in the game, as shown in this imgur album. Below are a couple of the pictures I took myself.

It seems to have been repaired when comparing to older pictures. In this post we have obtained a high-resolution raster map from a tileserver, georeferenced it in QGIS to the real world location it is based on, and then converted it to a Garmin compatible KMZ file for viewing on a handheld GPS device. You can also grab the Chernarus KMZ file directly to put on your device and save some time. The methods shown here can be applied to any map which is sufficiently similar to real world locations - It could be interesting to walk around your town using a historical map to get a sense of how things used to look, and how much it changed since the map was made, for example.

Ideally montage can stitch all the images together in one command, but I had issues with too many open files errors on my system when trying to stack them all, which is why it is split in two sections.

This is a fork of the Python 2 gdal2custommap scripts by Tris Forster, which I modified slightly to wok with Python 3 and iron out some bugs. In this post I will walk through how to Obtain a high-resolution raster map by stitching map tiles from a tileserver with a shell script. Georeference a fictional map to a real location by manually matching features and their corresponding real locations using QGIS. The map below shows Chernarus left overlayed with the real region right - you can move the map and drag the slider to compare: Click here for a full screen version of the map.