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World vision when was it established

2022.01.06 02:18

Yet, World Vision is respectful of other faiths. World Vision encourages public awareness about the needs of others, the causes of poverty, and the nature of compassionate response. These efforts include collaboration with media and community participation in fundraising.

In all its communications, World Vision upholds the dignity of suffering children and families in presenting explanations of the causes and consequences of poverty, war, neglect, and abuse. World Vision believes witnessing from Christ is a fundamental part of their relief work. The organization believes that God , in the person of Jesus , offers hope of renewal, restoration, and reconciliation. World Vision seeks to express this message through "life, deed, word, and sign".

World Vision's programs and services are provided without regard to race , ethnic origin , gender , or religion. World Vision offices often hire non-Christian staff, and in some countries the majority of staff may be people of other faiths who are sympathetic to World Vision's ethos and objectives. However, in the US all staff are required to sign a statement affirming their belief in Jesus Christ and background checks are often made with a candidate's pastor or priest. Search form Search.

Future Students. Courses Course Login Course Schedule. Request Additional Information Email. Armour Chairperson Int'l Board , Dr. Dean R. Hirsch President Area served 97 countries Focus Well being of all people, especially children. Website www. History World Vision was founded in by Dr. Organizational structure World Vision International operates as a federation of interdependent national offices, each overseen by their own boards or advisory councils. Faith for Content :. Faith Free Content.

Sponsors can encourage the child they sponsor by writing or even visiting their sponsored child and his or her family. By combining the donations given by many sponsors in a project area, World Vision works with a large community for an extended period — typically 15 years.

This helps to achieve legitimate development objectives chosen by the community that will benefit sponsored children, their peers, all their families and the whole population. Typically, these activities relate to quality education, health, nutrition, and clean water. At its heart child sponsorship is a relationship-building tool. The community, the organisation and the sponsors all have opportunities for growth as they unite in the struggle to identify and deal with the effects and deeper causes of poverty.

World Vision is an independent private Christian organisation and is not formally affiliated with any government, denomination, foundation or corporation, though it maintains positive working relationships with all of these. World Vision does not proselytise. The organisation does not demand that people hear any religious message or convert to Christianity before, during, or after receiving assistance.

Educational activities based on Christian values may occasionally be included in World Vision projects if appropriate and desired by the community. However, World Vision respects the religious beliefs and practices in countries where it operates and seeks mutual understanding with people of all faiths.

Whenever appropriate, World Vision works in partnership with local churches and other faith-based organisations in an effort to work inclusively and collaboratively within existing community structures. Our focus is to respond to human need, and our compassion and professionalism reflect our faith. Communities always contribute to development projects and have a real sense of ownership and true participation. Community participation is integral to transformational development.

Community development projects are designed to be sustainable with locally available resources, technology, materials, and leadership. Families and individuals share in project leadership, responsibilities, and activities from the start. They are well equipped and motivated to continue in these roles when World Vision ends its direct involvement in a community. WVI was established in to strategically coordinate and ensure consistent operating policies and standards globally across all Partnership offices.

For example, if children are hungry in a community, World Vision aims to resolve the underlying food insecurity issues affecting the community by investing in projects like improved irrigation systems, seeds, and training.

Using this approach, children get the food they need — not just for this year, but sustainably into the future. In , American missionary Dr Robert Pierce travelled to China and Korea, where he met people who regularly went without basics like food, clothing, shelter and medicine.

Back in the United States, he started fundraising for his work supporting children in Asia. The strength of the public response was such that, in September , World Vision was founded, headed by Pierce. World Vision Australia opened in August , forming part of the World Vision International Partnership which today operates in more than 90 countries. During this decade we expanded operations to assist refugees in Indochina, as well as people affected by disasters in Bangladesh and in several African nations.

Donations from Australians grew, and we became a dominant presence in the nation's non-government organisation community. Child sponsorship shifted focus from individual children to community development — for the benefit of all children.

Relief efforts expanded to Laos and war-torn Cambodia. We came to the aid of orphans and Vietnamese refugees stranded at sea. Disaster response and long-term development became increasingly important, and new international offices broadened our global reach and capacity.