Why is karma bad lol
The last time I saw a talon was probably a month ago. Does this mean he is bad? I am not sure. What I do know is that he is very very very situational and you have be really careful when you pick him. He is not terrible if you can play him properly but he is rarely picked and hard to play extremely well. The thing is that he falls off late game and if he is not fed he is kind of useless. Viktor seems like he is one of those champions that could be really good if you knew how to play him but the thing is that absolutely no one knows how to play him and hardly ever does for that matter.
Does that make him bad? I don't know. I think he is decent but he is only good when compared to a few different matchups. High skill cap and pretty vulnerable to ganks. He also has very poor scaling and if he is not extremely fed he does little to serve his teams in team fights. This guide has gotten a lot of controversy as I knew it would but I would like to take an opportunity for you guys to speak up and tell me who you think the worse champion is.
Leave a comment below! How is Talon one of the worst characters in the game? Saw a lot of good users of these champions.
In the end, it's all in the ability to use them. I'm a poor Diamond and I love and hate teemo. I just want to say, That what the hell is wrong with you. Teamfights don't need to exist. She can 1v5. Can dodge cc, dishes out a ton of damage and has a lot of healing AND is tanky. Heimdinger and karma, well I don't know a lot about them, but what I do know is that they are not bad. Average at best.
A counter pick to nearly everyone in the top lane and an annoying champ to play against, as well as dishes out a lot of damage in pokes and 1 v1 s as well as teamfights. Weakness: Oracle lenses. Gankplank is pretty hard, while talon can one shot all the enemy backliners in one ultimate and then just hop out. Sion dishes out a stupid amount of damage as welll as being extremely tanky. Viktor, well, he's a super late scaler.
ANd xerath. He will poke you till you are 1 shot and then snipes you. This was written a long time ago so many things have changed don't get mad at the author he was probably on the right track when it got wtitten about two uears ago but again a lot has changed since then :".
Those champions are awesome! Why would they be considered bad just because many can't use them properly? Pro players who are good enough to get paid to play the game play xerath, talon, and karma all the time. With Fiora, it's best to use rune and mastery pages well who doesn't with any champ? In late game you can carry the team to victory, but it's best not to go in 1 v 5 when everyone is lv I main Fiora mostly in top and hardly anyone can stop my warpath with Fiora.
She's got her ult which is invulnerable can parry things and also brings immense damage. Tryndamere is still one of the best split pushers but he can be countered. It really relies a lot of team play and coordination do pull it off successfully. It was a great decision that you removed Tryndamere from the list. I know most of the masses think Tryn is a right-click win champion, but I'd have to disagree. Come mid to late game, Tryndamere really shines if fed. Also if he's behind, he can just split-push.
This can either A Breakthrough the enemy team's tower defense. Overall, I believe he is under-appreciated. But if played, right he can be more than a "right-click to win" champion.
And armor does not counter talon, let me explain. This allows him to deal a lot of burst damage through armor. Just something to keep in mind but its all in the player as they say. I don't understand how u can label a champ "BAD" You don't know the talon scalings man. Actually that's a good question because I personally think that karma is a very strong support.
However, most support players really like using easier to play supports ie. Sona or Soraka. I guess the number one reason I've heard people say is because she doesn't have that much of a reliable heal considering she has to activate her ultimate in order to use it. Honestly I have no idea why she isn't played that much because she is a very good support - just look at her kit to prove it:. W: Either slow enemy or speed up ally with the potential to slow more than 1 if correct positioning.
E: Huge shield with massive AP scaling that again does good dmg if used with mantra to all nearby targers. R: It's free, lets her get 6 points in other abilities and makes all of her abilities a lot stronger so really she's very good. But since she's not played in tournaments because no one is used to her, and since she's not used in tournaments, people just assume she's not good. It's because she is in the middle of a carry and a support, she can nuke people, and support quite well.
They are working on her at the moment though, so be prepared to see her a lot more often. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Why is Karma not played as much as other supports? Ask Question. Asked 9 years, 7 months ago.
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Please read the FAQ. I hate how her skills scale with levels. For 6 points it's about as strong as a normal champion's level 5 ability User Info: anilEhilated. She's good on top or mid. People play her support. More topics from this board Does teamcomp predict who wins more consistently for higher or lower elo? How do I equip the new Pulsefire boarder for league? Side Quest 1 Answer Main menu screen to big?
General 3 Answers How long does it take for riot to see support ticket? Side Quest 2 Answers "Loot" Tab takes forever to load. Tech Support 1 Answer. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? She isn't bad. Just underused and misused. Top or mid she works well and can bring some great burst and shielding to the team fights.
Also, her Q is good even without R. Her E is a bit worthless in its current form. Her E? As in her Sheild? You do realize that it has the same scaling as Sion's shield and can be cast on anyone? Further more, you donnot need to pop your own sheild to have the AOE effect. The reason why Karma isn't used is that she requires an insane amount of coordination with her team to be effective.
Her W can significantly increase the MS of your entire team, but it requires them to be standing in a line. Her Q requires your team to be grouped up together, which many players prefere to avoid.