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Why do dieters overeat

2022.01.06 02:18

They were placed on your computer when you launched this website. You can change your cookie settings through your browser. Open Advanced Search. DeepDyve requires Javascript to function. Please enable Javascript on your browser to continue. Distress and eating: Why do dieters overeat? Polivy, Janet; Herman, C. Peter Objective It has been shown that distress suppresses eating in nondieters unrestrained eaters , but increases it in chronic dieters restrained eaters.

Polivy, Janet ; Herman, C. Read Article. Download PDF. Share Full Text for Free. Web of Science. Let us know here. System error. Please try again! How was the reading experience on this article? The text was blurry Page doesn't load Other:.

Details Include any more information that will help us locate the issue and fix it faster for you. Thank you for submitting a report! Submitting a report will send us an email through our customer support system. Submit report Close. Cancer Moonshots. February What happens when you overeat. Next Article.

February : What happens when you overeat. So, what happens to your body when you overeat? Overeating causes the stomach to expand beyond its normal size to adjust to the large amount of food. The expanded stomach pushes against other organs, making you uncomfortable. This discomfort can take the form of feeling tired, sluggish or drowsy. Your clothes also may feel tight, too.

Eating too much food requires your organs to work harder. They secrete extra hormones and enzymes to break the food down. To break down food, the stomach produces hydrochloric acid. If you overeat, this acid may back up into the esophagus resulting in heartburn. Consuming too much food that is high in fat, like pizza and cheeseburgers, may make you more susceptible to heartburn.

Your stomach may also produce gas, leaving you with an uncomfortable full feeling. Your metabolism may speed up as it tries to burn off those extra calories. You may experience a temporary feeling of being hot, sweaty or even dizzy. What are some ways to stop overeating? Learn serving sizes. Eat sensibly throughout the day. Pay attention to your portion sizes.

Avoid processed foods which can be easily overeaten. Fill up on fresh fruits and vegetables. They provide a lot of fiber and will keep you full between meals and decrease the need to snack. Results: It was predicted that restrained subjects who ate ad libitum following failure would attribute more of their distress to their eating than would those who were allowed only a taste of ice cream.

The results were more complicated than predicted. They indicated that the masking, distraction, and helplessness hypotheses all received some support in the present study and that they may work in tandem with each other.