Why is water odorless

2022.01.06 02:18

In fact I feel fine except my stomach also feels like I have gas. But not painful gas, just like there's air in there. Then I'm hungry all the time, and have been eating every hour NOT something I usually do , and then about ten minutes later I have to go again and it's the same story Couldn't find what you looking for? New Reply Follow New Topic. Pancakes over a year ago Hello, About a month ago I only had diarrhea but starting a week or two ago almost every time I poop it is just a clear water.

Most of the time I feel like I have gas, so I'll try to release it and "wet" my pants. Sometimes i can poop actual solid brown poop. I have an appointment with my GI doctor but not until Monday. I have acid reflux really bad which I take medicine for and I take medicine for another thing where I don't digest food fast enough. I'm not sure what the problem is. Overall I don't feel bad. My stomach just feels bubbly and I always feel like I have gas.

Also I get hungry really fast. I can eat and within a couple hours I feel like I'm starving. Explanation: Light appears colorless or white. Sunlight is white light that is composed of all the colors of the spectrum. Colorless is a substance that has no color at all. Colors is determined by the substance or objects ability to reflect and absorb colors or wavelengths of light. A total colorless substance will absorb all light.

The different colors we see are different frequencies of light. You remove all the moisture from water, you got nothing.

So yes, it would be black, because darkness is the absence of light, and light without color is nothing. The water is collected in a catchment. Then water is stored usually by using a dam or reservoir. Rivers, lakes, springs, rock catchment areas, rock …show more content… Societies need more clean water than we can get from precipitation and surface water, and that is why groundwater is used so often.

There are many causes of groundwater depletion, it can be hard to tell where to begin. Most commonly, groundwater depletion occurs because of frequent pumping of water from the ground. We are pumping the water more quickly than it can renew, which is leading to a precarious shortage of groundwater supply. As the population continues to rise in the world, we pump more water at a rapid rate, and increases the difficulty for the groundwater to provide us with the amount of water that we require.

We are also pumping groundwater from aquifers continuously, not allowing enough time to replenish itself. Water runs freely through saturated rocks that are known as aquifers. While aquifers come in both large and small, they are the underground water reserves that absorb water and hold it.

This enables us to pump it up for use. The amount of water that they can hold is impressive and can provide billions of gallons of water a day. A large amount of groundwater is required for agricultural needs. It will be difficult to provide drinking water and water for crops and animals that. Get Access. Descartes Research Paper Words 3 Pages I will be arguing whether water remains the same throughout all three of its forms.

Read More. Carbon Dioxide As A Chemical Compound Words 4 Pages climate change by adding carbon dioxide and among other heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere. Oxygen Levels At 24?? Here is why. You must already know that white light is made up of several colors. Now anything solid or liquid is made up of tiny particles.

This color gets reflected back from the particles and is the one that reaches our eyes. The thing therefore appears to be of the color that is reflected back and reaches our eyes. For example when you look at orange juice, all colors from the light are absorbed except orange color. Orange color is reflected back and reaches our eyes and therefore the juice looks orange. Water is colorless and transparent because ALL except a tiny bit of blue for pure water are reflected back.

Since water reflects all colors together it looks colorless.