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According to ponyboy what kind of person is sodapop

2022.01.06 02:18

Ionelia Browacki Professional. Is the outsiders a true story? The Outsiders is a non-fiction book. Non-fiction means it's not a true story and fiction means it's a true story. Kapka Morawitz Professional. Who died in outsiders?

At the rumble, the greasers defeat the Socs. Dally shows up just in time for the fight; he has escaped from the hospital. After the fight, Ponyboy and Dally hurry back to see Johnny and find that he is dying.

When Johnny dies, Dally loses control and runs from the room in a frenzy. Gertrude Ganguly Explainer. Who is spying on the SOCS for the greasers? That Cherry Valance is acting as a spy for the greasers shocks Ponyboy and Johnny, but then they learn that Bob, the dead Soc, had been her boyfriend.

Dally informs them that Cherry has said that she is willing to testify that the Socs were drunk that night and that Johnny acted only in self-defense. Rajinder Alcober Explainer. What does two bits switchblade represent? Two - Bit's switchblade is his most prized possession and, in several ways, represents the disregard for authority for which greasers traditionally pride themselves.

First of all, the blade is stolen. Second, it represents a sense of the individual power that comes with the potential to commit violence.

Wahib Rajasimha Explainer. How old is cherry in the outsiders? Zacarias Aguirre Pundit. How old is Johnny Cade? Madison Mayekar Pundit. When did PonyBoy's parents die? Steve Randle. Johnny Cade. Which character is "movie-star handsome? Sodapop Curtis. Ponyboy Curtis. Which character was previously beat up by four Socs, and left half-conscious in a vacant lot?

Darry Curtis. Which character has white-blonde hair and blue eyes? Which character likes to read books and watch movies? The Socs are.. What did Ponyboy do in Biology class one time that caused a girl to call him "hood? Cheated on a test. Told her he's a Greaser.

Pulled out his switchblade. Pulled out a gun. What makes Ponyboy different from other Greasers? He likes to shoplift things. He is a good runner. He is always positive and happy-go-lucky. Q: How does Ponyboy describe sodapop? Write your answer Related questions. What analogy does ponyboy use to describe his brother sodapop? Why did Sodapop run out when Darry and Ponyboy fought?

How do ponyboy relationship with darry and sodapop differ? The character the outsiders that gets drunk on plain living? Where does sodapop live? Who is ponyboy's brother? Who is Ponyboy's brother? Who does ponyboy look like? What does Sodapop call Ponyboy? Were Sodapop and Ponyboy nicknames? Describe Ponyboy Sodapop and Darry Curtis in the book outsider? When dally comes to the abandoned church he brings ponyboy a letter from sodapop describe the contents the letter the outsiders?

In the book outsiders when dally come to the abandoned church he bring Ponyboy a letter from sodapop Describe the content of the letter? In what year did sodapop and ponyboy live in? Did Sodapop talk about his horse? Who does Ponyboy love the most? Did Sodapop talk about his horse? Who does Ponyboy love the most? Steve randal and Ponyboy are best friends? Where did sodapop from The Outsiders live? What was ponyboy's horse's name?

Relationships between Darry and Ponyboy in 'The Outsiders'? Who wrote the letter that dally brought for Ponyboy? What does ponyboy think about his bother sodapop? How are Sodapop and Darry alike? Why are ponyboy and sodapop named the way they are? Trending Questions. Give me food and I will live give me water and I will die what am I?

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